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SOCIAL GROUP: Exploring Orthodox Christianity


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Hey! Thought we could meet in this thread until the social groups are back up and running. I'll be watching for that and will start a new group up when the feature is reactivated. I've missed you all and prayed for you at Divine Liturgy this morning. How are you doing? What's new?

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Today at Divine Liturgy I was actually able to follow along with the book the Priest gave me :laugh: It was much more meaningful that way. I loved singing along with the choir.


Three others and I also sat down with Father to figure out a weekly time we can all meet. It will be Thursdays at 5 for 2 hours. We will be reading through The Mystery of Faith together.


Any thoughts on that book?

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Hmm, my face got stretched out on my avatar. I'll have to fix that when I'm on a computer. PM me if you want to be FB friends! I probably outed myself posting to the PHP page with my profile picture on FB being the same as here anyway.


I've never "missed" church during the week (as in wished I was there, not as in not gone), but I find myself missing the liturgy after just a few days. Our church has orthros and liturgy on Sundays, paraklesis on Wednesdays, and Vespers on Saturday. We've only attended Sundays so far. It's hard with the kids.


The church is compiling a new picture directory and we get to be in it! I'm so excited, we just started attending liturgy a couple of months ago and became catechumens a couple of weeks ago.


For our catechism, we are reading through books and discussing them with the priest. Our first assignment is "The Truth of Our Faith" by Elder Cleopa.

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Hmm, my face got stretched out on my avatar. I'll have to fix that when I'm on a computer. PM me if you want to be FB friends! I probably outed myself posting to the PHP page with my profile picture on FB being the same as here anyway.


I've never "missed" church during the week (as in wished I was there, not as in not gone), but I find myself missing the liturgy after just a few days. Our church has orthros and liturgy on Sundays, paraklesis on Wednesdays, and Vespers on Saturday. We've only attended Sundays so far. It's hard with the kids.


The church is compiling a new picture directory and we get to be in it! I'm so excited, we just started attending liturgy a couple of months ago and became catechumens a couple of weeks ago.


For our catechism, we are reading through books and discussing them with the priest. Our first assignment is "The Truth of Our Faith" by Elder Cleopa.


you'r'e saying in your previous tradition? yes, I had the same experience since becoming Orthodox.

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We just started reading through a book (with discussion) Clark Carlton's The Faith: Understanding Orthodox Christianity. Just saw the reviews at amazon and I feel fortunate that we found this and can attend. Been drifting along and hope this will anchor me a bit.

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Missing everyone like crazy! I just began reading First Fruits of Prayer by Frederica Mathewes-Green. It's a 40 day devotional going through the cannon of St. Andrew. PattyJoanna gave it to me at my baptism. :) Other than that, I'm trying hard to limit my time online.

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I've missed all of you!!! So glad to see some familiar faces. It feels like it's been forever.


I'm reading Praying with Icons by Jim Forest. Has anybody else read it? I had it on my wish list for awhile at paperbackswap, and then I happened to be in a thrift store last week, and there it was on the shelf so I grabbed it. I'm loving it so far.

From the introduction:

"In Moscow I witnessed again and again the way Orthodox Christians live with icons, responding to them with an intimacy and warmth that filled me with wonder and appreciation - not to mention a certain envy, as I could hardly imagine myself being as free, wholehearted, andexpressive in prayer as they were. There seemed to be no border between physical and spiritual life...Icons helped to erase borders of time and space. They helped me sense the closeness rather than the remoteness of the events and people portrayed....People stopping at particular icons often seemed to be greeting dear friends. The candles that were flickering throughout the church were equal to the number of kisses that had been bestowed on icons." (The author eventually became Orthodox.)


From the section on the history of icons:

"Since the invisible One became visible by taking on flesh, you can fashion the image of him whom you saw. Since he who has neither body nor form nor quantity nor quality, who goes beyond all grandeur by the excellence of his nature, he, being of divine nature, took on the condition of a slave and reduced himself to quantity and quality by clothing himself in human features. Therefore, paint on wood and present for contemplation him who desired to become visible [st. John of Damascus]".


From the section on praying in body and soul:

"One of the odd things that has happened to prayer in much of Western Christianity - in some churches with the Reformation, in others more recently - has been the drastic erosion of the physical dimension of the spiritual life. Prayer has become mainly an activity of the head. Many of us have become like birds trying to fly with one wing. Icons can help us grow back the missing wing, the physical aspect of prayer."


Alenee, I'll have to look for First Fruits of Prayer. I like FMG's writings.

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How's the fast going so far? Thank heavens for weekends, and fish, yes? :)


Here's a recipe that is tasty. I made it for a potluck and people liked it, so I thought I'd share.


Slow Cooker Chickpea Stew



Michele Scicolone, from "The Italian Slow Cooker"


Gently seasoned, this hearty stew can be a side or the center of the meal. Serve it with garlicky broccoli or green beans and, if you want more zing, add a pinch of hot pepper flakes to the pot.



3 16-ounce cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained

5 medium carrots, sliced

2 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped

1 cup peeled, seeded, and chopped tomatoes (fresh or canned) with their juice

1 medium onion, chopped

2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary

1/2 cup vegetable broth, or water

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste




1. Combine all the ingredients in a large slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours, or until the vegetables are tender.


2. Serve hot or at room temperature.

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I'm going to try and begin reading "Remember Thy First Love" again. I started it many months ago but got bogged down. Someone told me if I get past the first part of the book it gets easier.


I also am reading the Lives of the Saints to my youngest each morning (or at least trying to!). I've always found reading one a day to be very encouraging

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I'm currently living in a Baptist household with the kids, so fasting is off at the moment. We are all very respectful of one another's beliefs, but I just don't feel like dealing with the extra work and such right now.


I missed ya'll, but having the boards down this week was perfect timing for me as DH was home for a few days. He even was able to squeeze in DL. We got the call on the way home from Church that he had to meet the truck in Richmond a few hours later. Pizza Hut, home to grab his stuff and switch out kids (we let the kids take turns picking up and returning daddy), and then hit the road. The kids love his teammate's tractor (it's a Peterbilt). I'll be seeing him to give him something he's waiting for in the mail in a few weeks (it'll be a meet up at a truck stop and then go again), then he gets to come home for about a week at Christmas.

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There's finally a button for me to post from. Hope this goes through. It's my 3rd attempt to post since finding the "reply" button.

Didn't get to make it to DL this weekend as hoped. My daughter and her 3mo wound up having vehicle issues and with all our men out of town, I had to go rescue her. Wound up showing God's love to her by helping her clean her kitchen, as it's been hard with a fussy baby to get anything done.


I don't know if anyone else has ever felt this way while on their journey to Orthodoxy, but I don't feel like I fit in at my family's church right now, and I'm still trying to sort things through. I teach my last Bible study at my family's church tonight, then I'll be praying and regrouping to see what God wants me to do next. Fr. Hill has been wonderful at suggesting reading materials. Now I just need some extra $ to order some of his suggestions.

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There's finally a button for me to post from. Hope this goes through. It's my 3rd attempt to post since finding the "reply" button.

Didn't get to make it to DL this weekend as hoped. My daughter and her 3mo wound up having vehicle issues and with all our men out of town, I had to go rescue her. Wound up showing God's love to her by helping her clean her kitchen, as it's been hard with a fussy baby to get anything done.


I don't know if anyone else has ever felt this way while on their journey to Orthodoxy, but I don't feel like I fit in at my family's church right now, and I'm still trying to sort things through. I teach my last Bible study at my family's church tonight, then I'll be praying and regrouping to see what God wants me to do next. Fr. Hill has been wonderful at suggesting reading materials. Now I just need some extra $ to order some of his suggestions.



HM, it is an awkward time. I REALLY felt weird, because we were still pastor's. Suddenly, I did not fit on so many levels. It does work itself out and looking back at the process I have warm feelings. (((((hugs)))) I am glad you were able to be there for you dd and I miss your EO church!!!!

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Juniper...I sat in a row all by myself the last time I went, and I missed your sweet presence, guiding me through the prayer book. ")

My 2nd time around, my local homeschool friend was there with her family and introduced me to Fr. Hill. She encouraged me to go up for the blessed bread, which I did, then I stayed for a potluck. It just feels lonely without the rest of my family. DH doesn't want anything to do with EO at this point, but continues to let me know if I want to check it out, it's alright, so my journey is very slow...I feel like a turtle at times. ; )

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There's finally a button for me to post from. Hope this goes through. It's my 3rd attempt to post since finding the "reply" button.

Didn't get to make it to DL this weekend as hoped. My daughter and her 3mo wound up having vehicle issues and with all our men out of town, I had to go rescue her. Wound up showing God's love to her by helping her clean her kitchen, as it's been hard with a fussy baby to get anything done.


I don't know if anyone else has ever felt this way while on their journey to Orthodoxy, but I don't feel like I fit in at my family's church right now, and I'm still trying to sort things through. I teach my last Bible study at my family's church tonight, then I'll be praying and regrouping to see what God wants me to do next. Fr. Hill has been wonderful at suggesting reading materials. Now I just need some extra $ to order some of his suggestions.



Yes, I certainly did feel this way. There came a very definite time when I knew I was finished attending. Thankfully, dh took the lead on that after he could see my deep dissatisfaction. It WILL get better!

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This is a long shot, but was wondering if Alenee or Milvony has either one of these books I could please borrow?

Father Arseny or Mountain of Silence.


Please feel free to PM me. I will try to find it on the new board.


I think I have Mountain of Silence, Handmaiden. Is that the one by Markeides (sp?)If it is, I can send it to you. LMK!

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Handmaiden, I don't have Fr. Arseny (but also recommend it!). Does your parish have a catechumen library? Or church library? I would think it would, so you could check there. But maybe not.


We definitely felt like you described once we started attending the Orthodox church. It's hard not to feel 100% at home anywhere, isn't it? But hold on, it will get better. I now can't imagine attending anywhere different ever again, and it's so nice to be DONE with that! (Church hopping and shopping.). Truth be told.

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I don't know if anyone else has ever felt this way while on their journey to Orthodoxy, but I don't feel like I fit in at my family's church right now, and I'm still trying to sort things through. I teach my last Bible study at my family's church tonight, then I'll be praying and regrouping to see what God wants me to do next. Fr. Hill has been wonderful at suggesting reading materials. Now I just need some extra $ to order some of his suggestions.



Yes, very much.

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Oh, forgot to mention that our priest told us to start fasting slowly. Right now, we are to do Wednesday/Friday with no meat or dairy. This is going to be really tough with my carnivore of a husband. I wasn't feeling well today and he decided for dinner to make chicken, sausage, bacon and mashed potatoes!?!

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Kebg - I'm very glad to see that your priest is suggesting to go slow. So often people want to jump into the deep end and then feel guilty if things do go swimmingly.


Also, everyone, I wanted to share this lovely music via Youtube that I found at a friend's blog:




We sing this every week at mid-week liturgy I've been attending: The words are the Jesus Prayer and we sing it during communion. "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me...a sinner." This particular video loops around so it's been very nice to just have it going while I'm busy around the house.

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Hi everyone! I miss our group! Even though I'm trying to spend less time online, I'm still peeking in here and there, and now it seems very difficult to do that. I hope I can get used to the new setup, so I don't invest too much time online.


BTW - Praying with Icons seems like a book for me! The physical aspects of Orthodox Christianity are most helpful in my healing. Before I found out about Orthodoxy and the daily prayers, I used to primarily pray silently "in my head." Now that I have the daily prayers to say out loud, my prayer life is more abundant than before. The icons add a layer of appreciation and connection AND teaching! One time while my hubby said the prayers I just gazed at this icon of St. George we have in our prayer room. I noticed that the spear in the icon was so thin it looked like it could snap with the slightest use. I wondered about that, and couldn't figure out why that was. So, I asked my nephew who was visiting us for a month, and he said something like, "well, it's not really the spear that has the power, it's God." I was like, "Ah! Of course!" This same things has happened a few other times where the icons were teaching me as I gazed at them during prayer time.


Hugs everyone!

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Reminder: Wednesday is the feast of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple. Our parish is having a Divine Liturgy at 10:00. If you desire to go to DL twice in a week, this week would give you a perfect opportunity if your parish offers it. I too miss DL by the next day. It wears off so easily, and I miss the feeling of peace.

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(((Handmaiden))) I am grateful that dh is inquiring with me, even if its for very different reasons, theological/spiritual. He sympathizes with me and my frustrations. I tend to zone out when frustrated. We read through Ware's Orthodox Church and started his Orthodox Way and I just had to put it away for now. We do have a very nice lending library...I just dont feel like reading anything because I am not getting any benefit from them, just more frustrated. Dh did find another EO church that just started a book study with about 15 other people. So we are going to be attending DL there while the study is going on.

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We read through Ware's Orthodox Church and started his Orthodox Way and I just had to put it away for now. We do have a very nice lending library...I just dont feel like reading anything because I am not getting any benefit from them, just more frustrated.


Isn't it wonderful to know you don't have to read your way or understand your way in to Orthodoxy? (It can be useful to read, to be sure, but the life isn't it the words of the books). I don't know, that really "spoke" to me. I could just go to church and participate in the life it gives me (thinking of the sacraments and the feasts) and that would be full. That still speaks to me in different ways. How do we as a family celebrate Christmas? Oh! We can go to church! (Sure there are some traditions we do, too, but even if I have nothing for my kids, we can still go to church and that fills us). That's what I'd always longed for in a church -- a place where we just wanted to BE. Combined with JenniferB's post above -- yay! A midweek liturgy this week! I took some time off from work so I could go.


Our priest does a blessing over all the young ladies of the parish after the liturgy for the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple (he does the boys after the feast of the Presentation of Christ at the Temple). They're looking forward to this special blessing.

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Reminder: Wednesday is the feast of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple. Our parish is having a Divine Liturgy at 10:00. If you desire to go to DL twice in a week, this week would give you a perfect opportunity if your parish offers it. I too miss DL by the next day. It wears off so easily, and I miss the feeling of peace.


Yep, we'll be there!

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Handmaiden, I have the Father Arseny book, and I'd be happy to send it to you. It's wonderful, as is the Mountain of Silence. I love both of them. If you can get me your address by Wednesday I can send it out this week, otherwise I'll have to wait til next week.


ETA: if you click on my username above, it'll take you to my profile, and there's a button on the right that says "Send Me a Message".

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I meant to mention this earlier. This is a post I made on Facebook the other day. We're about to order 280 coins (some friends and I).

If anyone is looking for Lenten chocolate gold "coins" for St. Nicholas Day, I found a source online that's 1/4 of the cost of Paidea. The only "catch" is that the minimum order is 250 coins. I emailed several local friends and got enough to be able to order (our parish ordered some, too, for the Dec. 5th vespers service / commemoration), so that might also be an option for you. This is not available for order on their website (their usual minimum order is 500, and they're in the process of lowering that). Oh, the cost with shipping works out to about $0.23/coin, whereas with Paidea it's $0.98/coin for 24 coins and $0.43/coin for 200 (prices include shipping). Here's contact info: email - info@foiledagainchocolate.com, phone - 832.533.2896. The website is foiledagainchocolate if you want to read about it. The dark chocolate is dairy-free.

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Hi, everyone! Thanks to Patty Joanna for sending me a link via FB.


Let's see: Currently reading Bishop Ware's The Orthodox Way; PJ had recommended The Orthodox Church when I was "searching" and curious, and I devoured it.


Last night we had our priest and his family over for dinner, which was a blast. My DH and he had several hours to talk. DH has been *wonderful* about all of this, has attended every DL with us, even though he isn't 100% sold on Orthodoxy. There is no one thing that he has rejected, even if some elements--the usual suspects: praying to/communicating with saints, icons, the Blessed Virgin Mary, etc--seem so foreign and "Romish" to him. The upside is that he really, REALLY likes Fr. Patrick; they're two of a kind, personality-wise.


I keep praying and praying. The kids and I are ready to be catechumens--we're just waiting on Daddy.


Can't wait for Mass tonight for the Presentation of the BVM. Honestly? As a Protestant, I don't recall EVER longing for the church service during the week between Sundays. Ever.


Oh--I should mention, if it sounds like we use different terminology from the rest of you, that we are a Western Rite parish. We use the Divine Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great, so the entire "sung Mass" is in English. But we're fully Orthodox, I assure you. :hurray:

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If someone discovers our social group up and running again, please post here to let everyone know! I've been forgetting to check that link. If we need to start a new one for some reason, let me know that, too, and I'll get one going again. I saved the text from the Introductory page and a few pictures too.

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Leila, so good to hear from you! Your story sounds a little like mine. Dh was later in the process. While not rejecting anything, he just wasn't sure he could commit. Eventually he did and we were baptized together with our girls on October 28th.


Milovany, I'm having a hard time getting used to your new avatar. I keep thinking it's Caitilin posting! :)

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Hi everyone!

Thanks Mila for the message about this thread! I have been off the GB, but I am looking at it to learn how to post on the new forums. I had to change my avatar a little since the photo got stretched and looked weird, I thought.

:grouphug: to all. I see we don't have a new "praying" smilie-- too bad!

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Can't wait for Mass tonight for the Presentation of the BVM. Honestly? As a Protestant, I don't recall EVER longing for the church service during the week between Sundays. Ever.


Oh--I should mention, if it sounds like we use different terminology from the rest of you, that we are a Western Rite parish. We use the Divine Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great, so the entire "sung Mass" is in English. But we're fully Orthodox, I assure you. :hurray:


Not only did I not long to attend, I was starting to be happy if I could find a way out of attending. :( Oh, someone has quite a bad cough or fever, don't worry I'll stay home and the rest of you can go ahead without me. :closedeyes: Now one of my greatest frustrations in life is being so far away from our parish and that I usually can't make it to these extra services. :) Learning to be content in my sitution is an ongoing lesson for me at this time. :blushing:


We're Western-Rite too, our parish uses the rite of St. Tikhon. I didn't think that was where we were going to end up but it's been great for our family. :)

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To Patty Joanna, like Leila, dh and I devoured the history part of the Orthodox Church book. I believe what I am hoping for is some kind of guided instruction in 'praxis'...is that only for catechumens? I am not ready to be an official catechumen. Been there, done that soooo many times and really believe I never will be ready (paralyzingly gunshy). Another part of me is doubting there is ANY church left on earth aside from the relationships we have made with other Christians in our journey. I envy Orthodox children because as babes in Christ they get to receive instruction in the 'praxis' of the church, experience DL with their parents and participate in the Eucharist and be guided along as they grow. I have been listening to AFR, and I agree that I have been robbed of 3/4 of my faith...that shakes the core of who you are, you are crumbling and need some hope. I have found Steve the Builder's website, Our Life in Christ, and listened to the first of 3 podcasts on Convertitis. Before listening to them I had already realized that dh and I need to stay away from newbee converts. We come away from DL feeling drained not strengthened. We have switched EO churches for the interim while we attend a book study. Already feel a little hopeful as two couples our age (cradle and one RC married to a cradle) picked us out of the crowd to come and talk to us. I would love to know what this Feast coming up is all about. Are those children books used in Sunday school detailed enough for an adult to get what is going on and why?

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