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What are you using for 1st and 2nd grade LA?


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What are you using and do you like it?


I'm using CLE at the moment and not sure if I like it in the younger years to continue. I currently have a K, 1st and 2nd. I like it for my 6th grader but just seeing about doing something else in the younger years. Next year I'll have 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

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1st- dd

Phonics: finish ABeka 1

Grammar: FLL 1

Writing: WWE 1

Spelling: AAS 1-2

Handwriting: HWOT 1

Reading: Sonlight grade 2 readers



Phonics: ETC 6-8

Grammar: FLL2

Writing: WWE 2 (considering dropping this)

Spelling: AAS 3- part of 4

Handwriting: ZB 2C

Reading: SL grade 3 readers and some 4/5 readers


Ds-plan for first:

Phonics: finish AAR2, maybe some OPGTR

Grammar: FLL 1

Spelling AAS1-2

Handwriting: HWOT 1

Writing: ??? Maybe WWE 1

Reading: SL and ABeka readers


I have been mostly happy with what we have used for dd. the verdict is still out for whether or not ETC is busy work or not...and WWE does not seem to be a good fit for her.


For ds, much of first will be new to him but programs dd used.

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We use a mix, starting with 100 Easy Lessons. Yes I know many folks don't like it. We then move to AAR readers only. For Spelling we use Natural Speller, Spellwell, Delightful Dictation and Spelling, and How to Spell. We just started grammar again after a failed attempt with Shurley. We just started using Practicing Standard Usage and Aesop's Fables. For vocab we use 100 Little Lessons. Then we read aloud a lot. That is a big mish mash, but we have a good routine going and it fits together quite nicely. Excluding read alouds it takes about 60 minutes for my six yo. And 30-40 minutes for my 5yo. FWIW, I share this conglomeration hoping one or more of the single items might be useful!

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DS 2nd

Primary Language Lessons

Easy Grammar (started using Grammarland, but I needed more handholding with the assignments)

Rod and Staff Spelling 2 (will begin 3 before the end of the year)

Scholastic Reading Comprehension

Explode the Code 6 (haven't decided if we will do 7 and 8 yet - 6 was very easy for him)

Literature from various reading lists (MP, VP, Mensa, etc.)

Zaner-Bloser handwriting


DS who will be going into 1st next year will use



Funnix2 for phonics/reading

Rod & Staff Spelling 2

A Reason for Handwriting A (already started) and Pentime when we finish that.

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DS1 did:


1st grade - FLL, WWE, AAS, HWT, read good books (he was already reading at a 4th grade level when I pulled him out of school)

2nd grade - FLL/R&S/KISS, WWE, AAS/R&S Spelling, read good books (those weren't combo curricula, but swapping during the year - I only used one at a time)


DS2 next year will probably do:


1st grade - FLL, R&S Phonics/Reading, Pentime... and if he's ready sometime during the year, we'll add in WWE, which he's ready NOW for the narration part, but he can't read the copywork yet!


Of course DS2's year is subject to change if I change my mind. <g> I already own FLL and WWE and have purchased Pentime the other day.


We'll use R&S Spelling when he's ready for it, but for now, we're still working on learning to read.

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LLATL Red mostly for 2nd. We were using PLL (which is good) but we are nearly half way done with the book (all of the 2nd grade section) and dd loves LLATL so much. I have seen her learn a good deal with this. Anytime I think of putting it away and replace it with just copywork (which I believe in) I see my dd's eyes sparkle with her work. We will keep on with this one as long as we can.


For phonics in K and part of 1st we did parts of LLATL Blue and Phonics Pathways.


All along, and even now, we use many LA lessons in FIAR. They are simply awesome. Some examples of things dd has learned as a result of FIAR:





parallel construction


writing a news article

compound words







coming up with good titles

good story endings

story telling

and the list just goes on.......

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How would LLATL work with an advanced reader, but an average handwriter, speller, etc?



My dd is well past the reading in LLATL Red. I started to not even use it because of this even though my other kids had used the upper levels of LLATL. But a lady who had used all levels gave me advice once. SHe said to not place my child according to her reading level because the other lessons would be too advanced. Instead use the readers for enjoyment and fluency practice, and have her read other books more her own level. I have been doing that and have not regretted it. So basically let your child read in other subjects (science/history/lit chapter books). For us this has worked beautifully.


Oh and I just wanted to add about the spelling. Many say it is not enough. It is not a list of 20 words to be sure. How it works is this. One week for phonics review they will cover something like words with ea which say /a/ such as bear, steak and 5 others. It gets the child seeing them and getting familiar with the phonics fact. The next week they will have 2 or 3 ea words along with 1 or 2 others that cover another sound. A week or so ago dd learned to drop silent e before adding suffixes. This week it is changing the y to i before adding ed. I like that it teaches decoding and basic rules instead of a huge list of words. A weak speller may need more though.


We just started week 27 and they have replaced the coloring/handwriting sheet with copywork of quotes from books.


Sorry, that is more than you wanted to know. Hehe. I just get excited to watch my child grow and learn. :)

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DS is currently using FLL 1/2 and WWE, a lot of good books and extra copywork/dictation for spelling and penmanship.


I did try a couple of other things before returning to FLL 1/2 and I am happy with it but intend to switch to R&S 3 for grammar afterwards.

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My 2nd grader is about to start Climbing to Good English 2, if you like workbooks. I would highly recommend you look into it.


I prefer to not do grammar in 1st or 2nd grade, however my dd7 loves workbooks and wants to do more than I actually require of her.


What I do require: Copywork daily, dictation during our spelling lessons twice a week, narration during reading time at night. Spelling is a family affair, my own version using SWR's Wise Guide for our lists. We also do latin together as a family, twice a week, which would definitely fall under the category of language arts. We're using Prima Latina.

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We are using SWR and WWE. I love both. WWE is easy for us to do. SWR is intense, but it works really well. And since both programs have a fair amount of grammar, I do not feel the need to add a specific grammar program for these younger years.

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My boys are pretty much opposites when it comes to language arts. So far, everything here has gone well.


2nd Grade

MCT Grammar, Sentence and Practice Island

MCT Building Language

Winning With Writing, then Writing Tales


1st Grade

Phonics Pathways

Reading Pathways

Explode the Code 4-6

Writing With Ease 1

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For 1st I used LLATL Red and WWE1

For 2nd I used LLATL Yellow and Classical Writing Primers.


I really like all of these, I especially loved the Primers. I used LLATL K-2, this year (for 3rd) I'm switching it out for MCT.

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First grade:


Jolly Grammar (grammar only)

Dancing Bears

Zaner-Bloser Manuscript


Second grade:


Galore Park Junior English 1

Teach Me Joy Cursive




I really like the Galore Park English and WWE is solid. DD liked Jolly Grammar, but it didn't really stick; ditto for AAS.

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