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What does the green number under our names mean?

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It tracks how many Likes you've received on your posts. It looks as if everyone started with 10. A few people I've seen have over 200 so I'm not sure where those counts are coming from. Maybe if you log in here through fb it counts likes you've received there as well...don't know that for sure.


Edited: I just logged out and then back in through FB and it didn't change my number so I'm not sure why some people have over 200 already...oh, didn't we used to have a place in our old profile page that allowed people to rate us or something...maybe that has something to do with it.


I know for sure that it counts liked posts right now though.

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It tracks how many Likes you've received on your posts. It looks as if everyone started with 10. A few people I've seen have over 200 so I'm not sure where those counts are coming from. Maybe if you log in here through fb it counts likes you've received there as well...don't know that for sure.


Edited: I just logged out and then back in through FB and it didn't change my number so I'm not sure why some people have over 200 already...oh, didn't we used to have a place in our old profile page that allowed people to rate us or something...maybe that has something to do with it.


I know for sure that it counts liked posts write now though.


Teacher's pets. ;)

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It tracks how many Likes you've received on your posts. It looks as if everyone started with 10. A few people I've seen have over 200 so I'm not sure where those counts are coming from. Maybe if you log in here through fb it counts likes you've received there as well...don't know that for sure.


Edited: I just logged out and then back in through FB and it didn't change my number so I'm not sure why some people have over 200 already...oh, didn't we used to have a place in our old profile page that allowed people to rate us or something...maybe that has something to do with it.


I know for sure that it counts liked posts write now though.


It is the new "rep." Unlike the old rep which allowed for negative feedback, the "like" appears to only be for affirmative use.

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I was so flattered at first, because I thought it was how many posts I made that people liked.

Turns out (if I'm not mistaken) that it's how many posts I have liked, made by others.. (So, no teacher's pets.) From way back. Like 2008. You can see your list of what you liked wayyyy back then, too...Kinda fun to reread those, actually!

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I was so flattered at first, because I thought it was how many posts I made that people liked.

Turns out (if I'm not mistaken) that it's how many posts I have liked, made by others.. (So, no teacher's pets.) From way back. Like 2008. You can see your list of what you liked wayyyy back then, too...Kinda fun to reread those, actually!



I thought it was the first one. I'm going to test it. Right now my green section says 11 and yours says 322. After I select post I'm going to Like your post and see what it does to the numbers.

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I thought it was the first one. I'm going to test it. Right now my green section says 11 and yours says 322. After I select post I'm going to Like your post and see what it does to the numbers.



Never mind on that since I apparently reached my quota, for the second time today.

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I do think there's carryover from the old boards... you can see what other people have "liked" if you click on their profile, and some of them are from WAAAAY back when. Before my time, certainly. :D


I know I wasn't here with the old system that a lot of people seem to have disliked... but I don't see the likes as a popularity contest, just as a way to say that you agree or find something funny or true, or whatever. At least, I hope that's how everyone will use it. :)

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Well, thanks to this thread I have just learned that I am incredibly unpopular. :glare:


I like to think it has everything to do with my snotty reply to the Man in a Canoe thread, but since that was only about 5 minutes ago, well.... probably not. :(



I tried to like your post, but I've reached my quota for the day... again, somehow... ;)

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Well, thanks to this thread I have just learned that I am incredibly unpopular. :glare:


I like to think it has everything to do with my snotty reply to the Man in a Canoe thread, but since that was only about 5 minutes ago, well.... probably not. :(



I am VERY confused. But then again I cannot even see the threads people are referencing so maybe I'll stay off until I don't keep getting kicked of every other time

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Well, thanks to this thread I have just learned that I am incredibly unpopular. :glare:


I like to think it has everything to do with my snotty reply to the Man in a Canoe thread, but since that was only about 5 minutes ago, well.... probably not. :(



I'd doubly like you,Cat, if I could!!! Cause, you know, most of the time I'd like to be your lacky that runs around these boards going: "Yeah, what she said!"

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I think it is rep from the old board, before it was turned off, added to whatever has been liked since the new board has come back up. If you didn't join the old board until after the rep was turned off, you started with 10 points on this board. Any points over that are from people liking your posts since the new board has been in use. That's how it seems to be for me, at any rate.

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I'd doubly like you,Cat, if I could!!! Cause, you know, most of the time I'd like to be your lacky that runs around these boards going: "Yeah, what she said!"


Thanks! :)


I'm thinking that if I want to get really popular, maybe it's time for me to get a cool avatar or something. On the old board, it didn't matter if you had one, but now I'm just some sort of odd silhouette thing, and it's kind of creeping me out.


I wonder if that's what I really look like. :eek:

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Thanks! :)


I'm thinking that if I want to get really popular, maybe it's time for me to get a cool avatar or something. On the old board, it didn't matter if you had one, but now I'm just some sort of odd silhouette thing, and it's kind of creeping me out.


I wonder if that's what I really look like. :eek:


I keep thinking they look like ghosts. So you must be the ghost of Catwoman until you get a new avatar.

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