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I am desperate for help re: hairloss

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I started notice hair loss @ a year ago and didn't really pay much attention to it until April or May of this year when I went to a new to me hair stylest and she urged me to see my Dr because the top of my hair was really thinning.


I went to my Dr who did some blood work and everything was normal except for my liver levels and billirubin, but with my gallbladder issues that wasn't a suprise, and I am deficient in Vit D. I have also been on thyroid meds since forever, but had switched from levothyroxin to armour in July of last year because I heard Armour was better for you.


I did a bit of research and found that thyroid meds can cause hair loss and so can Vit D deficiency. I just recently started taking 5000 IU of Vit D a day and also trying to get out in the sun 10-15 minutes atleast 3 days a week. I also switched back to levothyroxin because I never had trouble with it and thinking maybe the Armour was casuing the hair loss.


In my research I found that stress and losing weight quickly can cause hair loss. I did lose alot of weight, but it has been slow and I feel I am eating healthy. I wonder though if my vegan diet is playing a role in the loss? As far as stress, I have been under a lot for along time, but most of the research showed that you will have a period of hair loss after the episode of stress/weight or whatever and then it starts to regrow. My hair loss has been going on for along time now, so I don't know if it could be from the weight or stress. If so, shouldn't it have stopped by now?


I know it's only been @ 2 weeks since I changed thyroid meds and started the Vit D, and also started using Nioxin shampoo and scalp therapy, but it seems the hair loss is worse. I have to clean the shower drain and my hair brush every day and can easily pull out a small handful of hair without much effort. I am getting very concerned!


My Dr was clueless and told me to use better shampoo? That was it. Now what? I did make an appointment with a dermatologist for next week, but in the meantime, I am afraid I am going to be bald! What else should I be doing? Should I switch back to eating meat/eggs/dairy? I do take a multi-vitamin, B-12 and fish oil.


Thanks if you read this far!

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I don't have much advice, but I have gone through bouts of extreme hair loss. My dr. had no clue either. My hair stylist recommended Nioxin and I tried that. I didn't really notice much of a difference from that. When I noticed the difference was when I started taking a quality hair vitamin. You can find ones specific to hair or a hair, skin, nail formula. I find that when I take these regularly that my hair loss is at a minimum. Also, I don't shampoo daily as I notice more hair loss when I shampoo. I try to go a day or two between washes and either rinse or just use conditioner on the other days.

It is not fun, I know. I am sorry you are dealing with this. :grouphug:

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My Dr was clueless and told me to use better shampoo? That was it. Now what? I did make an appointment with a dermatologist for next week, but in the meantime, I am afraid I am going to be bald! What else should I be doing? Should I switch back to eating meat/eggs/dairy? I do take a multi-vitamin, B-12 and fish oil.


Thanks if you read this far!


Protein, baby. Really. Otherwise, what you take in is going to build your muscles and organs and blood and stuff. Hair and nails will be pretty low on the list of things your body needs to "fund" with its precious supply of limited protein.

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Haven't you lost an extreme amount of weight? Is there a correlation? Maybe returning to some of the healthier previous foods might help (ie eggs). I read that many women who suffer from hair loss also have PCOS, and some of too much testosterone. Not sure of the validity.

I hope you find a solution soon. You seem to be such a beautiful person inside and deserve to have that outer beauty show your inner glow (not to mention the rockin' weight loss!).:grouphug:

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Formerly called Natures First Food.




This vegan, raw green powder provides highly available B-12 from different plant sources. A 2 tsp serving provides 158% of high quality B-12, and has very usable protein. I do take a heaping tablespoon though, because I like it, and it won't hurt you. Sometimes more than once a day.


As a vegan I have been happy with this product because I know I'm getting a wide range of minerals that are necessary to good hair and nails that was nopt happeneing with more common B-12 products, along with vegan probiotics and enzymes.


In order to really be consuming a high nutrient diet, in our house we practice getting a very wide variety of nutrients from a very diverse range of plants, and not just one supplemet.


Taking this (or any number of things that a person eats) with a proper amount of fat allows some nutrients to be properly absorbed. Yes, you have to consume the nutrients, but you also have to absorb them. Coconut oil has been shown to support thyroid function. That is the fat I consume most. The enzymes and probiotics in this product will help to insure that the nutrients in it are absorbable.


I think you need more sunshine than you are planning for. I would shoot for 30 minutes daily. I know. I'm sorry, it will probably be a significant time stealer for you.



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Yeah, for sure the thyroid alone will cause the problem. When your DR switched you back to levothyroxin, did he re-check your levels? Since you've lost all the weight (that can cause a level change, too)?


And I agree with a previous poster: Protein, baby! Do you use egg substitute? I try to eat 2-3 egg subs a day since I don't eat much meat.


Good luck!!

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I started notice hair loss @ a year ago and didn't really pay much attention to it until April or May of this year when I went to a new to me hair stylest and she urged me to see my Dr because the top of my hair was really thinning.


I went to my Dr who did some blood work and everything was normal except for my liver levels and billirubin, but with my gallbladder issues that wasn't a suprise, and I am deficient in Vit D. I have also been on thyroid meds since forever, but had switched from levothyroxin to armour in July of last year because I heard Armour was better for you.


I did a bit of research and found that thyroid meds can cause hair loss and so can Vit D deficiency. I just recently started taking 5000 IU of Vit D a day and also trying to get out in the sun 10-15 minutes atleast 3 days a week. I also switched back to levothyroxin because I never had trouble with it and thinking maybe the Armour was casuing the hair loss.


In my research I found that stress and losing weight quickly can cause hair loss. I did lose alot of weight, but it has been slow and I feel I am eating healthy. I wonder though if my vegan diet is playing a role in the loss? As far as stress, I have been under a lot for along time, but most of the research showed that you will have a period of hair loss after the episode of stress/weight or whatever and then it starts to regrow. My hair loss has been going on for along time now, so I don't know if it could be from the weight or stress. If so, shouldn't it have stopped by now?


I know it's only been @ 2 weeks since I changed thyroid meds and started the Vit D, and also started using Nioxin shampoo and scalp therapy, but it seems the hair loss is worse. I have to clean the shower drain and my hair brush every day and can easily pull out a small handful of hair without much effort. I am getting very concerned!


My Dr was clueless and told me to use better shampoo? That was it. Now what? I did make an appointment with a dermatologist for next week, but in the meantime, I am afraid I am going to be bald! What else should I be doing? Should I switch back to eating meat/eggs/dairy? I do take a multi-vitamin, B-12 and fish oil.


Thanks if you read this far!


Have you considered that you may be in perimenopause? One of the symptoms is hair loss, among other things. These symptoms can appear 10+ yrs. before you start to actually enter menopause. Many women have certain symptoms, like hair loss, memory loss, sleep disturbances and much more in their thirties.


If you get a chance, get to the library and pick up Dr. Lee's "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause / Menopause"


Natural progesterone cream may be what you need.

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My hair has always been thin, and I lose tons of it in the shower. Here are a few things I have heard recently: If you notice you are losing a lot and it's thinning, then there is probably a cause(hormones, diet etc..). But if your hair is thinning and you don't really notice significant loss, it is due to heriditary. Not sure the truth of that--but it made me feel better. My dad was about bald by 30 and my brother is about bald. So I don't have good hair genes to begin with.


On vacation last month, I overheard some women talking. One was saying that her dr. had recommended something called "Pro-B"(and that might not even be close to what the name of it was...I really can't remember--seems like it was 'pro' something) but that you can buy it at Walmart. And this woman has been taking it and it is helping.


I have also heard that taking Lecithin can cause your hair to regrow.


Any changes you make take about 3 months to get to you hair. So don't expect immediate results. That is why when you have a baby, you start losing your hair about 3 months after childbirth.


As for vegan diet....A few years ago I was getting a pedicure by a young oriental girl. He hair was very thin on top(seems to me to be common with asian women). She was telling me how she was vegan and all, and that he boyfriend doesn't want her to be because he tells her that it will make her lose her hair. I don't think she realized how thin her hair was. So maybe there is something to the vegan thing.

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I had weight loss surgery about 13 months ago and the one thing that the nutritionist empahsized was to make sure I get enough protein. Lack of protein can cause hair loss. I still drink a protein supplement every day because I know I don't get enough protein. Hair loss is one concern, but overall health is more important to me.

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Oh, man my thyroid did that to me!!! I have very thick hair but I couldn't brush it without the brush filling up, and I could literally gently tug and huge hunks came out. I went to a endocrinologist who literally gave me a prescription for 1) Xanax and 2) Rogaine I just looked at him in disbelief and he told me that "women just worry to much" this should help you not worry, that is why your hair is coming out. DH was with me and just started laughing and told the guy he needed a reality check, this was not 1950 and women didn't just need some pill to calm them down.

Well needless to say I went and saw ANOTHER doctor, my thryoid was messed up, the pharmacy had switched between Synthroid and generic and it did affect my levels, my thryroid was something like 9 something and I need it down close to 2 to fill normal.

I know once my thryoid returned to a normal level, all hair loss stopped. It is worth having them run some bloodwork.

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Protein, baby. Really. Otherwise, what you take in is going to build your muscles and organs and blood and stuff. Hair and nails will be pretty low on the list of things your body needs to "fund" with its precious supply of limited protein.


That makes sense to me, considering that your hair is mainly protein. I used to lose quite a bit of hair until I cut way back on grains, sugar, and starches and increased my consumption of (animal) protein - mostly baked chicken, fish, some beef, and lots of eggs.


I'm sure there isn't just one reason for hair loss - all bodies are different. I hope you find the solution.

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I started notice hair loss @ a year ago and didn't really pay much attention to it until April or May of this year when I went to a new to me hair stylest and she urged me to see my Dr because the top of my hair was really thinning.


I went to my Dr who did some blood work and everything was normal except for my liver levels and billirubin, but with my gallbladder issues that wasn't a suprise, and I am deficient in Vit D. I have also been on thyroid meds since forever, but had switched from levothyroxin to armour in July of last year because I heard Armour was better for you.


I did a bit of research and found that thyroid meds can cause hair loss and so can Vit D deficiency. I just recently started taking 5000 IU of Vit D a day and also trying to get out in the sun 10-15 minutes atleast 3 days a week. I also switched back to levothyroxin because I never had trouble with it and thinking maybe the Armour was casuing the hair loss.


In my research I found that stress and losing weight quickly can cause hair loss. I did lose alot of weight, but it has been slow and I feel I am eating healthy. I wonder though if my vegan diet is playing a role in the loss? As far as stress, I have been under a lot for along time, but most of the research showed that you will have a period of hair loss after the episode of stress/weight or whatever and then it starts to regrow. My hair loss has been going on for along time now, so I don't know if it could be from the weight or stress. If so, shouldn't it have stopped by now?


I know it's only been @ 2 weeks since I changed thyroid meds and started the Vit D, and also started using Nioxin shampoo and scalp therapy, but it seems the hair loss is worse. I have to clean the shower drain and my hair brush every day and can easily pull out a small handful of hair without much effort. I am getting very concerned!


My Dr was clueless and told me to use better shampoo? That was it. Now what? I did make an appointment with a dermatologist for next week, but in the meantime, I am afraid I am going to be bald! What else should I be doing? Should I switch back to eating meat/eggs/dairy? I do take a multi-vitamin, B-12 and fish oil.


Thanks if you read this far!


I would definitely add fish oil. But meds and surgery can take a toll on hair.


I remember when I was out of hospital, I was losing a ton a day. So I started good vit. and treatments on my hair. My dh at time noticed he was getting thin.


We started using Ojon thickening sham. and cond. and his hair and mine are looking much better. They also have a great treatment. I get it from QVC, because they have sets.



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Thanks everyone. I did buy some organic eggs today and am going to try to eat one each morning. I am going to look into the vitamins and supplements recommended too. I don't mind eating fish and chicken and am going to think @ adding those back in. I just feel so good and have been losing so well I don't really want to change things around.

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Jean, your increased hair loss in the past two weeks could be due to your recent gall bladder surgery. (If I am remembering correctly, you did have surgery, right?)


I had shoulder surgery last summer, and I was horrified when my hands came away full of hair while shampooing. I mentioned it to my hairdresser a few days later, and she told me that hair loss is very common after surgery.

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Jean, your increased hair loss in the past two weeks could be due to your recent gall bladder surgery. (If I am remembering correctly, you did have surgery, right?)


I had shoulder surgery last summer, and I was horrified when my hands came away full of hair while shampooing. I mentioned it to my hairdresser a few days later, and she told me that hair loss is very common after surgery.



Could be. I just want it to STOP lol. I feel like I am finally getting healthy and fit and now I will be healthy, fit and bald :lol:

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I really like Dr. Christiane Northrup's book, The Wisdom of Menopause.


I just grabbed my copy to see what she says about hair loss. There's a section about alopecia androgenica...the most common cause of hair thinning/loss in women. Basically, it happens when the body converts estrogen to androgen, and the hair follicles are sensitive to androgens. (This could also cause oily skin and acne.)


She recommends an insulin-lowering diet (cut out refined carbs) to balance hormone production.(There's an entire chapter about nutrition/hormone balancing.) Minoxidil can also help.


FWIW, I've stopped eating a vegan diet. It worked great for weight loss, but I was having trouble with anemia and got tired of the unpleasant side effect from the iron supplement my doctor told me to use. I'm still trying to keep my diet low-fat and high-fiber. I still avoid dairy products because they give me sinus congestion/headaches, but I've been eating Omega 3 eggs, salmon , and poultry (skinless/white meat) ...and occasional servings of red meat for iron (less than weekly). I'm also using some soy products daily to help with my own hormonal issues.


I hope you can figure out what's going on!

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My mom has balding like a man would. It isn't that unusual. Woman just hide it better and more quickly. Started when she was in her 20's. She had to start wearing a hair piece in her early 50's because her hairline had receded significantly, obviously. But most people can't tell she wears a piece, so if worst comes to worst there are options. Not great options, but options.


She is also uses one of the popular balding shampoo's...can't remember what its name is now.


I hope, in your case, it is a temporary thing, and you recover quickly!



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