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So I have this crazy neighbor that let's her pet run all over the place crapping everywhere. I even caught it today crapping on my lawn.


Like seriously, why do I want to deal with it? Keep your pet in your own yard!



Stupid flipping unicorn crapping rainbows on my yard. How in the heck am I supposed to clean that up? Keep your rainbow crapping unicorn on your own side of the property line. Geeze.

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Don't you have leash law? Pickup laws?


People mock, but yes, politeness needs to be made into laws for the ignoramuses. The same way good fences make good neighbors. True, dat.


I should look into that. I don't know what leash laws there are for unicorns...off to research more.

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Trap the unicorn and sell it. Those things are worth a fortune. And if she really loved it, she would take better care of it.


Or get out the BB gun and let the kids pop off a few shots. Then it will choose somebody else's yard next time.


Or just make cupcakes and drink vodka, and you won't notice any more.

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Trap the unicorn and sell it. Those things are worth a fortune. And if she really loved it, she would take better care of it.


Or get out the BB gun and let the kids pop off a few shots. Then it will choose somebody else's yard next time.


Or just make cupcakes and drink vodka, and you won't notice any more.


These are ALL appropriate.


*flaming rainbows* :lol::lol:

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scoop it up into a paper bag. put it at her front door. light paper bag on fire. ring door bell and run like crazy. watch and laugh like crazy when she tries to stamp out fire.:lol:


She can have flames of happiness all over her feet! :001_wub:


great idea!



I wonder if you can make bacon out of unicorn meat?



And totally keeping that horn, for a wall trophy


This should help with how to properly utilize unicorn meat:http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/de42/?srp=8

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Dear Doctor,


I know you told me to take it easy this week, since my pelvic exam revealed that some stitches weren't completely closed, yet. But, my online friends were posting pictures of unicorn poop, so I just HAD to laugh hysterically. Sorry to make you have to operate again for literally busting a gut.




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AwWW, man. I totally feel for you!


We had neighbors who let their cats use our part of the yard as a litter box and it STANK!!! We talked to the property mgt, who did nothing even though it was zoned for no pets, and finally as a last resort my hubby started shoveling it over on their side.


Seriously, who needs 10 cats. WHO?!?!?!


Anyway, I'm a firm believer that most situations can be resolved nicely, but only if both sides are working toward a resolution. When one side doesn't care, all bets are off.

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Dear Doctor,


I know you told me to take it easy this week, since my pelvic exam revealed that some stitches weren't completely closed, yet. But, my online friends were posting pictures of unicorn poop, so I just HAD to laugh hysterically. Sorry to make you have to operate again for literally busting a gut.





My apologies for inconviencing your dr because of this atrocity in my yard ;)

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I dunno? I know some posters prefer carp. But really it would not make much sense for a unicorn to carp on my lawn. There is rainbow poop on my lawn not fish.


And for the rest of us losing it out there.... I just read your post as being about Rainbow Fish.


I'm outta here.:auto:

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Thanks for the giggle. The stuff our neighbor's pet is leaving in our yard is, unfortunately, NOT rainbows. And the neighbor in between our house and the offending party left US a lovely bag of the neighbor dog's contributions on OUR porch. Dh went over and asked if it was them, and they said it was, and he pointed out that our dog is ALWAYS on a leash or a tie-out when she's out, and can't GET to their yard. Dh has also sent the neighbor with the loose dog a nice letter explaining the leash and pick-up laws in our town. We saw a difference for a couple of days in that they sent their kids out to watch the dog poop on our yard so it wasn't unsupervised--still not on a leash, but hey the kids are watching it, that counts, right? We don't want to report them, but we are getting tired of the mess.


I kind of like the idea of living in a denial fantasy populated by rainbow-pooping unicorns instead...

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