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To the Person Who Recommended Sleeping with a Damp Top Sheet....

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Thank you!!!!!!


I live in So. Cal and really can't complain about the weather....mostly. But this past week has been miserable and our house does not have air conditioning. After several sleepless nights, I finally tried the strange idea of sleeping with a damp sheet. I ran my sheet through a cold speed wash and high spin. Once done, I placed a fan to face me and crawled under the wet sheet. Ahhhhhhhh - sweet relief!


It was like a tiny cocoon of air-conditioned heaven.


Thank you!!!!!

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I was chatting with an elderly man a few weeks ago about the oppressive heat. He was lamenting about how bad the heat was before his family had air conditioning. I asked him what tricks they had for staying cool. He told me that when he was a young boy, they would get their sheets completely wet, then jump in and try to fall asleep before they dried! Once he fell asleep he could make it through the whole night without waking, though his dad would wake up in the night because of the heat.

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Thank you!!!!!!


I live in So. Cal and really can't complain about the weather....mostly. But this past week has been miserable and our house does not have air conditioning. After several sleepless nights, I finally tried the strange idea of sleeping with a damp sheet. I ran my sheet through a cold speed wash and high spin. Once done, I placed a fan to face me and crawled under the wet sheet. Ahhhhhhhh - sweet relief!


It was like a tiny cocoon of air-conditioned heaven.


Thank you!!!!!


I'm in So Cal too...I did this last week but only because I was ready for bed and my sheets weren't dry :lol:


I also have a pretty thin white quilt that was wet...but had been washed with Downey lavender scent...so it was like aromatherapy with air conditioning....sweet relief....til my restless leg kicked in...:glare:


I think it's supposed to cool down a bit in the next few days...fingers crossed!!!

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I also have a pretty thin white quilt that was wet...but had been washed with Downey lavender scent...so it was like aromatherapy with air conditioning....sweet relief....til my restless leg kicked in...:glare:


I think it's supposed to cool down a bit in the next few days...fingers crossed!!!


I'll have to try the aromatherapy. :lol: I saw the prediction for cooler weather. I so HOPE so. At least for it to be less humid....


Does this work in places with high humidity or do you wake up smelling like mold?


Actually, it has been strangely humid here, which is why the heat has been extra-oppressive. Even with the humidity, my sheet dried within an hour or two. I actually had to re-wet it during the night. So, nope, no mold!


I put ice water in a hot water bottle and put it down by my feet. For some reason that is where I get the hottest, although I've put it under my pillow near my neck, too.


You know, that is where I get the hottest, too. Sometimes, I spritz water directly on my feet and prop them in front of a fan. :001_smile:


Doesn't that pose a risk to the mattress or something? I would think a musky/moldy smell eventually.


I only wet the top sheet and it dried so quickly that I don't think it caused problems. I thought the concept of wet sheets was so strange that I held off on trying it. Wish I had done it sooner!!! Sweet air-conditioned cocoon!

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I wonder if DH would try this. It has been miserable here, too. No air conditioning and we don't usually need it, but this August has been bad.


Sooooooo bad. I feel like I'm back in Florida. :confused: TRY THE SHEETS!!! Your hubby won't regret it! Though, actually, my own DH refuses to use them....:tongue_smilie: He doesn't know what he is missing.....

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Thank you!!!!!!


I live in So. Cal and really can't complain about the weather....mostly. But this past week has been miserable and our house does not have air conditioning. After several sleepless nights, I finally tried the strange idea of sleeping with a damp sheet. I ran my sheet through a cold speed wash and high spin. Once done, I placed a fan to face me and crawled under the wet sheet. Ahhhhhhhh - sweet relief!


It was like a tiny cocoon of air-conditioned heaven.


Thank you!!!!!


Ooo ... brilliant. I would have wish I had this tip in July. It's gorgeous here right now with perfect sleeping weather. I'm not sure my DH would be game though? Hmmm ... something for next summer.

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I must have never gotten well and truly hot at night, because damp sheets sounds unappealing. I'm filing that away, though, in case I ever do get really hot! :)


People in California usually don't need a/c? I figured y'all needed it more of the year than we do (Tn)

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I must have never gotten well and truly hot at night, because damp sheets sounds unappealing. I'm filing that away, though, in case I ever do get really hot! :)


People in California usually don't need a/c? I figured y'all needed it more of the year than we do (Tn)


We are in the mountains of SoCal. It is usually 15 degrees cooler up here than "down the hill." This sumer has been crazy, we usually only see the 90s a few times a summer. We actually broke down and bought tower fans a few days ago and we have lived up here 11 years!

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Thank you!!!!!!


I live in So. Cal and really can't complain about the weather....mostly. But this past week has been miserable and our house does not have air conditioning. After several sleepless nights, I finally tried the strange idea of sleeping with a damp sheet. I ran my sheet through a cold speed wash and high spin. Once done, I placed a fan to face me and crawled under the wet sheet. Ahhhhhhhh - sweet relief!


It was like a tiny cocoon of air-conditioned heaven.


Thank you!!!!!


:iagree:This is what got me through the Horribly Steamy Summer of '98, when it was over 100 degrees for weeks and I was very pregnant.

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:iagree:This is what got me through the Horribly Steamy Summer of '98, when it was over 100 degrees for weeks and I was very pregnant.


That sounds AWFUL!!! Pregnant too - ug!!!


I'm in socal too and the heat is really getting to us, I think we'll try this tonight and see if we can sleep without the air conditioning on all night. :)


So I'm wondering if this worked for you, Carina! What did you think? :001_smile:

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I'll have to keep this in mind while on vacation. We are staying at a very small rustic resort, with no air conditioning, tv or phones. Last year it was brutally hot! So far it looks like it will be cooler this year. My hormones can't handle another heatwave!

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