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What's the protocol on gift giving for twin 6 year old girls?

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Matching or unmatching gifts? I don't know the girls well enough to get them something based on their interests.


So, two different toys? Or two of the same? Or should I go with art supply type stuff that would be fine to have two sets of?


I think this is the first twin party I've ever been to!

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Seperate gifts are nice, but not necessary. Board games are good, because then they can share. Two sets of art supplies is also a nice gift. Don't stress about it. Really, they just want their friend to come to their party!


Okay... I'd definitely like to do separate gifts... I just didn't know whether different or same was better. We've done some matching gifts for our girls (who are 4 years apart!) because they fight over dolls and purses.


I can ask the parents for ideas... I just don't have a lot of time or money to shop. So, if they give specific stuff, I don't want to feel obligated for something specific... if that makes sense!

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If you want to do separate gifts, but don't know their interests, then I would go w/ 2 different gifts. That way they can trade if necessary. :lol: I would also go w/ something generic like board games; Connect four for one, and Guess Who for the other, or something similar. Or 2 different paint by numbers or something. Ask your dd to help you pick the gifts. I'm sure she would have some good suggestions.

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My twin boys are 7. While they are gracious with any gift they receive, they LOVE when they each get their own gifts to open -- even if it is joint gift (i.e. game).


I understand about asking the parents for advice and they being expensive suggestions. I would probably stick to board games to be safe. My boys also love gift cards to go pick out their own gifts. So..maybe a shared board game and a $10 or $15 gift card to Target or Toys R Us for each girl. That way they could pick out their own Barbie, doll clothes, or whatever they are interested in.

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My friend has triplets. We don't really swap expensive gifts but I do tend to give them each a separate gift but with a theme because they have very similar interests at the moment. They are 9. So for the past few birthdays I have given them each a different book from the same series. One time the series was about soldiers from different eras and another time it was a series of 3 books that you could see inside different things like battleships and spaceships, stuff like that.

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My girls share extremely well, so sometimes a family will get one more expensive gift (like this year someone got them a snap circuits kit).


But for run of the mill birthday party gifts? Separate. They don't have to be the same.


My girls each take a gift if they are invited to a single child's birthday.

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I would get 2 of something similar but not identical. I have twins and while I sometimes want the same thing for both of them, it is safer if you don't know them to get 2 different things. We don't want 2 of everything, and the older they get the less often they want two of the same thing. I'd want to get something similar so they are equal and they can play together. I wouldn't give 1 a doll or playset and the other a game or puzzle.

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It's nice that you want to give them each a gift! I have triplets (boy/girl/girl) and when we go to a birthday party, they each bring a gift. My kids' bday was yesterday and we have their "friends" party tomorrow. It's the first party for friends they've every had so it will be interesting to see who gets three gifts and who brings one to share. I expect my kids to be gracious if they get one gift from someone and are intended to share it, but at the same time, they are three different people who happen to share a birthday so.....


Anyway, I don't think I'd ever get multiples at this age the exact same gift. My girls each got a singing sleepover Barbie dog - one got brown and one got grey. Other than that all of their gifts were different. So like, get each a Barbie doll but make them different. That's what I'd do. :)

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I always buy separate gifts for multiples, but if I don't know them well, it's two of the same thing, like 2 different board games or 2 different dolls.


What I never got was twins/ siblings bringing a gift from each child- I always felt like the parents felt they have to, but I would just expect 1 gift from the group. I don't know why, but a sibling group coming to a party and bringing a gift apiece seems so extravagant, but I have never figured out how one would broach the subject! Mostly we just want kids to come, the gift is not important at all, and I feel like when I invite twins or siblings, and they feel they must each bring a gift, it's unnecessarily expensive or something. It seems to me one gift is more sensible, it's just from both kids or the family.


Which has nothing to do with your post, lol, sorry!

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What I never got was twins/ siblings bringing a gift from each child- I always felt like the parents felt they have to, but I would just expect 1 gift from the group. I don't know why, but a sibling group coming to a party and bringing a gift apiece seems so extravagant, but I have never figured out how one would broach the subject! Mostly we just want kids to come, the gift is not important at all, and I feel like when I invite twins or siblings, and they feel they must each bring a gift, it's unnecessarily expensive or something. It seems to me one gift is more sensible, it's just from both kids or the family.


That is interesting and I'd love to hear what other people think of this. I guess I do it because I figure, like if it's at Chuck E Cheese or somewhere else where my kid is being paid for to attend, then they should each bring a gift.


What I've often wondered though is: would a parent/child rather get one "on the big side" gift from my trio or three "on the smaller side" gifts.

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