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I can't believe I am saying this out loud, but today and only for the next few days, I am very happy


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I'm not sure what is going on. Our local forecasts are alerts for winter storm warnings with accumulations of 5-9 inches. 5-9 inches is pretty much expected any time it snows around here.


I wonder how much we will finally get. I hate seeing the news hype up bad weather into something it isn't . People won't prepare for the next bad storm

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i'm in VA and i admit i'm kinda glad to be sitting this one out too. i always complain about how warm it is here, but i've been a year without a functioning knee and i have surgery in 10 days . . . once i'm fully mobile again, maybe i'll be up for snow

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There was an AL blizzard in 1978? Wow! We were living there during the blizzard of 1993. We measured 28" of snow in our yard. Except for the four days without any heat/electricity, we loved it!



to be living in Alabama than living in Massachusetts! I was a kid in the blizzard of '78 but I remember how bad it was.


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We're in the "jackpot" area of possibly getting 36 inches tonight. It's not the snowfall though that we're worried about as much as the high hurricane force winds and the beach erosion.

Crossing our fingers that the forecasters have over-exaggerated the severity... a girl can wish, right?



All I can say is that I'm glad I'm not a supermarket manager in your area - trying to keep the shelves stocked with bread, milk, bottled water, and bathroom tissue :D .

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Here too. Although this winter has been drier. We had a lot snow before Christmas until January but very little since. That's okay. I'm ready for spring!

Me too. We had a taste of it a couple weeks ago when the temps soared to 50*F for two days. So much melted. It was great.

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There was an AL blizzard in 1978? Wow! We were living there during the blizzard of 1993. We measured 28" of snow in our yard. Except for the four days without any heat/electricity, we loved it!



I think she's talking about the MA blizzard. It shut the state down for the better part of a week, if not two. I remember being out of school for almost two weeks (we lived in RI).

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