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There is such a huge difference in the north and south when gardening


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I am here in Northern Alabama. Supposedly we are zone 7b but I don't think so. My neighbor's quince has been flowering for two weeks. My roses have been blooming all winter. So have some other so called summer plants. And no, we have not had hot weather here. It has been cold- in the 30's often at night and sometimes even in the high 20's/ But I can tell that the trees will be blooming in February and spring is almost here. It is only January.


I am primarily a decorative gardener. My dh takes care of growing tomatoes and other veggies in pots. I do the flower beds, and decorative containers and plan the whole yard. So I was looking at plant suppliers on line for some special things. One, in Michigan. wants to ship me things in May. May is summer already here- no, not by the calendar but by the climate. I guess I will have to mostly stick to buying from southern or western US planters who understand that we have our warm seasons early and they stay a long time.

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Its really a good idea to order from someone near you, or at least very close to your zone. I live in Wisconsin and its crazy for me to order from zone 5 or above. The plants are not ready for zone 4! Fewer perennials die off when I order from zone 3 or 4. It would be nice if I could order from central Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, or Missouri...there are a lot of providers in that region...but it just doesn't work out for me unless I'm willing to take a chance.


Most companies schedule according to their local zone. It just makes sense.

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It's the same way in Central Texas. I'm going to go out and cut back the rose so that for at least a nanosecond it will think it's dormant, lol.


Contrary to popular belief, we do have four seasons: Winter, Early Summer, Summer, and Late Summer. Although we have actually had snow in March, here at the end of January we're often getting ready for Early Summer.

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If you look up zone maps, there is information given about how they don't work well out west due to variations in elevation and precipitation. But there must be a bit of variability anywhere. We (in the north) are listed as zone 4b, but I think we are 5a in reality. If the zone map is only off by one zone from what you think is realistic, that's not really big variation if you think about it.

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On the west coast/west we have sunset garden books which ignores the "usda zones", and does their own. they take into account minimum/average winter and summer temps as well as moisture and wind. It also lists what plants will grow where.


this is helpful because even in local garden centers I will find shrubs that don't winter well here - but according to those usda zones, should.


You might want to see if they have something similar for the south. Southern living does a garden book that might have similar features.



eta: for mail order - suppliers are also considering outside temperatures for plants that are in unheated containers. it might be warm where you are - but those plants are starting out somewhere cold and they are exposed.

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Ok, you call that north? I'm north. Nothing is flowering. Nothing will flower until the end of may or beginning of June if we are lucky.


So that's kinda funny to me!



she said northern *alabama*.


my dd missed cherry blossomes for four years. she attened uni in upstate NY and the semester ended in May. when she came here - the cherry blossoms were over and they hadn't started yet in NY.

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I live in the desert, and for the most part our seasons are backwards. So, as soon as this year's cold snap is over (usually by beginning of Feb) it's time to plant my pots with annuals. They last until June/July, then I tear them out and replant in Sept-early Oct.


We do have 5 seasons:

1) spring spring

2) summer

3) hell

4) fall spring

5) mild winter for about 3-4 weeks

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I live in the desert, and for the most part our seasons are backwards. So, as soon as this year's cold snap is over (usually by beginning of Feb) it's time to plant my pots with annuals. They last until June/July, then I tear them out and replant in Sept-early Oct.


We do have 5 seasons:

1) spring spring

2) summer

3) hell

4) fall spring

5) mild winter for about 3-4 weeks



We also have 5 seasons:

1) winter (6 months)

2) mud

3) spring

4) summer (5 minutes)

5) fall

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On the west coast/west we have sunset garden books which ignores the "usda zones", and does their own. they take into account minimum/average winter and summer temps as well as moisture and wind. It also lists what plants will grow where.


this is helpful because even in local garden centers I will find shrubs that don't winter well here - but according to those usda zones, should.


You might want to see if they have something similar for the south. Southern living does a garden book that might have similar features.



eta: for mail order - suppliers are also considering outside temperatures for plants that are in unheated containers. it might be warm where you are - but those plants are starting out somewhere cold and they are exposed.


I was just going to say this. I go by the Sunset zones and they are more correct.
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She talked about ordering from Michigan and that they wanted to send her plants at the wrong time of year for Alabama. Certainly we can agree that Michigan is north, right?




Yeah, but the thread title just said north v. south. I kept waiting for the north part! :laugh:


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Call your Agricultural extension service and ask about local nurseries. We live close to the same zone (near Nashville) and found that local is always better. However, don't base your opinion of growing on this winter. This has been the weirdest winter I can ever remember. And you know what....all those pretty blossoms on the trees will probably be frozen at some point. Some of the worst snows and winter weather come in February! I pray around early April that it WON'T get too warm to quickly. Because if it does, my peach trees will bloom and then they ALWAYS get frozen.


BTW, April and May are the nicest of the spring months. Late May it starts to get hot but starting April 1, this area generally has lovely, perfect weather for about 6 weeks. (I know I said Nashville, but my in-laws and my dad live close to your area. As far as seasons go, they are usually 2.5-3 weeks ahead of us. We go for a visit and as we drive south we watch the seasons change!

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I am here in Northern Alabama. Supposedly we are zone 7b but I don't think so. My neighbor's quince has been flowering for two weeks. My roses have been blooming all winter. So have some other so called summer plants. And no, we have not had hot weather here. It has been cold- in the 30's often at night and sometimes even in the high 20's/ But I can tell that the trees will be blooming in February and spring is almost here. It is only January.


I am primarily a decorative gardener. My dh takes care of growing tomatoes and other veggies in pots. I do the flower beds, and decorative containers and plan the whole yard. So I was looking at plant suppliers on line for some special things. One, in Michigan. wants to ship me things in May. May is summer already here- no, not by the calendar but by the climate. I guess I will have to mostly stick to buying from southern or western US planters who understand that we have our warm seasons early and they stay a long time.


Because it's been a relatively mild winter, the ground is much warmer than in other years. That is what the plants respond to. Ground temps. The winter weather has been so strange this year!

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Well as my board name says, I have spent my adult life as a transient. So yes, I have lived in northern places before- Chicago for 6 years, Ohio for about 5. According to the plant zones, which need to be updated, northern VA by DC is basically in the same zone as we are. Of course they are not but the zone guides are often not particular enough.


But I was referring to trying to order plants and many of the producers are in areas north of me and the ones south of me tend to specialize in things like tropicals While I like tropicals around my pool= I have caladiums, elephant ears, and canna lilies in pots around the pool- and fortunately, here, the only bulbs I had to dig up were the caladiums. The others stay in pots throughout the winter.


Just need to do more research. I do need a tree and saw that even though the Arbor Day Foundation is based in Kansas, they would send me trees and bushes in February, like I would want. That is there normally shipping date for my area. They also wouldn't ship any past the third week of April. I agree with that too.

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Well as my board name says, I have spent my adult life as a transient. So yes, I have lived in northern places before- Chicago for 6 years, Ohio for about 5. According to the plant zones, which need to be updated, northern VA by DC is basically in the same zone as we are. Of course they are not but the zone guides are often not particular enough.


But I was referring to trying to order plants and many of the producers are in areas north of me and the ones south of me tend to specialize in things like tropicals While I like tropicals around my pool= I have caladiums, elephant ears, and canna lilies in pots around the pool- and fortunately, here, the only bulbs I had to dig up were the caladiums. The others stay in pots throughout the winter.


Just need to do more research. I do need a tree and saw that even though the Arbor Day Foundation is based in Kansas, they would send me trees and bushes in February, like I would want. That is there normally shipping date for my area. They also wouldn't ship any past the third week of April. I agree with that too.


We've found that in our areas, its actually best to plant trees and shrubs in the fall. They just do better with a whole season to settle in before the heat of summer hits. However, other than local places we CAN NOT find a mail order company that will ship in the fall for fruit trees. So we have to baby the trees through the first summer, watering like crazy during July and August.

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I live in the desert, and for the most part our seasons are backwards. So, as soon as this year's cold snap is over (usually by beginning of Feb) it's time to plant my pots with annuals. They last until June/July, then I tear them out and replant in Sept-early Oct.


We do have 5 seasons:

1) spring spring

2) summer

3) hell

4) fall spring

5) mild winter for about 3-4 weeks



We also have 5 seasons:

1) winter (6 months)

2) mud

3) spring

4) summer (5 minutes)

5) fall




This made me snort tea. Twice.



I would check the extension offices nearby because you'll have people that have been working in that particular area for years and will have good suggestions.

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Our city prides itself on being the city of 5 seasons. Bleck...


We have

1. Very short spring

2. Extremely humid, sweaty, gross bring on the bugs, I need another shower... summer

3. Fall (It is beautiful.)

4. Winter with a white Christmas

5 Deep freeze, sub zero, wind howling, icy freeze your bottom off, can't breath out side VERY DARK long winter, when is it ever going to be spring again?



I miss gardening in California...I always planted flowers on Valentine's Day.

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