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Easter Baskets....what is going in your kid's this year?


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A few of their favorite candy items (Skittles are big with my girls, and any sour gummy thing!) or snack food I don't normally buy (goldfish crackers!) and a (cheap if possible) DVD of a fun movie (obviously no horror flicks, etc - not for Easter!). Or a fun paperback book or small toy item. I really would rather get them a film or book than a ton of candy. And they all have plenty of stuff animals etc. so no more that that, either!

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Books, a lego advent calender purchased after Christmas dispersed into different eggs (except for the couple of obviously Christmas pieces, pretty pens, markers, stickers, etc.


DD did an Easter Basket contest last year-and put a book, a stuffed dragon, and decorated eggs, with a Medieval/fantasy themed basket. It wasn't until I looked at all the other ones on display that I realized that hers was the only one without any candy in it!

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Ours are pretty standard -- everything that Orthodox have not been eating for fifty days before Pascha! (meat, cheese, butter, . . . no alcohol for the minors, of course!) They do have some personal requests for add-ons, though. Eldest son (26) has, for many years, wanted a brie. Second son (24) gets mead or ale. Second and third sons both want Vern's toffee. (No other brand will be accepted. :laugh: ) DD wants Parrano cheese.

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I usually do just a few plastic eggs with a bit of candy in them. And then things that I'd probably buy for them anyway: new spring/summer pajamas, outdoor toys like jumpropes or sidewalk chalk. I think some MadLibs and Dover coloring books this year for the 8yo and 6yo and maybe something schoolish for my 4yo who is suddenly obsessed with having his own school things.

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My boys will probably have a Skylander's Giant in them, a little candy, word search or maze puzzles. I'm not sure what else yet. Instead of putting junk in the easter eggs for the hunt this year, I'm going to buy a new puzzle and put the puzzles pieces in the eggs. They will have to work together to find all the eggs and put the puzzle together for a bigger prize (not sure if will be one big prize to share or 2 smaller prizes). If I don't do that, then dollars and coins will be in the eggs. We are still finishing Halloween candy here :-)!

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I need to get past the 13th this month before I start deciding (my son's birthday). To make it harder, the day after Easter is my daughter's birthday. We are completely non traditional and do games or toys in baskets (like a mini Christmas) and a very small amount of candy. I need to balance her Easter basket to have less than whatever birthday presents she gets from us. This is one of three times during the year we buy new toys, Christmas, Easter and birthday, so it's important that we don't overload her (she's little) but that we don't give her less just because the two days are back to back.

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A new Pokemon game is being released a few weeks before Easter. My boys are saving up for it, but I think I will surprise them. A few card packs and a figure each I found on clearance. Plus the obligatory candy. I need to get ds9's birthday out of the way. Then I will deal with Easter. Man, it's early this year!

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I have 3 dds, 8, 5, and 2. I think this year I'll do-


New water bottles-maybe stainless steel ones?

Fun socks




Little craft thing (like from the $1 section at Micheals)

Sand buckets


Pool toy

Bath bubbles

Beach ball

Fancy socks (they love frilly socks lol)

Sun dress

Chocolate bunny

Eggs will have-tattoos, play doh, coins, stickers, and a bit of candy

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Big kid (14yo)

Giant chocolate egg


baby plant


plastic eggs with carabiners, Disney pins, etc. inside.

Itunes card


Little kid (3yo)

Giant chocolate egg


baby plant


plastic eggs with chalk, matchbox cars, etc.



We are trying to incorporate 3 traditions here. The giant chocolate egg is very traditional in Italy and the kids will see them EVERYWHERE now that carnevale is ending. We both like Easter from our childhood, but want to incorporate a celebration of spring, too.

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Um, I just got my kids Valentines treats yesterday........I have no idea about Easter baskets. I did get my candles and am ready to start lent on Wednesday though.


You are ahead of me, I haven't even bought Valentines treats. But I did buy a box of Valentines day cards for DS to give to friends.

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