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Our new dog is probably going to die


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We aren't really sure what kind of mass she has yet, but our new Yorkie has an enlarged heart and a giant growth between hear heart and lungs. She is unable to hold down any solids at all, and is very very sick. Poor thing.


We got her from the Animal Rescue League only a couple of months ago, but are extemely sad to see her suffering so much.


The vet asked if we knew why she was surrendered, and seemed to suspect that the previous owners knew about the problem. We are willing to keep her and pay for reasonable treatment, but we aren't willing to go in debt to go above and beyond normal care.


So here is my question. Would you contact the ARL? Is this information that they would want, or is it just guilt-tripping the hardworking volunteers who don't have a whole lot of control over the situation?


This is just so sad.

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i'm with Chris. I do think you should let them know. I suspect they original owners got rid of the dog for that reason. And I think it's sad and selfish if they did.


I am really sorry youx're daling with this. Love on the dog as mich as possible but if she is suffering, maybe the most loving thing would be to put her down.


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i'm with Chris. I do think you should let them know. I suspect they original owners got rid of the dog for that reason. And I think it's sad and selfish if they did.


I am really sorry youx're daling with this. Love on the dog as mich as possible but if she is suffering, maybe the most loving thing would be to put her down.




I'm with Denise! Contact the shelter. It was very selfish of the previous owners if they knew their dog was that sick and didn't say anything. If they couldn't afford appropriate, medically indicated, pallitive care, they should have put their dog down. It doesn't cost that much and there are organizations that help with that. Our local shelter provides coupons for discounts with local vets so that terminal, suffering animals do not have to go through agony. Below a certain income level, one vet in our area will do it for $5.00. It's been my experience that in most areas, there are reasonable options.


I'm really sorry you have to go through this. :grouphug:



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I would tell them, but I would also wonder why their vet didn't catch it. I assume all animals at a rescue would have had a 'once over' by their vet. Did she have shots while she was at the rescue? If not, did the previous owners give them a record of her vaccination history. It may have the previous vets name on it, and you can contact them to find out if it was previously diagnosed.


I know most resuces charge for animals to help off set their costs, but maybe they will waive that fee for you if you decide to welcome another animal in your home after her loss.



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I'm sorry--- that's so hard.


My bet is that she was purchased from a pet store, and therefore is a puppy mill dog. Health issues such as this are notorious in mill dogs. The people who bought her surrendered her when they realized what they were up against. Poor thing.


Again, that's my guess. Nobody knows for sure except her original owners.


My sympathies.



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I'd also contact the shelter, but for other reasons. If they adopted a dog to you that is so ill, they may be willing to waive the adoption fee should you adopt another dog after this one passes. They may also have vets they work with who would be willing to lower the fees to help save this dog, if saving the dog is even a possibility. I think they are somewhat responsible. If the owner surrendered the dog because the dog was ill, I'd imagine the dog would be showing signs of this illness at the shelter.


I'm very sorry this has happened to your family. While initially I felt it was selfish of the other owners to give the dog up, perhaps they couldn't afford medical care and were hoping that the shelter or new owners would discover the problem and be able to help the dog. Maybe their intentions were good.

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I'm going to throw out another possibility....


Sometimes these types of tumors in dogs can develop VERY rapidly. We had a dog that had a full, extremely thorough exam - and 1 month later she had a gigantic tumor taking over most of her abdomen. Anyways, it is possible that neither the owner nor rescue knew this was there.


I would still contact the rescue to let them know -- but maybe give them all the benefit of the doubt.


Also, I am really sorry that your dog is so sick! It is really tough! How great that you are able to provide a loving environment for her while she struggles with this. :grouphug:

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Okay, I'll give them a call this afternoon.


FWIW, my goal isn't to grumble at them about a missed medical problem, I just kinda' feel as if it is info that they might want to follow up on ... Don't know with who, or why. I guess I don't have a clear agenda. I'll try to gather my thoughts a bit better before I make the call.


I agree with the pp who said that the previous owners might have been overwhelmed with the cost of her care. It is hard to decide to put your 1yo dog down. Heartbreaking really.


Thanks for the hugs, I really need them today!

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Okay, I'll give them a call this afternoon.


FWIW, my goal isn't to grumble at them about a missed medical problem, I just kinda' feel as if it is info that they might want to follow up on ... Don't know with who, or why. I guess I don't have a clear agenda. I'll try to gather my thoughts a bit better before I make the call.


I agree with the pp who said that the previous owners might have been overwhelmed with the cost of her care. It is hard to decide to put your 1yo dog down. Heartbreaking really.


Thanks for the hugs, I really need them today!



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FWIW, my goal isn't to grumble at them about a missed medical problem, I just kinda' feel as if it is info that they might want to follow up on ... Don't know with who, or why. I guess I don't have a clear agenda. I'll try to gather my thoughts a bit better before I make the call.


As someone else said, things like your dog has can develop quickly, and even when tumors like that develop slowly, until they start causing obvious problems they can be difficult to detect w/o an x-ray. And routine chest x-rays of dogs who appear to be healthy simply aren't something most rescue/shelters can afford.


I said earlier that I would call them not to grumble or because I think you have any kind of agenda to pursue, but because most rescues are staffed by volunteers, and they really get attached to the animals that come through. And good or bad they like to know.

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I'm so sorry the puppy is ill. It's sad for your family, but I can't help feeling good that she has found a loving place to be and a family to care for her. She's a lucky dog to have come to you.


I would let the shelter know, in case they can do anything to reduce the possibility of this happening again with future adoptees. I don't think there's any evidence that it's their "fault." But they should know. And most rescue organizations with which I've had contact want to follow-up with animals who've been placed, anyway.


Sending good thoughts your way, and thinking of your puppy . . .

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