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Anyone schooling tomorrow?


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It's our first day back tomorrow. We (almost) always start on Labor day. DS12 and my dad share a birthday on Thursday so we are heading to the lake that day while everyone is in school. The only time we take Labor day off is if their birthday falls on it! We school most of the minor holidays so we can take a full three month summer break. A necessity the way our summers are filled up each year.

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No. We're not starting back utility October due to an injury in the family. This is our first extended break, ever. I did catch DD the Elder doing some Algebra last week, but I think she'll be able to hold out. :tongue_smilie:

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My kids just found out that tomorrow s a holiday when the pastor asked them if they were looking forward to a day off tomorrow. :glare: :tongue_smilie:


:lol: Same thing happened to us yesterday with ds's youth pastor. Ds was none too happy when I told him we would be doing school today. We took a few days off last week because my hubby has been sick and I have been going to his doctors appointments with him. So we will be doing school today. DH does have the day off, but since he still isn't feeling well, we won't be doing anything else anyway. Normally when he is off we don't do school.


DS started to complain yesterday when I told him we would be doing school. I then reminded him that his school days are no where near as long as ps kids and he never has homework. He dropped it after that. :) I am not even bringing up the fact that ps kids around here always have Mondays off now. Our school system went to a 4 day school week.

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We had our first "full" day of school today. Luckily, no one told my kids today was a holiday. Our problem were the neighborhood kids off school who kept asking to play.


I did let me 6 yr old go early (missed History & WWE) to play in the water next door with her best friend. She's sorely missing the tiny amount of work she did last year. :nopity:


I'm mean like that.

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We ended up doing 1 lesson of RSD and a few pages of BA, along with Copywork. Read-alouds later. I think we'll have at least 4 more days to do school this week, perhaps 5, depending on if we go to town any this week. I have extra Math scheduled this week to keep us on track but everything else is normal.

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I planned on doing a full day today, but between team mates informing my boys that it was a holiday yesterday, and issues with our business that needed my attention, I decided to give them the day off.


We're heading to Disney on Friday and will be taking a week off...so the next three days are going to be nose to the grindstone so we don't fall too far behind. Good thing we only take a week in December, and skip spring break altogether! :)

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