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Advice on how to get baby to sleep in crib

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I was so uncomfortable when I was pregnant, I just HAD to move them to a crib. And I'm not a cry-it-out person either.


We started with putting the little one down for naps in the crib - that got them used to waking up there without being too upset. Then I started moving them to the crib sometime after midnight. I had good sleepers and they would pretty much stay asleep. Then, we got so DH or I would rock them to sleep and then put them down in the crib for the night. There wasn't too much crying involved - if they woke up, we would rock them back to sleep and put them back in the crib.


Slow and steady did the trick.

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Heck if I know. Mine is 2 and will go to sleep alone, but wake up hysterical in the middle of the night and take nearly an hour to calm down if he's not in our bed or in his toddler bed next to us (in which case he wakes up but just climbs in ours and goes quietly back to sleep). I tried putting him in with his sister and he is happy to go to sleep there but in the middle of the night, an hour of hysterics. It doesn't seem to get better with time. :confused:

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I put my kids into beds early, even if it means just a mattress on the floor with no frame. Then DH would become responsible for lying down with the current youngest as we prepared for the new baby to need our bed, and for us to need our night's sleep interrupted by only 1 child! Brownie

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However you decide to do it, just do it. I have a five year old in bed with me as I type, one arm draped over me so she has physical contact. She's been this way her whole life. I regret not being more consistent and determined about getting her own her own bed sooner!

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if you're not into CIO, I would check out "The No Cry Sleep Solution" by Pantley. I did the gist of her techniques - just taylored it a bit more to our situation. Give it plenty of time & patience though - however you decide to do it. My ds didn't actually STTN until 3yrs old. Most babies don't STTN until after 2yrs old.

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I put my kids into beds early, even if it means just a mattress on the floor with no frame. Then DH would become responsible for lying down with the current youngest as we prepared for the new baby to need our bed, and for us to need our night's sleep interrupted by only 1 child! Brownie


This. But our oldest was closer to two. He went straight to a regular bed, dh slept on the floor in his room until he was asleep. Worked wonderfully. If you do this, be prepared for them to wake up and come to your bed at night. We've always had the policy that if they wake up at night and come to our room we don't kick them out of our bed. When we had babies, though, that sometimes meant that we would let them fall back to sleep in our bed and dh would then take them back to theirs. Our 3yo still comes to our bed some nights.

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I was so uncomfortable when I was pregnant, I just HAD to move them to a crib. And I'm not a cry-it-out person either.


We started with putting the little one down for naps in the crib - that got them used to waking up there without being too upset. Then I started moving them to the crib sometime after midnight. I had good sleepers and they would pretty much stay asleep. Then, we got so DH or I would rock them to sleep and then put them down in the crib for the night. There wasn't too much crying involved - if they woke up, we would rock them back to sleep and put them back in the crib.


Slow and steady did the trick.


Yes, nurse/rock/whatever to sleep, then put them in the crib. If they wake up repeat that.


Or, as someone else said, get a full size bed instead. Then you can lay with them until they fall asleep, then when they are used to that you can sit with them, then gradually eventually move to a chair in their room while they fall asleep.

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Well with 8 kids all 18 months or less apart in age I have been there done that. And really the only thing that works is crying it out. I have borrowed stacks of no cry sleep books from the library and tried it all. Most of my babies just needed to cry. It is SO hard, but I just can not have a toddler in bed with a newborn. I tried it and toddler's head, arms and legs are too dangerous with a tiny baby. Plus toddler would wake in the middle of the night when newborn would cry from a diaper change. Then I'd nurse the newborn and have to try to get a tired 18 month old to sleep but he would be wide awake and stay up for a couple hours. No fun for any of us. I'm sure people make it work, but it did not work for me.


Putting baby to bed when they are falling asleep is best. Turning on the same music each night will work wonders. I usually rub his back or pat him after placing him in the crib. Leave after a minute. He'll cry and I'll go back in after a few minutes, calm him down by patting or rubbing. Do this over and over. If he gets too upset I will leave him to cry longer because they would get even more upset when I go in the room.


I am ALWAYS amazed that after a few days, maybe a week, they would look forward to going in their beds. They would actually JUMP out of my arms into their beds. Amazed me every time. Turn on music, leave room and close door- no wimpering or anything.


I wish I had a solution without any crying. You'd think that after 8 kids I would be an expert, but that is definitely not the case.

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However you decide to do it, just do it. I have a five year old in bed with me as I type, one arm draped over me so she has physical contact. She's been this way her whole life. I regret not being more consistent and determined about getting her own her own bed sooner!


:iagree: I have my 3 yr old in bed with us :glare: DH is going to move her bed back in our room tomorrow, at least then she was sleeping in her own bed.

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We just start our kids in a full-size about that age. We love them till they fall asleep and then we leave. But my kids sleep through or come get me in the middle of the night.


This is exactly how it has worked at our house too. 2 of my 3 were persistent about coming into our bed at some point during the night after having been moved to a full sized bed. At age 5 we get a little more strict about staying in your own bed all night - usually through some kind of reward system.

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My sis had no success with the crib. However, she bought a twin mattress and laid it on the floor in her dd's room. (She was about 16 mo old.) I was the debbie downer and said that she would be all over the house in the middle of the night... but it actually worked. If she woke up, she would just cry or wander to their room (she gated the hallway off) and she would lay down with her in dd's bed until she fell asleep again. It took less than a week and she was sleeping 12 hours in it. It may be more successful if you could do this with an older child in the room... maybe the younger would feel more safe. My biggest concern is the wandering around at night and you aren't aware of it!

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