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Help me decode the meaning of this gift


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Let's say that your daughter has a very good (guy) friend, who has spent time at your house with your family. Just friends.


And let's say for Christmas he gives your daughter a beautiful, hardcover, vintage illustrated edition of The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald, with no inscription. And this young man didn't know it was her favorite book.


What would you think of that gift? Any meaning behind it?

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Guest inoubliable

If he's a very good thing, is it not possible that he DID know it was her favorite book?


I'm not sure what meaning *could* be behind it. Maybe he just thought it was a nice book?

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Let's say that your daughter has a very good (guy) friend, who has spent time at your house with your family. Just friends.


And let's say for Christmas he gives your daughter a beautiful, hardcover, vintage illustrated edition of The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald, with no inscription. And this young man didn't know it was her favorite book.


What would you think of that gift? Any meaning behind it?



I'd say he's either been listening well or is very observant. He had to have a clue somehow. I would say he also values books and gifts that are relevant to the giver.


No inscription means he likes her better than a friend, but doesn't know how to say it well enough. He also doesn't want to ruin by the gift by saying something wrong or damaging their friendship and then it could never be erased in this cherished gift.


If he's mature enough to listen well, give good gifts, not push the relationship, and be thoughtful with his words, I'd say she hang onto that friendship and let it blossom before someone snatches him away.



(makes note to teach son how to give good gifts)

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You might enjoy this youtube video:


"Why Men and Women Can't be friends"

by patvicious1 (2:59)


May be time to share it with your dd ;D


Also, I totally agree with elegantlion's astute analysis. She needs to look at him in a new light. Or maybe it's just time to come clean...


BTW, anyone else flashback to that movie Serendipity?

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I would not automatically assume he likes her romantically, simply because he gave her such a perfect gift. He very well may, but he may also have just found it and knew she would appreciate it. The lack of inscription may have been because there was nothing special to say, or maybe he didn't want to damage a vintage book. I wouldn't read too much into this. Some guys just give great gifts without it meaning anything. Really. I would not encourage her to think of him as other than a friend unless there are other blatant signs of him having such feelings for her.

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I've given many books as gifts and don't remember ever writing an inscription in one, so to me the lack of one here doesn't indicate a lack of interest. It sounds like a very thoughtful gift, and he clearly cares for her. What kind of caring that is remains to be seen. It's definitely possible he thinks of her as more than a friend, but I would try not to read anything romantic into the gift.


(Disclosure: I had a bad case of unrequited love for a friend in college, and I made myself miserable by reading more into things he said or did than he meant by them. That experience makes me say to avoid looking for clues or attempting to decode the hidden meaning behind a gift. If he does care for her as more than a friend, he'll make that clear.)

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I would not automatically assume he likes her romantically, simply because he gave her such a perfect gift. He very well may, but he may also have just found it and knew she would appreciate it. The lack of inscription may have been because there was nothing special to say, or maybe he didn't want to damage a vintage book. I wouldn't read too much into this. Some guys just give great gifts without it meaning anything. Really. I would not encourage her to think of him as other than a friend unless there are other blatant signs of him having such feelings for her.


ditto, I spent months tracking down a 50 year old 1st edition book for my step dad, it wasn't a major thing but it was the perfect xmas gift for him and he was thrilled with it. I make it a point to give gifts thats special to that person instead of generic gifts. I hate getting gifts that no thought went into. I mean I've given some odd gifts and each was special and well received by the recipient, perhaps he's just a thoughtful young man?:) As for no inscription, it would never occur to me to do that but I also don't write in books unless its a cookbook:)

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He is a very thoughtful young man, that is very true. They have a nice, close friendship.


They are both sophomores in uni together, same program, and will spend a LOT of time together the next 5 semesters. This is a new experience fore her - she's very inexperienced and although attractive, has never gotten any male attention. Unlike her *ahem* mother, who was absolutely boy crazy during hs/college. . . .


Just going to watch, wait, and offer the proverbial shoulder :)

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Sounds like Ross when he was in love with Rachel.

Yes, I watch too many re-runs on tv. :laugh:


If it makes you feel any better, I, too, first thought of Friends. One character spent weeks tracking down a rare first edition of The Velveteen Rabbit for the woman he liked, knowing it was her childhood favorite. Another character (the woman's rather clueless boyfriend) bought her a pen. That wrote upside down!

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