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Do your children collect anything?

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Nope. No collections here. I just asked DD11 and she said "Maybe a few cool rocks.... but I don't know where they are".


ETA: my older kids collected pennies. DH got some neat penny books from the local coin store and they went around checking every penny available to try to fill the books.

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My kids collect rocks and coins (state and national park quarters, presidential dollars, etc.) and ds collects Lego minifigures from the different series. Dd collects hula-hoops too, but that's not really something we planned on. It just kind of turned into an obsession. :D

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My son is a hoarder in training. He collects everything! Rocks, sticks, paper scraps (for origami, of course), TP tubes, empty boxes....


We regularly help him clean it all out.


DD collects Calico Critters, LPS and dollhouse stuff; pretty much anything tiny.

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I think I would let the collecting thing belong to your oldest right now. She is the only who has an expressed an interest, right? Here my thoughts as to why:


1. Oldest children often have the youngers tagging along and trying to copy them. I would let this just be her unique thing for a little while.


2. The wish to collect is personality driven. Some people take great satisfaction in it while others couldn't care less.


3. A collection is best started by yhe one doing the collecting. You would hate to have a kid receive another whatchamacallit every Christmas if the kid doesn't even like whatchamacallits, lol

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I think I would let the collecting thing belong to your oldest right now. She is the only who has an expressed an interest, right? Here my thoughts as to why:


1. Oldest children often have the youngers tagging along and trying to copy them. I would let this just be her unique thing for a little while.


2. The wish to collect is personality driven. Some people take great satisfaction in it while others couldn't care less.


3. You would hate to have a kid receive another whatchamacallit every Christmas if the kid doesn't even like whatchamacallits, lol


It's so funny that you posted this because I've been thinking the same thing ever since I posted! I shouldn't be scrambling around trying to think of something for my kids to collect. Duh. :lol::lol::lol:

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It's so funny that you posted this because I've been thinking the same thing ever since I posted! I shouldn't be scrambling around trying to think of something for my kids to collect. Duh. :lol::lol::lol:


Isn't it funny how we do this sort of thing to ourselves??

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Not really a "collection" but what about giving each child a Christmas ornament that reflects their interests, personality, humor, etc. each year? Then when they move out they will have a collection of special ornaments to put on their own tree.

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My oldest son likes squished pennies and lego mini figs. Dd doesn't collect anything, unless clothes for her bitty baby counts. YDS doesn't have a formal collection, but is amassing quite a bunch of camels. I could see him collecting them at some point.

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