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OMW, this thread made every hair on my body stand on end. How do rats and squirrels even make it that far through the pipes alive??? I seriously though this was some kind of urban legend. I'm so freaked out right now...


But even more puzzling is that she has a SEPTIC tank!!! HOW does that happen??!!!:confused::confused::confused:

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But even more puzzling is that she has a SEPTIC tank!!! HOW does that happen??!!!:confused::confused::confused:


I'm still not sure I understand, something about the roof? It's outside my area of expertise. I decided after we had kids that I was drawing the line at the inner workings of cars, computers, and buildings. I'll get DH on it ASAP though!

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I would love nothing more than for your husband to please explain how this is NOT possible. Even if he just makes something up, as long as it's very technical and delivered with confidence, it would give me great relief.


I'm still not sure I understand, something about the roof? It's outside my area of expertise. I decided after we had kids that I was drawing the line at the inner workings of cars, computers, and buildings. I'll get DH on it ASAP though!


Well if they can get in the roof, they can get into the vents for your drains and come up in the toilet that way. Get someone to check those out and you should be okay. Pretty sure there is supposed to be some kind of screen. Animals can chew screens, so check them periodically.


No way it came in via the septic though. It would have to have dug though a 6" thick cement tank. Not something a squirrel would be inclined to do. They live in trees. If one got on the roof, they would be looking for a hiding place.


ETA: Apparently this is a common problem:



Darlasowders explanation is good and there are pictures of the vents at her link if anyone is still confused.

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But even more puzzling is that she has a SEPTIC tank!!! HOW does that happen??!!!:confused::confused::confused:


I'm still not sure I understand, something about the roof? It's outside my area of expertise. I decided after we had kids that I was drawing the line at the inner workings of cars, computers, and buildings. I'll get DH on it ASAP though!


Yes, I got the answer further down. I don't remember ever living n a home with a stink pipe until we bought this home, so I am assuming only homes with septic tanks have one? It's a pipe that goes up through the roof to the outside. I bet the opening stinks.:lol:

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I just came to post that about 2 minutes ago, I was "in the office doing paperwork" :glare: in the still silence of the night with all other family members in the bed - when all of a sudden for no reason whatsoever, the bath faucet started to drip kind of hard, and it hit the plastic halloween bucket my youngest uses to dump water when he's in the tub - loud DRIPDRIPDRIPDRIP.


I totally made like the dog from UP and the only thing in my brain was "SQUIRREL!"



"It is funny because the squirrel gets dead."

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If it makes you feel any better, I grew up in a town with a BILLION squirrels, they seriously were everywhere. I never heard of them getting in anyone's toilets.


FTR if you wake up with a bat in your room animal control needs to come get the bat so it can be tested for rabies. It should not be released, if it is released, everyone who was sleeping needs rabies shots.


I never heard of such a thing. It is pretty common for bats to get inside a house around here. Why do we need rabies shots if never bit?

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Yes, I got the answer further down. I don't remember ever living n a home with a stink pipe until we bought this home, so I am assuming only homes with septic tanks have one? It's a pipe that goes up through the roof to the outside. I bet the opening stinks.:lol:


All houses have one be they city sewer or septic. Everyone should take a look at their roof and should see the pipe coming up through the roof. After reading this thread I am going to have my dh go up on the roof and take a look.

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I once looked up to see a full grown duck in the wood burning stove!


Fortunately, there was no fire going. I was 18 and alone at my mom's beach house. With no phone!


I opened the glass doors and gently chased the bugger through the house to an open door. S/he left sooty wing marks here and there on the walls, but I managed to get her/him safely outside!


Freaked me out!


On behalf of ducks everywhere...thank you! :D

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I never heard of such a thing. It is pretty common for bats to get inside a house around here. Why do we need rabies shots if never bit?


It is possible to be bitten in sleep and not even know it. It is rare, but just being exposed to infected saliva could cause rabies.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


I know. It's odd. I'm a nut.


Seriously, I try to save everything. I even try to rescue bugs and spiders (but only the cute ones; some of them -- like mosquitos -- don't make the cut! :tongue_smilie:) We have a chipmunk who used to sit on the deck and wait for me to put nuts out for him. After a while, he started eating out of my hand and stopping by to get petted. Now, I leave the kitchen door open a crack so he can come in and I can feed him while I'm sitting at the kitchen table. He takes the nuts, runs off with them, and comes back in to get more. After a while, I guess he gets kind of hungry from all of that running back and forth, and he'll sit next to me and eat a little snack. (He's SO CUTE!!! :001_wub:) He also started bringing a friend with him, but he's sweet, too, so I don't mind. :001_smile:


I also made friends with squirrels, deer, foxes, possums, and raccoons, so the flying squirrel story was very upsetting to me. I can understand why the OP was in a panic about it, though -- I'm sure she never would have hurt an animal that was in her yard or who managed to slip in the back door or something. Hey, I would have had an OMG Moment if I'd found a squirrel in my toilet, too -- who wouldn't -- but I'm so used to dealing with animals that I would have known how to save him without getting bitten (or at least it would have been pretty unlikely that I would have been bitten.)


Okay, I totally kept expecting you to break out into "Someday My Prince Will Come" as I read through your post! :tongue_smilie:

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Oh no!!....no...no...no! No way I was opening that woodstove door and having a flaming squirrel lighting my house of fire....now a DUCK???


And yet, if you find a raccoon in the toilet, probably better not to flush it.




...yet I was valued for being a strong woman. ;) I dealt with it.




Tell your DH that there is a way and its happened 3 times in this house.


Best tag award goes to:









I think I like b-y-b better, though! This thread is hilarious. The bat story reminded me of a time when dh and I woke up to a bat flying around in our room, too. I freaked out then, and I'd shamelessly freak out now! :D

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I never heard of such a thing. It is pretty common for bats to get inside a house around here. Why do we need rabies shots if never bit?




Really? SHOTS? we just suck them up in the shop vac....and shoot them back into the woods....lol.

One time I hid under my blanket for 3 hours until dh got home....kids were asleep in a different room....I was reading a Stephen King Novel while dh worked nights....bright, huh? Then there is a BAT!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


Good old' shop vac!

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Friends of mine...their son was having screaming fits of terror at night, screaming about a monster in his room. Went on for wks. They tried everything, monster spray, night lights, and he was still freaking. He was 7, and they were honestly getting kinda impatient w/him.


One night, he started screaming about a monster again. Dad went in, and discovered his son cowering in bed...while a BAT flew around the room.


Major chaos, followed by major parent guilt ensued.

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Friends of mine...their son was having screaming fits of terror at night, screaming about a monster in his room. Went on for wks. They tried everything, monster spray, night lights, and he was still freaking. He was 7, and they were honestly getting kinda impatient w/him.


One night, he started screaming about a monster again. Dad went in, and discovered his son cowering in bed...while a BAT flew around the room.


Major chaos, followed by major parent guilt ensued.


LOL! That's classic, love it!

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Friends of mine...their son was having screaming fits of terror at night, screaming about a monster in his room. Went on for wks. They tried everything, monster spray, night lights, and he was still freaking. He was 7, and they were honestly getting kinda impatient w/him.


One night, he started screaming about a monster again. Dad went in, and discovered his son cowering in bed...while a BAT flew around the room.


Major chaos, followed by major parent guilt ensued.


That is HORRIBLE. That poor kid!

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