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DH coming home

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DH He has been in Canada for 5 weeks. He will be back in Australia in about 12 hours:hurray::party:He will then need to catch a train and bus to travel the 400 km to a town 100 km from where we live, where I will pick him up.

But I have a surprise planed for him.

In a few hours I am going to catch the very early bus/train to Melbourne and surprise him at the train station.

I have never surprised him before. I am really hoping that everything goes as I plan, if his plane arrives a little early, then it is possible that we may miss each other altogether,and find ourselves traveling home the many hour trip on separate buses :001_huh:.

And as it is a surprise I haven't told him that I am going to be there, so he won't be looking for me :D

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I will be living vicariously through your fun.:001_smile:

Honestly, even if you don't end up together, it will still be a great memory. You'll be able to laugh together and say, "hey, remember that time when you tried to surprise me and we didn't even end up together?".:tongue_smilie:

Please update us afterwards and let us know how it went!

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