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Do you have an engagement ring? Do you wear it?

Guest inoubliable

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I wear mine every day, both engagement and wedding rings. I've only ever taken the off to be cleaned or repaired. I know a lot of people take their rings off to wash their hands, or shower or whatever. I can see if you're a Dr, like one of the posters above mentioned, or a nurse, but to me it just seemed weird to take them off just to wash my hands.


Me too.

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I wear my engagement ring, and both of our wedding rings. My engagement ring is all princess cuts of one carat emerald with 1/2 carat diamonds on each side, with 1/4 carat emeralds on each side of that. So it is wide, but basically flat compared to anything set in prongs. But the width works out well as our wedding rings are very narrow. My husband made both our rings while in a dental residency. (making gold teeth/crowns and making jewlery are very similar and it's something that happens often during dental school). However they are very narrow. You know the wax they give you for your braces? The kind that pulls apart like Twizzlers? He wrapped that around his finger and that was the mold. (We have the same ring size.) It was just a quicky thing as we put the wedding together in about two weeks so two days before the wedding he made them up real quick. He never wore his his because he didn't like how it felt under latex gloves, so I ended up wearing it when he wore it out once and was playing with it. I've had it ever since. Supposedly he is making a third in gold to match. The orginal two are more of a silver color as most of his gold was used up by the time he made them (he'd already made me a heavy gold heart). They have some technique metals in them as well as JFK silver half dollar. Once that's done I can nest it between the two silver colored ones.


I never take off my jewlery, but basically because I never think to. It is only my rings, a claddagh ring, XandO bracelet, heart necklace and watch. I do know take my watch off when getting into the shower, but that is all. And only because I got into the habit when my last Swatch had a leather band.

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I told my husband I didn't want rings, but he bought them any way.


I don't wear them. Rings in general aren't conducive to my lifestyle.


I also hate how they feel. I'm not anti-jewelry, just anti-rings.


With my husband's blessing I broke up my engagement ring. It was one large center pear with two rounds on each side. I made the pear into a necklace, which I wear when we dress up, but not for every day. It'll eventually go my eldest to keep, sell, or gift. I had two pairs of earrings made from the rounds, with the intention to gift them to each girl child upon her First Holy Communion. The band we melted down and remade into a crucifix. It was part of a homemade rosary that we buried with a loved one.


It was the first and last time my husband failed to just take me at my word :)


He's never worn one either. It wasn't safe for the line of work he was in.

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I have one but do not wear it much. It is ever-so-slightly tight, not to the point of being painful because it has made a nice ridge around the base of my pudgy finger. Getting it off was NOT pleasant, so I decided to put it away for the short time it would take for me to lose enough weight for it to be comfortable. Umm...yeah. Let's just say that it has had a nice two-year vacation in my jewelry box. :blush:

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After a few years of wearing it, I just found that it seemed to get in the way. Constantly taking it off to wash hands or dishes, to cook, to fold laundry (so it didn't catch on clothing or linens)... Blech. It just got in my way.

I wear mine. I don't take it off to wash hands, dishes, cook or laundry. I do have it and my wedding band wrapped in embroidery floss at the moment, because I lost weight and it's too loose otherwise. So for that reason, I do take it off for all of the above (except laundry). When I'm done with weight loss I'll have my rings resized and then won't need to take it off.

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I haven't read the responses, but I chose a jeweled band engagement ring so I wouldn't have a separate wedding band. It's more delicate looking, but sometimes I wish I had a plain gold band for cleaning too. I do have a fake wedding set that I wear for travel or once when the ring went to the jeweler to change the prongs after one bent.

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Guest inoubliable

I've been wearing my engagement ring for the last couple of days. Just to see how I felt about it now.


My first thought is that I must have shed a few pounds because it's more loose than ever. Second is that my now-thinner finger makes the diamond look even bigger and I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's pretty, of course, but seems to different on me. And, third, it's not seeming as much of a bother to take it off all the time and put it back on after washing up but that it does still seem to snag on clean laundry being folded and even on the tanktop I was wearing today.


Anyway, you ladies gave me something to think about, for sure.

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I don't have one. My personal feeling is that an engagement ring is akin to a cattle brand, i.e. a property marker. I feel it is woefully inequitable for me to have to be branded if he is not similarly branded. Since there was no acceptable branding equivalent for him, I told him to save his money. We do both wear wedding bands. That, at least, is an equitable stake of claim, and I was willing to accept that as his argument for wearing one.


ETA: Oh, and usual disclaimers ... YMMV, to each his own, etc. etc.

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I was just wondering the same thing - I'm glad someone else asked too! Why does everyone take their rings off to wash their hands or shower? :confused1: I don't, and I wear them to bed, too. Same goes for the ring I wear on my other hand. They've only come off when I was pg and bloated or sometimes when I've had to knead dough (and not even always then). Keeping them on when you wash your hands keeps them clean and sparkly. I'd also be terrified they'd fall down the sink drain... Mine sticks up quite a bit, too, and I don't have a problem with it getting caught or getting in the way... :confused1:



I bake bread several times a week and I get dough all over it, stuck behind the stone etc. It is just more sanitary to take it off when I am getting ready to handle dough. I have a ring holder in the kitchen that my mom bought me. It is sitting right on the window sill over the sink. If I am looking for my ring, that is the first place I look. I am not a natural jewelry person so I don't miss it when it is off.


I take it off when I shower because it would feel odd to me to keep any jewelry on in the shower. I have a ring holder in the bathroom as well. That is the second place I look.

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I have an engagement ring. I don't wear it. I rarely remember to put on my wedding ring though so I'm not a good indicator. My lack of rings doesn't bother my DH though he does wear his ring all the time. FWIW, I don't generally wear any jewelry. It doesn't feel comfortable to me.

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I wear my wedding band on one hand and the engagement ring on the other because it has to be balanced =) My diamond is actually in the wedding band and it is low profile, the engagement ring is molded platinum that looks like a ring of flowers. Both are nice and flat and smooth so I hardly know they are there.


Most of my friends with the flashier rings stopped wearing them regularly about the time they had babies. Some came back later as the kids got older, some switched to other rings, some just don't wear them anymore. I don't think it is anything other than a personal preference/stage of life thing.

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I didn't have an engagement ring. It was a running thing btwn us that I would get one for our 10th anniversary. Instead, last spring, we found a jewelers that was closing down, 70% off. I ended up getting a bridal set...an engagement ring and wedding band. So, I now wear 3 rings together. Engagement, new wedding band, and original.

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Yes, I wear mine every day.


But I think it's odd that your friend would comment on your choice not to wear yours. What you choose to do in this case is nobody's business. It never ceases to amaze me what people will stick their noses into. :rolleyes:


But if they didn't we would have so little to talk about here.

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I have one too and like many others after I started having children it got in the way so I just left it off. I use to wear my wedding ring but years ago both DH and I decided to not anymore, it got in the way for him too just the band. Now years later, we keep them together on our dresser more of a decoration in a neat wood fish box we got from a fair trade store. I just don't see any reason for us to wear them. In hind sight, I don't think I would have gotten any of them, personally I have not a big jewelry person just earrings and only when am out. Of course, I understand why people wear them and my motto is wear them or not it's a personal thing and is something btw you/your spouse.

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