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My dd scalp looks horrible!


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My 11 yo dd has been clawing at her head constantly for a couple weeks. We'd run out of dandruff shampoo, and I got some more about a week ago, but she's still been clawing, so I took a look. She had huge gobs of dead skin on her scalp. I mean gross 1/4-1/2 inch flakes stuck to her hair. I sent her to the shower to scrub her head again, telling her to massage her scalp with her fingers, but what else can we do? This is awful. It's gross and I hate for her to constantly be clawing at her head.


(I know she doesn't have lice. I checked.)

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I treated my DD's just like cradle cap. I covered her scalp with olive oil, let it soak in for 30 minutes or so, went through and picked at the flakes with a comb then washed it a couple times to get the oil out.


She was all clear for a few months. She has a couple small places now that I need to retreat.

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Could it be scalp psoriasis? Might be worth a derm looking at it if it is that bad. Psoriasis can be associated with other health concerns, so I'd want to get it checked if it is really bothersome.


possibly. This kid had awful skin issues. Eczema, allergies....sigh. It's all from my side of the family, I continually tell my dh he picked a gal with a genetic dungheap. He was fooled by my orthodontically straightened smile!

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If she's had ongoing skin issues, I'd get it checked. I was misdiagnosed with tinea versicolor on my body for years, only to find out I was dealing with psoriasis. I also have it on my scalp. Certain shampoos, particularly anything with SLS, make mine faaaaaar worse. There are some natural treatments out there that help a bit too. Psoriasis comes with a possible risk of psoriatic arthritis, and can be associated with things like diabetes and metabolic syndrome, so something to keep an eye on through her life if it is indeed psoriasis. Gluten and sugar make mine flare a LOT too. I have PCOS, so it probably is somewhat tied with insulin resistance issues. Oh, and it can also be associated with low D, which is quite common. If it is psoriasis, might be worth getting her d levels checked. (eta: and since it is autoimmune, some studies show an association with other autoimmune issues, meaning she may be somewhat more likely to be diagnosed with another autoimmune issue down the road if it is psoriasis. That's why I'd want a proper diagnosis, so the other associated risks can be watched *if* it is psoriasis.)

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other than big nasty flakes, what does scalp psoriasis look like?

I just get flaky or like a build up I can scrape off with my finger nails. Mine isn't too terrible, but annoying and can be persistant. Looking back I've had it for years but didn't have any idea it was psoriasis!. It does flare at certain times and then it gets worse. Certain shampoos make it much worse. Some dandruff shampoos in the past seemed to help temporarily, but then it was like a rebound where it was worse the day afterward. Many dandruff shampoos have SLS, which makes mine worse. I do periodically use a salicylic acid shampoo like neutrogena T-sal, but that can be hit or miss (sometimes helps, sometimes makes it worse). I have an SLS (not for dandruff issues) shampoo and conditioner that work for me right now, but I do have to periodically tweak what I'm using.


Mine is nothing like many pics online; I am fortunate it isn't all that bad, but I still wish I wasn't dealing with it. Looking back, it makes sense why some conventional methods of treatment weren't working for me though.

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dd 11 was diagnosed with scalp psoriasis yesterday. The spot on her head is red and irritated. It has white/silver flakes, and it itches. She also has the elbow skin texture of a psoriasis diagnosis. We already knew she has food allergies, eczema, and reactive airway disease. No fun!

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I treated my DD's just like cradle cap. I covered her scalp with olive oil, let it soak in for 30 minutes or so, went through and picked at the flakes with a comb then washed it a couple times to get the oil out.


She was all clear for a few months. She has a couple small places now that I need to retreat.


My older ds had hydropic eczema. We used baby oil instead of olive oil at my mom's suggestion. Massaged it into the scalp and let it sit for 10 minutes, combed gently to loosen flakes (warning, scalp looked really red and freaked me out but he said it didn't hurt) washed about 3x with regular shampoo, then repeated. I did this every other day for about a week or so. It looked a lot better fairly quickly. If you wash with hot water or frequently it tends to make it worse. My ds has pretty thick hair and I only had him wash about every three days (or if hair looked oily). He doesn't have problems now.


It got worse when weather changed so that may be the case for you as well. Hope you can get it taken care of soon, I hate when our kids are miserable!

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What you describe sounds just like my psoriasis on my scalp. Don't always go by the pictures. I don't have thick, yellow clumps either. I could literally peel flakes off my scalp though luckily no hair loss. If the dandruff shampoo isn't helping much and she has other issues, definitely have a doc check it. I've now got psoriatic arthritis too and let me tell you, it is NO fun. Not that you can prevent it, but you'll know what to look for and can have it treated asap. I use the Garnier Fructis Clear Control and it helps some.


Good luck,

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I get a treatment shampoo from Biolage for DS. He has THICK hair and I don't know why but his scalp is prone to flaking. I just help him wash it once a week with that stuff to keep it away, but it gets rid of it almost instantly



Which shampoo is it?


I've had a lot of trouble with severe dry scalp. Not dandruff, not psoriasis, just severely dry scalp. It's gotten a lot better lately, after accidentally having bought extra moisturizing Biolage shampoo.

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nettle oil treatment has worked for my Ds. We apply, massage into the scalp, let it sit for a couple of day. Shampoo/scrub well then apply a little mainly in the middle of the scalp and massage in again. We let it sit again for a couple of days. His dandruff stays under control that way. We also only have him wash his hair when it needs it. We don't want to dry his scalp out more.

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So I don't think it is psoriasis, according to the pictures I saw. Theres no thick, yellowy greasy clumps on her head. I gguess it's just regular dandruff ,albeit a severe case. I cut her hair today, so I bet that will help in whatever we decide to do to help with it.




No thick, yellow greasy clumps here either, but definitely psoriasis. I have used several products through the years, with varying success. A few months ago I had it really bad. Someone on these boards recommended the products on skincap.com. They really worked well.

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