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Dr. Hive DDS: Child's teeth are not falling out!


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Dd just turned six years old in the middle of last month. A day or two after her birthday, she announced that a couple new teeth were coming in, and sure enough, her two front-bottom teeth are coming in!


It has been three weeks, the two new bottom teeth are bigger every day, but her old (deciduous) bottom teeth are not even loose.


We're ready to rename her "Bruce" (after one of the sharks in Nemo).


1) Has this happened to anyone else?


2) At what point should we take her in to see the dentist? (Daughter's next scheduled appointment is in April).


Other information: two weeks ago, Loverboy telephoned our family dentist, and the dentist wasn't worried about it.

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This happened to my kid, too - her teeth FINALLY fell out, and the new teeth moved in within three days. If your dentist isn't worried, I wouldn't worry, either. I mean, I'm not worried, but you shouldn't worry, either!


Also, my kitten had extra fangs that fell out shortly after I noticed it. I know you didn't page Dr. Hive, DVM, but I thought this info. was pertinent. You're welcome! ;)

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Yes, not a problem at all. My son had them, we called our dentist AND my sister who works for another dentist (for a second opinion) and both said they shouldn't be a problem. Within a few days of the old ones finally falling out the new ones slid right into place.


And we did call him "Shark Boy."

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Our dentist left them for awhile, then suggested pulling them. When my daughter balked, we waited another 6 months. And then another. She eventually had them pulled, but it wasn't a big deal. At that point, there was no root. They did it with a topical anesthetic. By that time, the teeth had broken into shards so they weren't getting pushed out at all.


I think she was 13 at the time. Maybe it could have been done sooner, but the dentist wasn't really pushing it.

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I don't know, we've had the dentist pull several of ds's teeth over this issue. We were told by orthodontists, that while it may not affect the adult teeth immediately, the baby teeth not falling out on time can affect the placement of the adult teeth long term and increase the likelihood of braces and other work.

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That happened to my son, and it was a problem for him. The two adult teeth grew up behind the baby teeth, and the baby teeth did not loosen up at all. The poor kid had to have 4 baby teeth pulled during one visit to the dentist. :(


Same thing happened to my youngest DS. The dentist was concerned about the baby teeth interfering with his adult teeth coming in straight.

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Our dentist left them for awhile, then suggested pulling them. When my daughter balked, we waited another 6 months. And then another. She eventually had them pulled, but it wasn't a big deal. At that point, there was no root. They did it with a topical anesthetic. By that time, the teeth had broken into shards so they weren't getting pushed out at all.


I think she was 13 at the time. Maybe it could have been done sooner, but the dentist wasn't really pushing it.



This happened to us too, multiple times with our oldest. The baby teeth stick around until they resemble snail shells, then either have to be removed by a dentist or shatter into pieces and have to be dug out of her gums...by a dentist. I am not happy with how much money we have had to spend having the dentist remove baby teeth. In none of these cases were the baby teeth hindering the placement of the permanent teeth though. It's one of those things I've had to add to the "things people can not foresee ever having to spend money on" or "things people don't tell you about parenting" lists.

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Our dentist told my shark-toothed daughter that when the adult teeth coming in are taller than the baby teeth, it's time to pull them. So we waited and then had them pulled. Interestingly, others of her teeth (not just those first bottom two) had trouble also. She grew her canines in front of the baby teeth on the top, and behind on the bottom. Her orthodontist keeps having baby teeth pulled in order to reduce the amount of work to move the adult teeth into place. At nearly 11, I think she's naturally lost only 2 teeth!

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I don't know, we've had the dentist pull several of ds's teeth over this issue. We were told by orthodontists, that while it may not affect the adult teeth immediately, the baby teeth not falling out on time can affect the placement of the adult teeth long term and increase the likelihood of braces and other work.


:iagree: I had a few of my kids' teeth pulled as soon as I saw another one coming in wrong. I think I have saved some big $$ in orthodonty, because then they could come in straight.


Theirs weren't front teeth, though, but canines and molars.

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Happened to my dd as well. It was almost sad to see her shark teeth go! ;) Her dentist wanted to pull them at one point. My dd freaked so I consulted a friend who is a dentist and was told to wait, the trauma of it is not worth it. We waited and waited and they did finally come out on their own...

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Another shark here. My son’s adult teeth also came in very crooked because of the baby teeth. I was pretty worried but our very laid back dentist wasn’t. He assured me that the tongue would help push the adult teeth into place and indeed, that has happened. They went from being almost 90 degrees the wrong way to being in the normal place.

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I had no idea this was so common - my dd had the same thing happen with her bottom incisors. I took her to the dentist when her teeth started poking through. The doctor pulled her deciduous teeth to make room. It was a quick, easy procedure, and she was excited because the tooth fairy came the first time for 2 teeth.

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Both of my kids have serious orthodontic problems, or *had* , my ds is almost done :hurray:, but dd has had to have several shark teeth pulled. None of her teeth come in the right place because her mouth is tiny and her teeth are huge. Right now, she has another molar coming in beside the baby tooth. She wiggles, but nothing happens. So we do the usual wait and wiggle with no progress. Our dentist will pull it next week when she goes in for another procedure :glare: . She also has slow to erupt teeth and went almost 2 years with no front teeth!


The concern is that by waiting too long, the area between those teeth is the ideal place for food to get trapped and cause a cavity on the adult tooth.

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