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Please tell me that someone else is still Christmas shopping?


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There are a couple of things I could think of that I would be tempted to get, but the gifts are bought the spreadsheet is checked and I refuse to visit any stores online or in person until next year! Well other then the grocery store.



How sad--even a grocery store can tempt me to add a couple of gifts. Shower gel, lotions, DVDs, specialty foods, candles, plants, all I have to do is look around. Maybe it's a good thing we are all sick and I'm stuck at home.

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I just ordered an aebelskiver pan from Amazon. I don't know how to make them, but it was a good deal and I think the boys will like them. I'll be in TJ Maxx, WalMart (we don't have a Target), and who knows where else tomorrow!




:iagree: (But I'm still going to Target, Best Buy, and GameStop one more time before Christmas... because they're there, and it would be wrong not to go.)


I know what you mean about the internet -- it's like Amazon keeps beckoning me. I'm telling you, I'll be sitting in the living room, minding my own business... and then my computer whispers the magic words............. LIGHTNING DEALS........ :eek: :eek: :eek:


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and now I'm sifting through thousands of digital photos to find those I want to load onto a photo frame for my mom.


:thumbup1: thank you thank you - I could not think of a gift for MIL who is staying with us - they don't need anythng and now live in a motorhome -so small space.


Now I'm all set.

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I have a 14 and 2 year old. This will be the 2 yo first Christmas. I didn't buy him anything for the first two. He didn't know or care. We haven't done birthday parties or presents for him, either. He doesn't know or care.


Your 5 month old doesn't know or care.


You aren't creating a future anything. Next year you can evaluate circumstances at that time and decide what the best course of action will be.


I know my 5 month old doesn't know or care. I'm more worried about my 4yo being upset if sister seems slighted. She is very, very protective of her sister. I don't think she'll be paying attention to that. But if it were obvious or if she gets the idea in her head to count them for fun, it would be sister she'd be looking out for.

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Me - I'm still shopping.


DD is waaaay done - I suffer from "can't resist cute, girlie toys syndrome" and she has a million things she would like and always has plenty of suggestions.


DS2 is done - he is easy -his gifts are always divided into two categories - fire engines and dalmation puppies LOL


DS1 - does not want anything, has no strong interests or hobbies and only yesterday showed his first strong interest in something he might want. :bored: So I need to go out and shop for him now that I finally have a clue.


DH bought a second hand Wii as a family gift so I need to pick up some games as well. Luckily I can direct the games at DS1 as more gifts to open so things look even :bored:


So tired of shopping -running out of cash fast.


Don't have a gift for DH yet -every year he only wants things I can't afford - so again - no idea what to get him.

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We just finished this evening. We still need to do a lot of wrapping, though.


I did not strive for present parity. They are 4yo and 5 months. So it doesn't matter, yet, right? I don't think DD will notice, or care if she does, that they may not be even. But am I borrowing trouble, here? Does anyone not try at all to make sure it's even? I always planned on keeping the budget pretty equal once DD2 is older. This year I did not even try to spend as much on the baby as I did on my 4yo. I'll have to count it up, but I doubt I got lucky with the number of gifts.


I don't do present parity either. Never have. Some years, some kid got something cooler than the others. That's just the way it is - life goes on. I just make sure everyone gets a box to open.

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You aren't alone. I still have a few things to get over the weekend. One of DD's presents won't even arrive until after Christmas, so I'm trying to figure out a clever way to let her know that the gift is still en route so that it doesn't seem so lame that I didn't get it in time. :blushing:

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I'm usually a last minute shopper, but this year I got really into hunting for deals and got my shopping done early. Now when my parents take all of my kids on Saturday, which rarely happens, we get to go see the Lincoln movie and eat out alone instead of shopping. Yay me! However, this is so unusual for me that I keep feeling like I should order something else. Trying to convince myself that my little one does not need a Plan Toys rocking horse.


ETA: I do like to make sure everyone has the same number of gifts to open, I don't worry about spending the same amount, but the number of gifts matters because we sit in a circle and take turns opening and an uneven number will be noticed that way. (We do the circle because it was so disappointing to me when there would be an opening frenzy and I can't focus on so many kids at once, so I'd miss reactions and it was kind of a bummer for the kids when it was over so fast. This way we can take our time and see what each other received and thank the giver properly, etc. We all like it better this way.)

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I just started shopping today. So far I picked up a PS3 controller my youngest brother requested (I'm his secret santa) and a new wallet (purple, b/c it's her fav color) and Hello Kitty wristlet (b/c it's her fav) for DD. I have no idea what the plans are for tonight, other than I will be braving the crazy crowds shopping.

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For all those who just started or recently started shopping, Dh has had a theory for years that people who wait until a few days or a week before end up spending less. I used to disagree, but sometimes I think he may have a point.

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For all those who just started or recently started shopping, Dh has had a theory for years that people who wait until a few days or a week before end up spending less. I used to disagree, but sometimes I think he may have a point.


If you buy early, you have more time to add things to your list.

I do think people can spend more in the last days if they don't know what to get and are desperate for anything that looks good.

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Not finished here, but thought I was until a couple days ago when I realized I am short about 10 miscellaneous presents :/ One I need before Saturday and I have my nephew tomorrow evening... Others I need before Monday; not to mention a craft I am working on that I just realized I need to pick up the pace and get to moving on it.

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I was done until II took my kids to see santa last night. DD8 added one more thing to her list, as did dd11. To keep the dream alive for dd8, I have to go find a Big Stuffed Dog that you can sleep on and something from the lego creator series. Such common items! :smilielol5:

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I haven't even started yet.


I am a teacher, and today was the last day of school. In the last two weeks my little sister has gotten married, I've had to attend two school Christmas programs, and sold mistletoe with my son and his cub scout den. There has been NO extra time. Even today was crazy, when I had to rush out of our early dismissal day to get to a funeral.


But, it's like this every year. I never have any actual money to spend on gifts for my own kids. What I do is wait until I get all of the gifts from my students. Many things I regift to family members, the restaurant gift cards I regift a little and use the others for free dinners, and mostly I get Macy's or Target gift cards and use those to finance 99% of my Christmas shopping. Keeps me on a budget, that's for sure.

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