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Random thoughts and updates...


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Does anyone else ever wonder about random people from this board and wish they would update us on their situations? I mean these aren't people that I "know" so I don't feel comfortable pm'ing them and saying "hey whats the deal" but I do wonder what has happened since they posted. And I don't mean just recent topics (although there are a few recently that I am curious about ).


Anyone else remember random things about random posters and just wonder? Or is it just me? :laugh:

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Yes, I've been reading the boards for years and I wish I knew what happened to some people and even their families. Just today I was wondering about a board member, but not sure how to find out.


Like Aubrey, whose husband was in school for a while, and she was a writer? I think she is still here, but I don't know who she is.



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I often think about how things are going for people who posted about things like illnessness or tough family situations. Even if I don't always reply, I try to remember those who have asked for prayers and those who haven't but could use them. I always appreciate the updates, too.

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It's hard to know when an update would be appreciated.

I think when you're in the midst of really hard times, and your troubles are so deep that there seems to be nothing but the pain--it's all about feeling self-centered because of that, and not assuming that other people are interested in hearing more.

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Yes, I've been reading the boards for years and I wish I knew what happened to some people and even their families. Just today I was wondering about a board member, but not sure how to find out.


Like Aubrey, whose husband was in school for a while, and she was a writer? I think she is still here, but I don't know who she is.



Well, I know how she is doing 'cause I had dinner with her last night!! LOL.


She is doing better, hopefully there will be more to report soon! She isn't on the boards anymore for personal reasons that may soon be over.

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It's hard to know when an update would be appreciated.

I think when you're in the midst of really hard times, and your troubles are so deep that there seems to be nothing but the pain--it's all about feeling self-centered because of that, and not assuming that other people are interested in hearing more.



We care. We want to know how YOU are, emotionally, spiritually and physically. We want to offer all the support we can (which mostly isn't much) but we still care and want you to feel the love.



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yes, I do sometimes. It's nice to get updates..


What's even harder is old boards I was on years ago, back when the internet was a baby. I only kept in touch with one person from a couple of Christian and/or homeschooling mom's forums I was on from back then. Otherwise everyone else has gone off into the ether and it makes me a little sad. At one time those ladies were very important part of my life.

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Julie, I'm not a frequent poster, but I do think about you and have prayed for you. I remember you from way back. Anyway, I don't think it is selfish for you to post, but it should be on your terms. You should never feel obligated to post anything because what you are going through is heart wrenching and you don't need any expectations from the WTM board on your mind.


If it helps you to post and get some things out that you can't say IRL, then please do. Many people here truly care about you. But don't ever worry about updating. Your life is in a stage of needing to be focused on yourself and family. That is okay! I know you are a Christian and we are called to care for our families and live our lives as The Lord would intend. You have to be "self-focused" to do that well during very hard times. Last year was like that for me. May God keep you close at this time.

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Well, I know how she is doing 'cause I had dinner with her last night!! LOL.


She is doing better, hopefully there will be more to report soon! She isn't on the boards anymore for personal reasons that may soon be over.


Seriously? That is awesome. I liked reading her blog; her sense of humor was great!

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Daisy. I totally understand why she left but I still miss her posts. Her notebooking enthusiasm and advice honestly changed the way we school. I don't think I ever even interacted with her on the boards- I was mostly a lurker at that time- but I still think of her once in a while when we complete a particularly awesome notebook page for a unit or something.

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I am so bad with names. There are people I KNOW are gone and I FEEL the loss but I can't quite remember their screen name. But then if they come back I immediately remember. Weird. I know. Then you all mention names and I'm like "oh yeah, Her! And her! And her!"


I KNOW there are people who have left and I can't quite put my finger on it. But things do feel different without them.

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