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We're sick AGAIN..


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What am I doing wrong? We had hand, foot and mouth in October. We had the flu in December. We got colds in January. We had the norovirus in February and we have colds again now!! ARGH!!! We all eat very well-grass fed, organic, very little sugar, no food dyes, etc. Why do we keep getting sick?????

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I vote that it's just your turn -- ugh! You might try dosing everyone with extra vitamin D3, cod liver oil, and probiotics, but I do think some of it just the luck of the draw.


How old are your littlest kids? Last year, I had a 3yo and a 6-month-old, and we got a lot of little colds. I think a large part of that was the small kids putting their hands all over nursery toys at co-op, probably mostly the 3yo, since the baby wasn't quite mobile, so I could generally give him our toys rather than the communal ones. This year, we've had nothing. I attribute that to a few things (aside from extra vitamins, which I'm bad about remembering to give): no winter co-op session, and I got super strict about going out in public -- no public water fountains at all, very limited trips to the library and other places with communal toys for small kids, and I actually wiped the grocery carts every time I used them (especially if I was putting the baby in them or having the preschooler holding the cart), which I normally don't do. I do believe in letting their immune systems strengthen by encountering small germs, but this year, being pregnant, especially, I really, really did not want the flu. But I think the biggest thing was no co-op -- last year, we'd have co-op on Friday every two weeks, and around Monday, someone would start sniffling. By the time it worked through all four kids, we'd be back to a co-op week, and it would start again. That's really the one thing that was very different this year for us, because we don't tend to go out a lot in public during the winter anyway.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Right there with you. It stinks. I hope all of you feel better soon! Make some soup, push fluids, and get out some good books or watch movies.




(FWIW, at the moment we have 2 kiddos on abx for strep presently, and a visiting mom with pneumonia. DS had Flu strains A and B, too - in addition to the strep. Aaaack. It's like living in a Petri dish. It all started when we took the littlest one to her well baby check - I'm telling you, every time we go to the pedi's office - we get sick, not matter the insane precautions we take!)

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Those are all pretty different illnesses, so I don't know that you can protect yourself from all of them. Norovirus is incredibly contagious, so if you come into contact with it, it's pretty likely that you're going to get it--and spread it. And most every kid gets Hand, Foot, and Mouth sometime. Mine had a mild case a couple of years ago when it was going around the neighborhood and church nursery.

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We had hand, foot and mouth twice, two months apart, then barfing right after Thanksgiving, then a cold starting Christmas Eve, followed swiftly by the flu on New Year's Eve (which stuck around for an entire month with all the secondary infections), and now Piper and Jackson have another cold with flowing green snot. I am over winter! I'm ready to throw open the windows and completely air this house out for several days.

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I've been sick nonstop since september. Cold after cold, stomach bug, and now the flu. I eat, for the most part, very healthy, huge amounts of greens and raw fruit, get plenty of rest. I think it's just a really bad cold/ flu/ bug season. Other than washing your hands a lot I don't think there's much you can do.

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We're sick again too! What the heck?!

I've been in bed all day. I was watching a movie called After the Wedding, and it actually made me sick. So I'm vomiting and I have a cough and cold. I never want to look at that movie again. :)


I just fell asleep watching Sleepless in Seattle and woke up just in time for the end. Had a nice little cry... all I need is that last 5 minutes! :rofl:

That's my day in a nutshell. :tongue_smilie:


For the first time in years I'm looking forward to summer.

Hang in there everyone!

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We're sick again too! What the heck?!

I've been in bed all day. I was watching a movie called After the Wedding, and it actually made me sick. So I'm vomiting and I have a cough and cold. I never want to look at that movie again. :)


I just fell asleep watching Sleepless in Seattle and woke up just in time for the end. Had a nice little cry... all I need is that last 5 minutes! :rofl:

That's my day in a nutshell. :tongue_smilie:


For the first time in years I'm looking forward to summer.

Hang in there everyone!



I'm jealous that you get to stay in bed when you're sick! My day pretty much moves along at the same pace with 4 kids under 11. The little ones have to be taken care of whether I'm sick or not!! :(

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I also think it's just been a horrible bug/flu season. This has been the WORST winter our family has ever been sick. I think we've passed around some cold/flu 4x since October, 3 weeks ago was the worst of it. My 2 year old was so sick he didn't talk or really eat for 2 days, we were so worried about him. I am praying for a better Spring and am loading them up with vitamins!

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Echoing the vitamin D. Our doc made a point for us to get our youngest child's levels up starting last summer. This is the first winter in her life that she has not come down with any horrible, weeks-long respiratory issues.


Sorry you are feeling crummy. Long stretches of illness are certainly discouraging.

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I broke down and made a dr appointment for tomorrow for me. I'm going on day 5 of a solid, nasty, horrible cold/sinus infection. I'm so done with this. I know if I got to rest I'd kick these things faster but who has time to rest with kids? I did start taking vit D again this week.

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Some years are just tough! But I will echo looking into D3. That made a HUGE difference to break the cycle for us when we were having more illness than usual. We have also found essential oils blends to work really well for keeping germs at bay here this year. One person would get a bug and no one else would.

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Butterfly mommy, you are so right about the hand washing! I have lectured and lectured my kids about it until they "saw the light"! I do believe that's another reason we've avoided the plagues of this winter.


And I agree with the many of you who have said this has been a bad year for all sorts of bugs; we have had friends all around battling lots of recurrent ickiness. Looking forward to the end of it.

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