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Uh oh... (Beast Academy!)


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I was checking out a few math programs this morning, and I pulled up a sample of Beast Academy 3A just as DS8 walked by. He literally stopped in his tracks.


"What's that?"

"It's a math book."

"A COMIC?!?!"

"Yes. What do you think?"

Silence. I realize he's reading.

"Scroll down!"

"Excuse me?"

"Scroll down please?"




So... Beast. It looks cool and DS likes the samples. I've checked out a few threads about it here on WTM, and it seems like a great "fun" math program that isn't all fluff.


We're currently stalled in the middle of RS C. DS has stopped feeling the RS love. I've been supplementing with free worksheets on fractions and some Scholastic digital books for weeks while I look for other options. Now this pops up, and it seems like a dream come true.


So, my options seem to be:


1) Buy BA somehow. Use it to supplement while we finish up RS C. (The old carrot and stick method... :D) Then figure out where to go from there.


2) Buy BA somehow. Ditch the rest of RS C and use BA to fill in until I find another program for our spine.


3) Buy BA somehow. Use BA as our spine, and supplement with all the free and Scholastic stuff I've acquired.


4) Skip BA. It's really not *that* cool. Stick with RS C and the things I already have on hand in spite of his lack of warm fuzzies for the program.


5) Other option I haven't thought of?



So, which option would you pick? Assume money is tight, but Craigslist has been my friend lately and I'd have *just* enough to buy a couple levels of BA (possibly all three, if I finish emptying out my "to sell" box!)

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I'd go with option 3. We left RS after C and started using Math Mammoth. I bought Beast Academy to supplement Math Mammoth for this year, and my daughter loves it! We've only been using Beast Academy for the first week and a half of school. Now I'm slowly adding Math Mammoth back into the schedule.

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you can also just buy the BA books but not the workbooks . . . depending on how much he will like super-challenging, progressively more difficult third grade workbooks. I am actually myself thinking just buying the textbooks would be kinda fun. though since we're already at fractions/decimals and its just a third grade book, the text might not be worth it at this time.

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We've started BA as a supplement to RSD, but haven't got far enough for a good assessment. My only concern with switching while part way through RSC is frustration due to not being fully ready. I'd look at the assessment material and what you have already covered in C vs. what they are covering in BA. I have my RSC on loan right now and cannot remember what is covered when in there, but RSC is a 2nd grade program and BA is 3rd, of course with varying scope and sequences it is hard to directly compare.

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Option 3.

If a kid thinks a math program looks cool (and if you know that this is a rigorous, absolutely-not-fluff program), that's fabulous and I'd let him run with it.




OP, I'd bet your son's response was analogous to my dd's when she saw an AoPS book for the first time :001_smile:

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BA s a full program not meant to be a supplement, not "fluffy" at all. My math hating DD loves it. BA isn't your "normal" style math program, it is very outside the box. The child needs to use critical thinking to work the problems. I usually sit with DD through the WB pages... it often takes both of us to figure out some of them. So what I'm saying is don't skip the WB it's the best part IMO.

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I would put a temporary hold on RSC while letting kiddo go hog wild with BA. During any lulls in understanding or readiness with BA, I would revisit RSC because it is very likely that your son's reaction to math as a subject will improve when he's given a math program he can truly love. After starting BA, my oldest didn't fall madly in love with SM :tongue_smilie:, but he was more cheerful about doing it because BA gave him back his love for math in general. He took the BA books to bed, packed them in his suitcase when we moved... He loves them.


I don't know that you will be able to use BA as a spine, as they are only putting out 1/4 of a grade every 1/3 of a year. Your son might outpace their release schedule. I have this problem with DS9 and DD. :( I'm still buying it though. :D I think DS will be able to move right into BA without waiting for releases. So stoked about that!

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Wow, lots of replies. :001_smile:


I'm not sure I want to sell RS C, since I already own it (and RS B, with all the manips) and I'd like to keep it just in case it's a good fit for my younger DS. I LOVE the foundation that RS builds, and re-buying later would probably be more expensive than I can manage.


After reading the responses here and thinking about it, I've decided to sit down and try to accellerate the last half of RS C (without completely causing DS to shut down.) During our "break" these last two months, we've covered a lot of fractions, subtraction, and early multiplication. If I can manage to cut out the lessons DS doesn't need, I might be able to get him into BA 3A fairly soon without worrying about gaps. That would also give us a few more weeks/months to let Beast get 3D released. :D We might not end up outpacing their publication schedule.


Thanks for the advice! You've all pretty much affirmed what I'd originally thought -- that any program that gets DS *this* interested is probably worth serious consideration.

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If it helps with your decision on when to buy the first three books, last time I checked in with BA via email they said they are targeting end of Jan to release the 4th book. Which means it might more likely be sometime in Feb... I think their shipping charges were quite reasonable, so I just went ahead and ordered what was out and I'll add in D when they get it done!

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If it helps with your decision on when to buy the first three books, last time I checked in with BA via email they said they are targeting end of Jan to release the 4th book. Which means it might more likely be sometime in Feb... I think their shipping charges were quite reasonable, so I just went ahead and ordered what was out and I'll add in D when they get it done!


3D should out in December, not February. Are you sure they didn't mean 4A?

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I would put a temporary hold on RSC while letting kiddo go hog wild with BA. During any lulls in understanding or readiness with BA, I would revisit RSC because it is very likely that your son's reaction to math as a subject will improve when he's given a math program he can truly love.


:iagree: I would go ahead & order 3A (including the workbook!) now. This is great advice, because there may be frustration points (what the PP called "lulls in understanding or readiness"). Do some RS C & then go back to BA.


My math-hating dd#2 loves it when I take a "beast" day with her. (We don't use it as a spine because she doesn't care for the WB - which is the *meat* of the program.)


If it is truly a hit, you can order 3B, C, & maybe D at the same time. :-)

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I ended up ordering 3A just a few days ago because my 8 yr old also saw the sample and loved it. He begged me to buy it.


He's also in the middle of RS C.


I hesitated about getting BA because of what I've read here about it being hard/challenging. My ds does not do well with challenging. He's a perfectionist and wants to get every answer correct on the first try. He's easily frustrated and gives up easily. So, I don't think BA is for him.


However......what was I supposed to say to him? "No, sorry sweetie, but BA would be too challenging for you so I'm not going to buy it." I really don't think that's a good message to send him. Basically saying if something is hard then don't even try it. I didn't like that option.


So, I bought it. I plan to continue RS because I love it, and ds doesn't complain about it. We do CWP on Fridays and he *hates* those workbooks. We will do RS Mon-Thur and BA on Fri. I'll take it nice and slow and basically let him play with it. I'm curious to see what happens. :)

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If it helps with your decision on when to buy the first three books, last time I checked in with BA via email they said they are targeting end of Jan to release the 4th book. Which means it might more likely be sometime in Feb... I think their shipping charges were quite reasonable, so I just went ahead and ordered what was out and I'll add in D when they get it done!


I am so sad that the shipping to Canada is $40.

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No, I've heard this too. I think the release date has been moved back to Jan. which probably means it will be early Feb. before it is in hand.


This is terrible. I had such high hopes. They are advertising jobs related to beast math (anybody??? Please apply :001_smile:).

That means we won't see 4A until summer and that is the best case scenario. Grrrrrrrr

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So, I bought it. I plan to continue RS because I love it, and ds doesn't complain about it. We do CWP on Fridays and he *hates* those workbooks. We will do RS Mon-Thur and BA on Fri. I'll take it nice and slow and basically let him play with it. I'm curious to see what happens. :)


We're on a similar schedule for now, although doing RSD. I kind of had it in my mind to transition him to full-on BA but with their publication schedule who knows. I was thinking it would be nice to transition to BA to build a good foundation for AoPS Pre-A, which I think would be a good fit for him. It would be so much easier if they had it all released right now though. I'd kind of like to devote more time and do more lessons weekly but I also don't want to drop RS either, especially as who knows when it will all be released and he likes RS as well. The production schedule makes me happy though that we waited until Fall to start!

Edited by soror
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