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Did you ever feel like you should just stop looking on the curriculum board

Shelly in IL

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One of my dear, dear friends - who posts on this board quite frequently (so don't kill me Michele when you read this) - is ALWAYS telling me about new curriculum. Fortunately for her, she's able to purchase the new stuff she likes. Fortunately for me, she lets me look it over and I can decide whether or not I want to try it. Unfortunately for my wallet, I like a lot of what she chooses!

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My problem is doubting what I purchased is the best when I hear about all this other stuff... I keep having to remind myself "there is no best curriculum, only one (of many) that is good for us"


but it's really hard to listen to myself sometimes :blush:

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I have this problem. I will read posts about how great something is, then I second guess what I already have. Then I see said item on the used boards and purchase it, and finally I realize my house is overun with books and must start selling some or we will need a bigger house.:001_smile:

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Yep - you should stop looking. Stop looking for new stuff and read/learn the stuff you have. There, now doesn't that feel better. The first step is admitting that you have a problem.



Last night, I talked to a guy that was reading the Fagles translation of the Odyssey. We had a nice chat about different translations and the trouble translating poetry. Why is that relevant besides just being cool? I once spent at least 10 hours over a period of months trying to decide which translation of the Odyssey was best to assign to my son. I could have read a good portion of the Fagles and the Fitzgerald version in that time instead. I ended up reading both just to be sure anyway.


So the moral of my story is to get busy reading Homer, but don't forget to check back here often.

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Perhaps I should quit coming. But, you never know what's around the corner...


Honestly, I love to look at all my options and hate to make a decision. I have bought a few things that we never used, a few things that didn't work, but on the whole, most of what I have bought has worked well. I like to think that is due to my exhaustive research. :D

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Yes, but I can't do it! I love all the ideas here, it helps me to know that the choices I have made are the right ones and to know what to look for when something is not working. But it does make it hard since there's so much out there. (I just posted about this on my blog)

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Nothing like an HONEST review. There are some reviews out there that never find a negative, and every curriculum has it's negative points IMHO. I'd rather know that type of information up front.


I don't change much from year-to-year though, so maybe that helps. It's just fine-tuning at this point.

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Yes and No.


Yes, I don't need to be here. We have what we need curriculum wise, I understand the why of our goals and method, the when and how. Therefore, I don't really need to be here but it's nice to be able and come through and add 2¢ in every now and then especially when it might help someone else.


No, because it is inspiring at times to read the original ideas and thought processes that aren't really about curriculum but how application can be different. It's nice to know there are others out there that share the same values, beliefs and theories. I also appreciate the opportunity to come and go as I please, to jump in and say something or leave the board alone for a while and not really skip a beat.


This board has helped me honed our homeschool, through shared ideas, philosophies, arguments and just plain good advice from those who have been there done that.


If I get tempted, I go and look at what y'all are talking about and that's when our identity (goals, philosophy, etc.) kick in and I usually leave whatever it is alone. Now it's the extras that get me into trouble...activity kits, games, CDs, DVDs. That is where I have to apply even more self-discipline! :)

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As we do not have accesss to conventions or homeschooling stores and postage is outrageously expensive, I've had to be pretty sure that what I've ordered would be right for us. These boards have made that possible.


I'd also probably not have know about and we'd not have half the materials we're currently using.


We're halfway into our third year of homeschooling and have found our groove. I expect to be ordering the next level up of most things for fourth grade, but I still like to visit to see if there's something else that I don't know about. And sometimes I can add to a conversation, and I'm glad that I can give back to others for what the boards have given me.

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I like keeping up with the new programs that are being released. However, I've found that when I really have a program that I like and works for us, I don't even think about changing. After 5 years of homeschooling, I'm finally at a place where I like what we are doing, and I have no need to make any changes.


I could not have said it better myself. This is where I am exactly.

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My problem is doubting what I purchased is the best when I hear about all this other stuff... I keep having to remind myself "there is no best curriculum, only one (of many) that is good for us"


but it's really hard to listen to myself sometimes :blush:

I could have written the same exact post. ;)

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If it wasn't for the curriculum board, I would not have been an early adopter of the RS4K chemistry program. I would not have even heard of LLLOTR, or Rod and Staff. I would not have ever tried Latin Christiana. OK, I never have tried it yet. But I have purchased it, and that's something.


Also, there is a ton of stuff that I have not wasted my money on because I have read many opinions about many options and used them to make a decision that I feel very good about sticking to.

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I tend to doubt myself. I'll have my mind made up and then read something and start to second guess myself. On the other hand, I've received valuable information.


I admit it. I love curriculum. However, financial restraints have helped me kick the habit - not that I went along willingly.



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