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Thoughts on outdoor trampolines?

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I've said to my husband multiple times that buying our trampoline was the best money we've ever spent. We've had it for about 3 years and never an accident. Maybe a few stray kicks or accidental elbows, but nothing beyond that. We do only allow 2 kids at a time and it does have a safety net. It is used by my three children multiple times each day. My daughters practice their gymnastics on it and my son works on his soccer moves. It makes the perfect setting for working on goalie skills with a willing sibling. Maybe their favorite trampoline activity is when mom comes on to jump. ;)

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If you were thinking of getting a trampoline, I would check with your home insurance agent first. Most policies these days consider trampolines "attractive nuisances."


Yes, this. A friend called to ask advice because her policy said no trampolines. I told her not to get a trampoline. She did anyway, and her insurance company did drive by inspections. Her insurance was canceled. She lives in Florida and had a really hard time finding an insurance company who would accept them with a prior cancelation, and the new policy was 2-3 times as much. And she had to take down the trampoline.

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I refused to buy one believing that they were inherently dangerous and my children were going to be broken and bloodied if they ever stepped on one. My fear and paranoia keep the begging at bay for a number of years. But then our neighbors got one. Of course, my kids wanted to jump on it. I hesitated but finally relented and allowed 'only jumping'. Eventually they spent so much time on the neighbors tramp that we decided if we ever wanted to see our kiddos again, we might want to get one of our own.


My kids lived on it. They spent hours jumping and tumbling and even sleeping on it. (Weird...I don't know how that can be comfortable. You keep rolling into the person next to you! ) We made some pretty stiff rules about number of people on it and how and when it was okay to jump or try flips and things. We moved from Hawaii to Alaska and it isn't really practical here so we left it behind. But, for a few years, I was an awesome mom.

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When I was growing up we had one with no net and somehow we all survived. My brother, sister and I had hours of fun on that thing. That said, I can't bring myself to let my kids jump on one with no net. It is makes me a nervous wreck. With a net I am fine with it though.

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When I was in the military (too long ago!), the decision was made based upon the prevalence of serious and preventable injuries that they should be banned from military housing. To this day, most posts either restrict, 'strongly discourage', or outright ban their use. And even then a net is required, with strong language of the opinion that a safety net may hold its own risks and encourage a false sense of security...



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Back in the 70s when I attended camp, the trampolines were placed in holes dug in the ground...so that the tramps were level with the ground. Not sure if it helped reduce injuries (one could still jump high), but in the days pre-safety nets, it seemed like a good idea.


If we were to have one, there would have to be a one person rule. Also a safety net. And heck, maybe for safety, I'd dig a hole too. :)


If I were to allow two kids, they'd have to be of similar age/size. Don't want a big brother sending a little brother flying.

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We've had a trampoline for about four years. It has a net and I allow 4 kids on at a time but not little kids with big kids. There are no flips or other fancy jumps allowed and we've never had a major injury but my kids are on that thing nearly everyday getting energy out. When our home insurance company approved us in our current home with the trampoline and then came back and said it was a mistake and we had to get rid of the trampoline, we switched to another insurance company instead. We also have a pool with a safety gate around it and have rules that my kids and their friends follow. I feel like we use common sense and my children are obedient as to our rules and we make sure their friends are also.


However, my oldest son broke his hand when he tripped over his sister while playing tag in the front yard. He also split his forehead open on a camping trip when he tripped over a curb, hitting his head on a step and had to get 12 stitches. Those are the major injuries we've had over 12 years with five kids. (And I guess my oldest isn't the most agile boy, but he gets that from me.)


We are pretty active and try to stay safe while still doing things we think are fun.


We have had to replace our trampoline net twice because the sun dries it out so bad in the south that it tears easily, and we did only let one kid jump at a time (and no friends) in the few days we were waiting on the new net.


If you get one, set rules, use a net, and that will likely reduce the chance of an injury I guess.

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Wow, I had no idea so many people were worried about trampolines! We have a net on ours, all of our kids play on it, and I'm not sure what we ever did without one. My kids have never gotten hurt on it (please God, keep them safe) and have endured way more injuries just tripping and falling around the house. Seriously, 4 of our 6 kids have bit through their lip just tripping and falling when they were young! The trampoline has been one of the best investments ever. We have 5 boys and it only takes 10 minutes or so on that thing to get their energy out.

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We have a Spring Free. THat thing cost a small fortune. We have the huge one and it is completely safe. You can run full speed at the side of it or jump on the edge. I've tested the safety aspect more than once :o


We have this kind and it's wonderful. Any injuries have been insignificant. But I would be completely uncomfortable with a group of kids on a trampoline with no net. One at a time I'd be okay with. Double bouncing can happen so unexpectedly. And with your husband so worried, I'd just say it's a no. I had a friend break both wrists that way. Poor dear couldn't wipe her own rear for ages. It was very hard on her!

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Back in the 70s when I attended camp, the trampolines were placed in holes dug in the ground...so that the tramps were level with the ground. Not sure if it helped reduce injuries (one could still jump high), but in the days pre-safety nets, it seemed like a good idea.




this is what we have done with ours - the kids can just walk on to it. I get driven mad by shoes and toys disappearing under there, however!

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I broke 2 ribs and was rendered unconscious for a time by falling through a trampoline when I was 16. But I was an idiot who was jumping on a mat with a hole in it. We got one for the kids a few months ago. No injuries yet but it makes me very nervous. We're moving in October and I'm glad we can't take it with us.

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The people who owned our house before us left a trampoline. It has the safety net and was relatively new and in good condition. My kids rarely use it. I only allow 2 on at a time and if dd is out there with the boys, they have to sit while she jumps then she gets off while they jump.

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We recently bought a large square one that my kids use to practice their gymnastics skills on and to get energy out on during the day (because heaven knows they need it!) We have several neighbors who BEG to get on it and we've outright said no. (These are the same kids who roam the neighborhood from dawn to night unsupervised.) My kids are the only ones allowed on it. If they have guests that we believe will follow the rules, we allow only 2 at a time and when someone is actively jumping the second person must sit along an edge. Any violations jumping ends immediately. We do live on a military installation and can't lock our gates and are one of many houses with a trampoline. I've been anticipating the day I come home to find my neighbor's kids jumping on it.

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My thoughts on outdoor trampolines are that our family does not go on them anymore.


When I was twelve, I ripped apart my ankle on a trampoline because owners of said trampoline didn't see anything wrong with wearing your shoes while bouncing on the thing. I have since had to have surgery and be very careful about what I’m doing, because the ankle is incredibly prone to injury still.


When my husband was in the eighth grade, he broke his back on a trampoline. (One of those blessings in disguise—he had to stay home for a full semester, and therefore had to do all his school on his own, with the help of a 1x/wk tutor who came over—since that experience, he’s always thought homeschooling was a totally legit education option.) This eventually led to the disc withering away and he now has severe lower back problems.


Trying to not allow my anxieties to get in the way of my children having fun like normal children, I allowed my kids to jump on trampolines until last summer when my (then) 2yo son bruised the bone in his leg while jumping on a trampoline. (Have you ever had to deal with a 2yo boy in a leg splint? I don’t think I dislike anyone enough to wish that upon them.)


Three strikes, you’re out, Mr. Trampoline. Too much risk to justify the activity.

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My dh says "No way" to the trampoline. He landed on his neck on a trampoline when he was a kid and it still freaks him out to think how bad he could have been hurt. He doesn't even allow our kids to jump on trampolines at other people's homes. DH is the most laid back guy you could imagine, so when he feels this strongly, I acquiesce.

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We have one with an enclosure. When the boys were 8 and under, I allowed more kids on the tramp at one time. Now that they are older (and heavier), we have a 2 person rule. We have had our share of injuries, but our most major injury came from a bike (ds12 is rocking 2 casts right now). So, I guess I'm saying that there are always risks. For us, the benefits of getting out all that energy boys seem to overflow with is worth it. For *us*.

I don't think I would like the no enclosure thing though.


I agree.


We've had one for years and have never had an accident. We do have a two person rule, and if they have friends over I keep a closer eye on them and make sure they know the rules. My girls have had hours of fun on the tramp, and it been a great way to expend extra energy.


The worst accidents we've had have been on monkey bars (broken arm) and a bicycle (bloody nose, loose tooth, bruises). I wouldn't prohibit either of those. I don't go looking for risky activities, but at the same time being a child has certain risks attached to it.

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We have 2=D And rules about using them.. We never put the safety net on until our ds got big enough to jump also. More than 1 bouncer at a time and there is the poss of getting bounced off, esp if there are age/weight differences. It says right on our tramp 1 at a time. I saw a great picture on FB yesterday about putting your trampoline in-ground. It looked great and would probably be much safer but it's not practical in my yard. lol

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We had one without a net growing up and no one was injured, but I definitely am putting my personal experience aside as I read the posts by people who work in emergency rooms. Of course people can learn to be careful, but they are called accidents for a reason. Life altering injuries? No thank you. The risk outweighs the benefits for *me* and I am glad I came across this thread.

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We have had a trampoline with a net for years. My three children get on it at the same time & play but they don't get completely out of hand. They actually sit (on the trampoline) & wait for the other person to finish jumping. They actually "camped" out on the trampoline last night & slept under the stars. We live in the country and they ride 4-wheelers (with helmets), horses, drive tractors & combines, drive the farm pick-up, so they are very comfortable with these activities and what other families may consider "dangerous" for their family. Every family is different in their level of comfort. If your husband is uncomfortable I wouldn't push him...I like to pick my battles. Lol.


The worst accidents we have had have not been on the trampoline: broken arm from falling at the skating rink, broken arm from falling off a scooter at the public park because she hit a huge bump that should really be fixed by the city. Both from the same kid.

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We had one before, and will get another. I have the safety net, and keep it locked with a padlock when we aren't home. The fence is locked too. Mine can only go in one at a time, unless they are just sitting, that's the rule. PERIOD !! My son is to rough. We have had a tooth caught, and a nose scraped.


My mom had one for years with no net, and there were 2 broken arms, and a broken leg before she finally took it down. SIGH !

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My sister asked me not to allow my kids on our neighbors'.


She is a pediatrician and abhors them. I wasn't convinced, but when I learned that its more than broken arms you risk (paralysis), I decided the risk wasn't worth the benefit for us. That has been hard with a neighborhood full of kids jumping on the one next door. Thankfully, it appears not to be going up this year as their kids are growing up.

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