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I have some confessions to make

Guest inoubliable

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Oh good. I was having a really crappy morning. Someone that I thought was becoming a really good friend sent me an email in the wee hours of the morning. Basically saying that I was a complete weirdo for not "appreciating pop culture". I am "impossible to talk to" because I don't have a favorite Starbucks coffee, or know the latest episode of any of those shows, or have a Pinterest board with nothing but Nutella recipes. I am apparently doing a huge disservice to my kids by homeschooling them in the first place, but with things like cancelling cable, not owning any Apple products, or owning and teaching them how to use a Keurig machine I am essentially guaranteeing them to be the weirdos in any circle they try to join later in life. Because "normal kids" know about these things. It was a bizarre email that came out of nowhere and kinda made me go :confused1: and :crying: at the same time. So... we're no longer friends, I guess. Oh, and I should be tweeting about my day so that people will *know* that I'm homeschooling and not just sitting around. *sigh* It made my whole day crap. I should have checked in here after I posted this. I feel so much better reading the replies.


I hate Starbucks. ;) When I first began homeschooling a very dear friend called and reamed me a new one about how I will ruin my child's life, I was floored. We never spoke again. Her loss. :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I detest Nutella. Keurigs make me twitch.


I don't understand what's so fantastic about The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Dr. Who, or Downton Abbey.


I don't have a Twitter. I don't have a Pinterest account. I've never felt the need to go to Ebay for anything. I don't own an Apple anything.


I've never been to Disney-anywhere and have no interest in doing so.





I can still hang out here, though, right? :(


Quite sure you can't. Them's some blasphemous words in that thar confession!~


Who doesn't like Disney or Nutella? Next you are going to tell me you don't like cupcakes and that you kill kittens......

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Guest inoubliable

Quite sure you can't. Them's some blasphemous words in that thar confession!~


Who doesn't like Disney or Nutella? Next you are going to tell me you don't like cupcakes and that you kill kittens......




Well.....as for the cupcakes, I've only had a single good-tasting vegan cupcake. I think they're pretty to look at, though. Does that help?

And kittens? I like them when they're at someone else's house and I don't have to bring them home with me. ;) I'm also like that with dogs, snakes, fish, babies, and trampolines.


DH and all of my sons each have a kilt. (BYDAND! - we're Clan Gordon!) That balances out the cupcakes and kittens thing, right?

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Guest inoubliable

i don't have facebook. i don't understand twitter. i like vampire diaries. i don't like to hold small babies. oh, and i have no idea what the rules of football are whatsoever. none.




I've *had* FB. I had it wayyyyy back in 2006, even! I've quit it a few times. I do have it now, but only to send a very good friend daily Farmville2 gifts. (Oh, all right. I got sucked in and I'm now lvl 32 on that stupid game.) That's the only thing that I do on there, really. I honestly DON'T get Twitter. Someone once tried to explain the "microblogging" thing to me. :confused1: Just write it out!!


I have no idea what Vampire Diaries are. I could never get into Harry Potter and when I tried, I thought it was... not for me. Same for the Twilight thing. Years ago, I read all four of those books in an afternoon in a bet with my sister-in-law. Remembering that makes me want to weep.


I'll hold small babies. But only until I hear a funky sound coming out of them. And then they're getting passed around. I never made it to not caring overmuch if an infant expelled body fluids on me. DH did most of the puke-cleaning and diapering around here.


I only know the rules of footballs (barely) because I had a hot date once in high school. To a Redskins game. Some guy friends made me play Madden football with them the weekend before so that I wouldn't look like a complete idiot on said date.



I used to like bacon, though. That still counts for something, yes?

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You have to make the vegan cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World (yes that's the title of a real book). They are the only vegan cupcakes that I like. My non-vegan friends even started making them over regular cupcakes because they are so good. Now, the vegan cupcakes from the local bakery taste like sawdust...


Your children will have no problem learning to use a keurig. I don't like the coffee from them but we visited a friend with one and with a whole 10 second demo my then 6 year old could make her own hot cider drink. Maybe someday you can take a homeschool fieldtrip to the house of someone with a keurig and your children can learn the ways of instant coffee/pop culture that they are apparently missing (sarcasm).

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Guest inoubliable

You have to make the vegan cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World (yes that's the title of a real book). They are the only vegan cupcakes that I like. My non-vegan friends even started making them over regular cupcakes because they are so good. Now, the vegan cupcakes from the local bakery taste like sawdust...


Your children will have no problem learning to use a keurig. I don't like the coffee from them but we visited a friend with one and with a whole 10 second demo my then 6 year old could make her own hot cider drink. Maybe someday you can take a homeschool fieldtrip to the house of someone with a keurig and your children can learn the ways of instant coffee/pop culture that they are apparently missing (sarcasm).



I've been eyeing that book for a while on Amazon. I'm thinking that I need to make friends with someone who likes to bake and then gift them that cookbook. LOL. I think the last time that I had a cupcake was at a wedding. It was sickly sweet. In my town, in the last few years, there have been all these little cutesy shops popping up all over. That sell cupcakes. Just cupcakes. I don't get it. There are enough people in a town this size that are buying enough cupcakes daily to keep each of these stores open?? How expensive are the cupcakes???

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I think you're my new best friend. :hurray: Except that I don't drink coffee and I have been to Disney. I went many times as a kid and loved it, but my DH and I took the kids this year and I have no desire to go back (though we probably will because we have points on our credit card to use there). And I'm a vegan homeschooling mom so I'm also severely messing up my kids. :thumbup:

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What in the cockadoodle is a Keurig??? Is it some kind of fancy coffee maker? Why is everyone so excited about them?


Sorry, but Nutella ROCKS. As does Downton Abbey.


Ryan Gosling, yuck. Give me Johnny Depp any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


I eat gluten. Lots of it. As much as possible.


And red meat.


And my kids play on computers and iPads and the Xbox all the time.


I don't own a rolling pin.


I like Disney but I prefer Universal Studios.




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I detest Nutella. Keurigs make me twitch.


I don't understand what's so fantastic about The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Dr. Who, or Downton Abbey.


I don't have a Twitter. I don't have a Pinterest account. I've never felt the need to go to Ebay for anything. I don't own an Apple anything.


I've never been to Disney-anywhere and have no interest in doing so.





I can still hang out here, though, right? :(



I hope so, or I am kicked out with you! :confused1:


I have never tried Nutella or the Keurigs.


I have never seen The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother or Dr. Who...... but I *love* Downton Abbey. :thumbup:


I don't have Twitter, Pinterest or even an I-Phone. (gasp!) I won't use Ebay. I do have an Apple I-Pod, but that is thanks for my dd's who gave me one for my bday. :lol:


I have been to Disney World, and am ready to go back. :001_cool:


Pretty close, wouldn't you say?!!

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I detest Nutella. Keurigs make me twitch.


I don't understand what's so fantastic about The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Dr. Who, or Downton Abbey.


I don't have a Twitter. I don't have a Pinterest account. I've never felt the need to go to Ebay for anything. I don't own an Apple anything.


I've never been to Disney-anywhere and have no interest in doing so.





I can still hang out here, though, right? :(



:blink: LOL, kidding!


I like people who feel no inclination to hop on the bandwagon.

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Guest inoubliable


I hope so, or I am kicked out with you! :confused1:


I have never tried Nutella or the Keurigs.


I have never seen The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother or Dr. Who...... but I *love* Downton Abbey. :thumbup:


I don't have Twitter, Pinterest or even an I-Phone. (gasp!) I won't use Ebay. I do have an Apple I-Pod, but that is thanks for my dd's who gave me one for my bday. :lol:


I have been to Disney World, and am ready to go back. :001_cool:


Pretty close, wouldn't you say?!!



Close enough! *fist bump* Solidarity, sister!

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What in the cockadoodle is a Keurig??? Is it some kind of fancy coffee maker? Why is everyone so excited about them?


Sorry, but Nutella ROCKS. As does Downton Abbey.


Ryan Gosling, yuck. Give me Johnny Depp any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


I eat gluten. Lots of it. As much as possible.


And red meat.


And my kids play on computers and iPads and the Xbox all the time.


I don't own a rolling pin.


I like Disney but I prefer Universal Studios.



I think it is a coffee maker--the kind that makes only one cup. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.) Sorry, but that's simply not enough coffee for me.

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Guest inoubliable

No Facebook or smartphone either.


My BIL says I'm a techie who hates technology. It is a tool, but I hate what it is doing to us as a society.



I *just* got a smartphone in the last 6 months. Only because I have a RepublicWireless account and they use smartphones. I'm still trying to get comfortable with it. For $23/month, though, I think it's worth having to figure out the swiping and the apps and the touchscreen thingy.


Sounds like me. I appreciate technology and I like hearing about it and thinking of the possibilities. I don't like seeing people walk around with their nose in a phone, I don't like seeing kids who can't function without the calculator/gps/text messaging on their phones, and I'd prefer people call me or come over and visit me than shoot me an email or text message.

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I detest Nutella. Keurigs make me twitch.


I don't understand what's so fantastic about The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Dr. Who, or Downton Abbey.


I don't have a Twitter. I don't have a Pinterest account. I've never felt the need to go to Ebay for anything. I don't own an Apple anything.


I've never been to Disney-anywhere and have no interest in doing so.





I can still hang out here, though, right? :(


Okay, nutella has been in my house but I've never tried it. It seems weird to me.


Apparently Keurig is some sort of coffee thing. Coffee is gross. I just recently started drinking jasmine tea (loaded with sugar), but other than that, I'm not a fan of hot drinks.


I don't watch tv anymore. My kids do. I don't.


Twitter sounds like the dumbest thing ever to me. Pinterest seems like a huge waste of time and a way to make people feel guilty for all the crap theyre too lazy to do. I do buy crap from eBay because my kids always get into things after they're cool, so I have to scour eBay for stuff they want. I have an iPhone and an iPad. They're cool but huge time suckers.


Never been to Disney anywhere either and don't want to.


Also, it's 11:19 and I haven't gotten out of bed.

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Guest inoubliable

I get that Pinterest is supposed to be a place you can "pin" inspirational stuff. I get that. Truly.


What I don't understand is why you'd hang out there when all the inspiration seems to be "cupcake, cake, candy, cupcake on a stick" and then "diet plan, eating plan, exercise plan, smoothies". Couldn't you just skip Pinterest altogether and not slave over a cupcake and then the treadmill?


Other than that, I see a lot of wedding stuff on there. I realize that other people may be using it for stuff other than calorie-laden yum-yums and calorie-busting run-runs, but since anything other than those two things (three, if we're counting the wedding stuff) seems to be in the minority, what sort of inspiration is Pinterest really?


This is the most thought I've put into Pinterest. I don't generally rage against the site. I just spent a good 20 minutes looking at it and I really don't get it.

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Guest inoubliable
I always see people posting about decorating and crafty stuff re: pinterest.


Hmmm. You're right. There's a lot of that there, too. I didn't scroll completely down the first time. I refreshed and went through to the bottom. Craft stuff. Interesting. LOL. I'm not crafty at all. Pinterest is mocking me.


Depends on what you search for on Pinterest. There is a ton of homeschooling resources on there. I use it for gathering organizational tips and creative stuff that my tired brain can't come up with anymore. Many use it as a visual bookmarking system for their favorite websites. It's just an easy way to collect and organize blogs, blog posts, products, websites, ideas, beautiful pictures in a visual way. I find it easier than figuring out my bookmarks in Chrome. It is terribly addictive for me as is anything that is creative and visual. It just may not be your thing.


I didn't realize you could search it until just now! Interesting. I keep my actual bookmarks to a minimum and go through them at least once a month to purge. If I'm not careful I could end up with zillions of them. I have playlists on Youtube to organize all the neat stuff I find there (homeschool videos) and I use my Google Reader to star posts that I want to reference later or read when I have more time. I can see how someone who is creative and more visual would use Pinterest, though.

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I didn't realize you could search it until just now! Interesting. I keep my actual bookmarks to a minimum and go through them at least once a month to purge. If I'm not careful I could end up with zillions of them. I have playlists on Youtube to organize all the neat stuff I find there (homeschool videos) and I use my Google Reader to star posts that I want to reference later or read when I have more time. I can see how someone who is creative and more visual would use Pinterest, though.


A combination of Pocket (from Google Reader, Flipboard, Currents and general web browsing... I'm still looking for my one-and-only RSS true love) and Evernote lets me cover all my bases: Pocket for things I wish to read, Evernote for things I've read and wish to keep or to get filed in general resources. I love that I can access these from every platform I use.

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I detest Nutella. Keurigs make me twitch.


I don't understand what's so fantastic about The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Dr. Who, or Downton Abbey.


I don't have a Twitter. I don't have a Pinterest account. I've never felt the need to go to Ebay for anything. I don't own an Apple anything.


I've never been to Disney-anywhere and have no interest in doing so.





I can still hang out here, though, right? :(

Nutella took me awhile. Keurigs are a waste of space and money (but then, I have to make everything in bulk), I agree about "How I Met Your Mother", but Big Bang, Dr. Who, and Abbey absolutely rock! (total Geek and History Nut thing). I don't have Twitter either, but I love Pinterest. Ebay, Apple, and Disney could all fall off the face of the earth and I'd probably never notice (except for really old Disney musicals).


You like kilts and cupcakes though, right?

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I get that Pinterest is supposed to be a place you can "pin" inspirational stuff. I get that. Truly.


What I don't understand is why you'd hang out there when all the inspiration seems to be "cupcake, cake, candy, cupcake on a stick" and then "diet plan, eating plan, exercise plan, smoothies". Couldn't you just skip Pinterest altogether and not slave over a cupcake and then the treadmill?


Other than that, I see a lot of wedding stuff on there. I realize that other people may be using it for stuff other than calorie-laden yum-yums and calorie-busting run-runs, but since anything other than those two things (three, if we're counting the wedding stuff) seems to be in the minority, what sort of inspiration is Pinterest really?


This is the most thought I've put into Pinterest. I don't generally rage against the site. I just spent a good 20 minutes looking at it and I really don't get it.

I have a number of boards.


One for every room. One for every craft I am involved in or interested in (fiber arts...knitting, crocheting, sewing, sprang, etc). Three for fashion (clothes, jewelry, ways to style long hair). About a dozen for recipes (one for each type of fast, gluten free, drinks, medicinal). Craft recipes (health, beauty, child). Schooling, books, gardening, etc.

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I get that Pinterest is supposed to be a place you can "pin" inspirational stuff. I get that. Truly.


What I don't understand is why you'd hang out there when all the inspiration seems to be "cupcake, cake, candy, cupcake on a stick" and then "diet plan, eating plan, exercise plan, smoothies". Couldn't you just skip Pinterest altogether and not slave over a cupcake and then the treadmill?


Other than that, I see a lot of wedding stuff on there. I realize that other people may be using it for stuff other than calorie-laden yum-yums and calorie-busting run-runs, but since anything other than those two things (three, if we're counting the wedding stuff) seems to be in the minority, what sort of inspiration is Pinterest really?


This is the most thought I've put into Pinterest. I don't generally rage against the site. I just spent a good 20 minutes looking at it and I really don't get it.


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I think you dodged a bullet with that would be friend. :glare:


I hate Nutella, and Starbucks. Never been on Twitter. I only have a smartphone because it was free and the data plan didn't cost me any extra.


But, I have found some great deals on ebay. I've been using it since it first started. And I love meat.


As our society becomes more and more materialistic, more and more people are defining themselves solely by what they consume and what they own (media, food, clothing, technology, etc.). I find it creepy and sad, there is not much of an inner life going on there, I find people like that to be lacking in the personality department. But what I consider "personality" I'm sure some would call weird, lol.

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I detest Nutella. Keurigs make me twitch.


I don't understand what's so fantastic about The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Dr. Who, or Downton Abbey.


I don't have a Twitter. I don't have a Pinterest account. I've never felt the need to go to Ebay for anything. I don't own an Apple anything.


I've never been to Disney-anywhere and have no interest in doing so.





I can still hang out here, though, right? :(


I'm neutral about Nutella. We have a jar, but I can't remember when I had some. I watch virtually no network TV, so I have never seen an episode of practically any show people talk about - Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Downtown abbey, 24, Lost, Survivor, The Bachelor, Grey's anatomy and so on and on and on. I am never in the loop with any discussion of common shows and I also don't know celebrities unless they've been around for decades.


I tried to like Dr. Who. I wanted to. I didn't get it. And I don't think that Tennet guy is sexy.


I have a Twitter, but never tweet. I have a Pintrest, but never go there. I go to Ebay once in a while and think about buying an antique gingerbread clock, but I so far have not bought one thing on Ebay.


I love Apple products. My Macbook could sleep in my bed if it wanted to! My iPod is old, though. My phone is an Android. I don't care about upgrading things unless they break.


I do like WDW and all the other parks in FL. The ride called Soarin' makes me indescribably happy. I wish I had it in my back yard.


Keurigs - I do NOT get the appeal. I talk about that all the time. We need a whole pot and I don't want each cup to cost a dollar or whatever it is with those Kcups.

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Good grief! I can't help but wonder if she was drunk or something?


I agree. Sure sounds like a case of EWI (Emailing While Intoxicated). Ignore. :001_rolleyes:


OP - I'm with you on everything except for Nutella and Apple products.


While not a raving Nutella fan, I do love it and indulge in it occasionally.


We now own 6 Apple devices. Full disclosure: we also own Apple stock. That's why we have to keep buying more and more devices. I think it's in the small print somewhere. :tongue_smilie:

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I guess the thing I find most mystifying about these kinds of threads is how much energy you all can put into disliking things so much?


I mean, I'm all for hyperbole (It's the best thing ever!), but I can't imagine working up all that much hate about a TV show or a brand of coffee.


As for my confessions:


- I don't follow any sport of any kind. I don't even care about the Olympics.


- I quit shopping at Wal-Mart about a decade ago, when disgust at their business practices and dissatisfaction with their customer service combined to make me decide I'd rather pay more or do without than buy from that company. I've never regretted the decision.


- I quit eBay even before that, because there wasn't anything I wanted enough to put up with the stress of having to bid on it.


- I do use Facebook, but I can't get all worked up to defend it from naysayers. I signed up for Pinterest to humor my daughter, but I don't think I've logged on more than twice. I don't use Twitter or any of the other social networking sites.


- I don't like How I Met Your Mother or Dr. Who, Big Bang Theory or any reality TV beyond an occasional episode of My Fair Wedding or Say Yes to the Dress.


- I like my dog better than I like most human beings.


- I usually don't know who the latest heart-throb actor is until I see him mentioned here.


- I do love Disney. A lot. I also appreciate the paycheck the company sends our way each week. So, I may be a little biased (although the truth is that we moved here because my husband wanted to work for Disney).


- I use and like a PC desktop and don't really get the hoopla about all things Apple. However, I have an iPhone that I like quite a bit, too. I don't think it's worth what we paid for it, and it wouldn't have been my first choice, but I like it just fine.


- I have no desire to ever own an e-reader of any kind. I like books. And, in my heart of hearts, I'm a little suspicious of anyone who thinks reading on a cold screen is the same as or as good as an actual book.


- As far as James Joyce, I read and loved The Dubliners in college, but that's as far as I've gotten. I've also given up on reading Moby Dick.


- My iPhone has a wide variety of music, with everything from Vivaldi to the Ramones, and a lot of showtunes in between. I think one of the benefits of being an adult who is comfortable in my own skin is that I can choose things I like and find value in, without worrying about whether they are cool or right or good enough or make the right impression on strangers.


- I like cupcakes as long as they are vegan.


- I'm in favor of kilts and have tried for years to nudge my husband and son in that direction.


- I don't consider it admirable -- or not -- to be ignorant about popular culture.

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And just to put this out there, ......some HS moms spend a great deal of energy with superiority over not allowing their families to do certain things. It is a badge of pride. "WE" don't watch TV (I had one mom tell me they don't watch TV because they love their children!) :glare:, "WE" don't waste our time playing video games, "WE" don't spend our money doing X,Y,orZ that is so pop culture because "WE" are above that.


It wears me out.


I have a dear friend (different than the example above). I do love her, but I roll my eyes often. Whenever anyone makes comments about some TV show she HAS to reply, "OH, we don't watch TV in our house." I know her. They don't "watch TV" but they watch endless hours of "not TV" on their computer streaming.


I seriously don't care if you hate Disney, but do you have to make a snide comment about Disney loving people when you say it?


Ok, that is my rant for the day.









- I don't consider it admirable -- or not -- to be ignorant about popular culture.

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The kitten killing has to do with misuse of apostrophes to make a plural.


It is on Pintrest...... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:




Well.....as for the cupcakes, I've only had a single good-tasting vegan cupcake. I think they're pretty to look at, though. Does that help?

And kittens? I like them when they're at someone else's house and I don't have to bring them home with me. ;) I'm also like that with dogs, snakes, fish, babies, and trampolines.


DH and all of my sons each have a kilt. (BYDAND! - we're Clan Gordon!) That balances out the cupcakes and kittens thing, right?

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And just to put this out there, ......some HS moms spend a great deal of energy with superiority over not allowing their families to do certain things. It is a badge of pride. "WE" don't watch TV (I had one mom tell me they don't watch TV because they love their children!) :glare:, "WE" don't waste our time playing video games, "WE" don't spend our money doing X,Y,orZ that is so pop culture because "WE" are above that.


It wears me out.


I have a dear friend (different than the example above). I do love her, but I roll my eyes often. Whenever anyone makes comments about some TV show she HAS to reply, "OH, we don't watch TV in our house." I know her. They don't "watch TV" but they watch endless hours of "not TV" on their computer streaming.


I seriously don't care if you hate Disney, but do you have to make a snide comment about Disney loving people when you say it?


Ok, that is my rant for the day.





oh - not to go down a rabbit trail, but this does drive me a little nuts! a relative of mine is like this... but her statements make no sense!


she is sure to comment at any given opportunity, "we don't have cable in our home." um, yea. but you have netflix just like me!


"we don't go to church because it is so watered down. we have a home church." um, that's great, but is it really necessary to imply that every church falls beneath your holy standards and the rest of us are just watered down christians? especially since my husband works at a church?


"my children can't watch any shows with magic". fine. but you do realize that i feel NCIS & CSI are inappropriate for my 8 year old, so could you please change the channel.



i button my lip every time & don't seek conflict. but it grates my nerves! the examples really just go on and on.


oh! and trick or treating! dressing up and attending 3 fall festivals to get candy is not different than going to the police station and family dollar and the neighbors for candy!

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I'm neutral about Nutella. We have a jar, but I can't remember when I had some. I watch virtually no network TV, so I have never seen an episode of practically any show people talk about - Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Downtown abbey, 24, Lost, Survivor, The Bachelor, Grey's anatomy and so on and on and on. I am never in the loop with any discussion of common shows and I also don't know celebrities unless they've been around for decades.


I tried to like Dr. Who. I wanted to. I didn't get it. And I don't think that Tennet guy is sexy.


I have a Twitter, but never tweet. I have a Pintrest, but never go there. I go to Ebay once in a while and think about buying an antique gingerbread clock, but I so far have not bought one thing on Ebay.


I love Apple products. My Macbook could sleep in my bed if it wanted to! My iPod is old, though. My phone is an Android. I don't care about upgrading things unless they break.


I do like WDW and all the other parks in FL. The ride called Soarin' makes me indescribably happy. I wish I had it in my back yard.


Keurigs - I do NOT get the appeal. I talk about that all the time. We need a whole pot and I don't want each cup to cost a dollar or whatever it is with those Kcups.



Oh my. Is that what "kcups" are for? I've skimmed over mention of these assuming that they were some sort of new-agey feminine hygiene product.

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I've been eyeing that book for a while on Amazon. I'm thinking that I need to make friends with someone who likes to bake and then gift them that cookbook. LOL. I think the last time that I had a cupcake was at a wedding. It was sickly sweet. In my town, in the last few years, there have been all these little cutesy shops popping up all over. That sell cupcakes. Just cupcakes. I don't get it. There are enough people in a town this size that are buying enough cupcakes daily to keep each of these stores open?? How expensive are the cupcakes???


I second the recommendation of Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World--anything by Isa Chandra Moskowitz gets my vote. I make a rockin' version of her basic chocolate cupcake. I make them with a vegan oreo buttercream. Cookies-n-cream cupcakes. Yum. You can definitely make better cupcakes at home with Isa's recipes than you can buy at any of the fancy boutique cupcakeries. And I've frequented one too many fancy boutique cupcakeries. (Yes, they are a big deal; it's the "in" thing, cupcakes. Cupcake shops are getting to be about as ubiquitous as Starbucks, and in a city where there's a 'Bucks on every corner, well...Around here each cupcake goes for between $2.25-$3.50 each, depending on the location. You can expect to pay the high end in, say, downtown DC).


Vegan Cookies Take Over your Cookie Jar is another Isa cookbook that never fails. Seriously, you can't go wrong.

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Oh my. Is that what "kcups" are for? I've skimmed over mention of these assuming that they were some sort of new-agey feminine hygiene product.



Oh, that all makes sense now. But why would someone want to get locked into a system where you have to buy coffee from a single company? Or is that not how it works?

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Guest inoubliable



And just to put this out there, ......some HS moms spend a great deal of energy with superiority over not allowing their families to do certain things. It is a badge of pride. "WE" don't watch TV (I had one mom tell me they don't watch TV because they love their children!) :glare:, "WE" don't waste our time playing video games, "WE" don't spend our money doing X,Y,orZ that is so pop culture because "WE" are above that.


It wears me out.


I have a dear friend (different than the example above). I do love her, but I roll my eyes often. Whenever anyone makes comments about some TV show she HAS to reply, "OH, we don't watch TV in our house." I know her. They don't "watch TV" but they watch endless hours of "not TV" on their computer streaming.


I seriously don't care if you hate Disney, but do you have to make a snide comment about Disney loving people when you say it?


Ok, that is my rant for the day.




Oh, I totally get that. I see the opposite, mostly. It's happened that someone has asked one of my kids what they did in school that day and they'll mention a documentary they watched for science or history. And that person who asked will say something like "Oh, well WE wouldn't watch ANYthing until all of our schoolwork was done." ... The documentary WAS part of school.


FTR, I don't hate Disney. LOL. I grew up on the movies. My grandfather was the sort who would pull us out of school early to go see the new Disney film. I just don't get the Disney theme park attraction.


Eh. I don't put energy into things I don't like. I don't get why some people get so worked up over what they HATE. It seems very counterproductive to me. And, I honestly don't care what other people are into. I think it's great when people have interests and hobbies and are happy. I can't imagine why someone would feel better about themselves after bringing someone else down over what they enjoy.

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Guest inoubliable


Oh, that all makes sense now. But why would someone want to get locked into a system where you have to buy coffee from a single company? Or is that not how it works?


I'm pretty sure that's their entire business plan...

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Guest inoubliable

for vegan cupcakes, i LOVE this recipe. i add chocolate chips to mine (just not milk chocolate). this recipe will convert you & the video is so easy to follow.


Oh. My. Chocolate.


I may have cupcakes today, ladies!!

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Guest inoubliable

I second the recommendation of Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World--anything by Isa Chandra Moskowitz gets my vote. I make a rockin' version of her basic chocolate cupcake. I make them with a vegan oreo buttercream. Cookies-n-cream cupcakes. Yum. You can definitely make better cupcakes at home with Isa's recipes than you can buy at any of the fancy boutique cupcakeries. And I've frequented one too many fancy boutique cupcakeries. (Yes, they are a big deal; it's the "in" thing, cupcakes. Cupcake shops are getting to be about as ubiquitous as Starbucks, and in a city where there's a 'Bucks on every corner, well...Around here each cupcake goes for between $2.25-$3.50 each, depending on the location. You can expect to pay the high end in, say, downtown DC).


Vegan Cookies Take Over your Cookie Jar is another Isa cookbook that never fails. Seriously, you can't go wrong.


All right, I'm convinced. The Cupcakes book has been sitting on a wishlist for a long time, and it's now officially in my Amazon cart. I had no idea there was a Cookies one, too. So... that's also in the cart. And DH likes pies, so.... yeah. I put that one in, too. We LOVE our copy of Veganomicon. It's seriously been our go-to cookbook for meal planning and we've tweaked recipes for fun. I can't wait to get these other cookbooks now!

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All right, I'm convinced. The Cupcakes book has been sitting on a wishlist for a long time, and it's now officially in my Amazon cart. I had no idea there was a Cookies one, too. So... that's also in the cart. And DH likes pies, so.... yeah. I put that one in, too. We LOVE our copy of Veganomicon. It's seriously been our go-to cookbook for meal planning and we've tweaked recipes for fun. I can't wait to get these other cookbooks now!


Good stuff! The only recipe we didn't like from the Cookie book was the pumpkin brownies. Everything else has been just perfect, and I've made quite a few of them. FYI, we're vegetarian but not vegan. The recipes are just that good (and easy--the ingredients lists for most basic cookies are pretty short. It's very handy for the non-vegan when you run out of eggs and NEED, say, chocolate crinkles).


If you can't wait for chocolate cupcakes, I'm pretty sure the recipe I use is the same recipe that is posted on Post Punk Kitchen. The recipe mytwomonkeys posted is pretty foolproof, too.

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Oh my. Is that what "kcups" are for? I've skimmed over mention of these assuming that they were some sort of new-agey feminine hygiene product.



:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: Ha! Yes, short for "Kegal Cups." See, it's a device whereby you build up the relevant muscles and then no longer require feminine protection because you can hold everything in until you visit the ladies' room. :smilielol5:

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