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Health scare today with DS10


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What a day. I am exhausted. DS10 was complaining abuot stomach pain this morning, I thought he just had to, um...you know, use the bathroom. But suddenly he burst into tears saying the pain was unbearable. So we zoom to the doctor, who says it's probably gas and will pass. We go home (40 minutes each way). DS says he feels fine.


About 30 minutes after we get home, DS complains about sharp pain in his scrotum. I mean seriously sharp; he is lying on the couch in tears, screaming. OMG. So we call the doc back, who says get him to the ER immediately. Unfortunately, the last two times we went to the ER we were billed thousands for simple procedures, so I decide to take him to a Med Stat clinic. They immediately schedule him for a sonogram; turns out he is a candidate for testicular tortion, very painful, very dangerous. Ack. Zoom to the sonogram place, which is about to close and they agree it's an emergency and they bring us in. The sonogram took ONE HOUR with poor DS in agony, not just from the pain but from the requirement to stay very, very still throughout the whole procedure. Technician isn't saying a word, looking grim. I am so nervous and scared.


Then she makes us sit for another 30 minutes while she tries to contact the doctor, who is supposed to give us the "news" directly But she can't reach him. Finally she says--my findings are NORMAL. She thinks he pulled a muscle or perhaps has a UTI or something. But no surgery.


Thank god.


We are so exhausted, but grateful he is okay. He is resting comfortably, I got him some fast food as a treat (he hadn't eaten since breakfast) and is watching Phineas and Ferb on the couch. Seems to be comfortable.

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That is very scary. I've seen two kids rushed into surgery for that. Not something to mess around with. You did exactly the right thing. Great job, Mom!!!

Thank you. I was talking to my dad's wife abuot it this evening and her nephew had surgery for that, very last minute emergency thing, very scary.

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Wow -- you must have been scared to death!!! :eek:


I'm so glad you got it checked out and that it's nothing serious.


I hope you're able to get your ds to take it nice and easy for at least a few days, so there's no recurrence.




If u call a double hockey practice taking it easy. I tried.

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