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anyone ever sell their house from having a open house

Jeannie in NJ

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our realtor had a open house for realtors. It was a lousy, rainy day and she had 30 realtors show up and there was quite a bit of interest but no bites yet. She asked if we want to have a regular open house. Has anyone ever sold their house from having an open house or do you just get neighbors and other looky loos that just want to see inside your house but have no real interest in buying.

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our realtor had a open house for realtors. It was a lousy, rainy day and she had 30 realtors show up and there was quite a bit of interest but no bites yet. She asked if we want to have a regular open house. Has anyone ever sold their house from having an open house or do you just get neighbors and other looky loos that just want to see inside your house but have no real interest in buying.


We are close to putting in an offer on a home we saw through an open house. I think we're fairly unique buyers, however, in that we've yet to find a realtor that can do a better job than us finding our ideal home. For us, realtors are simply there to turn the key, not locate a home. The open houses we've hosted for our homes have never led to an offer.

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We bought a house because of an open house. We were looking at one house in the neighborhood with a realtor and figured we would walk in the open house up the street as we were already there. We wound up buying that one even though it never would have made my list on paper. :D

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We were close to putting in an offer on a house we found through an open house. We wanted to see it one more time before making an offer, but someone beat us to it, and we weren't interested in getting in a bidding war. We've sold one house, and that sale did not come from an open house.

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I was just talking to a realtor in my neighborhood today. She just sold a house in the neighborhood for full asking price to buyers who attended an open house. She had a ton of traffic on Sunday and three offers by Monday. We're getting ready to put a house on the market and will definitely be hosting an open house before we list it with a realtor.



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I have heard from realtor friends that open houses are mainly for finding new clients, not as much for finding a buyer.... but, when I bought my house last year I went to many open houses each weekend and eventually chose from one of those.

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Our Realtor said that she doesn't do open houses because it is mostly buyers that are not buying right then it is people are are feeling out the market and neighbors. I personally find houses I want to look at and go look at them. If there was an open house for it I would go to it but not having one wouldn't keep me from looking at a place.

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