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Parents of seniors----how is the application process going?


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Where in the process is your dd/ds? Preliminary list? Final list? College visits? Common app essay in progress? All applications done???? ( If so! I think I officially hate you :tongue_smilie: :lol:)


This time last week dd17 had a vague amorphous list... As of last night, she has a good list of ten schools and a plan for visiting each one. On Friday we will attend a special arts tour day at one school and take the tour at a second school :auto:

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We've toured half a dozen schools. Dd has made her list. I'm not sure if we'll visit a few more, I'd prefer she add one more, more obscure school (I don't have a specific one picked out).


I've spent a few weeks working on course descriptions, getting closer after working today.


Dd has taken her SAT and plans to retake in the fall. I just signed her up for the ACT in Sept. She plans to take an SAT II test in a foreign language in the fall also.


She's looked over the app from her #1 school; I'm not sure if it's the common app or an additional one.


I'm freaking out about this. How am I supposed to stay on top of everything??????

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Ds is not even applying right now. He has an internship and camp that he'll staff next summer and fall and is looking at taking the rest of the school year "off" to work on his novel and continue some studies that are of personal interest to him....3:3 my kids are so non-traditional. sigh.

Oldest DID graduate from college this spring- debt free and having traveled through Europe a couple times with a couple of languages under her belt.

2nd DD has been working professionally f.t. since her May graduation from Cosmetology College (making $17/hr) and is going to new student orientation for a 4 yr. computer graphics program starting this fall. They have interesting lives they just don't follow the path-kwim?

Edited by laughing lioness
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Good wishes to those of you with children going through the college application process.



I'm freaking out about this. How am I supposed to stay on top of everything??????


I found it helpful to make spreadsheets. I had headings such as:


Supp. Deadline

App. fee

Specific procedures for Homeschoolers

Interview req'd

Schlrshp competition dates

HS representative

Financial aid deadlines

Coll form



Fed Tax Returns/W-2 Forms



On a later spreadsheet, I had these headings:


Mid-Year Report


Schlrshp competition

Financial aid deadlines

Coll form





My daughter applied to ten colleges, and we didn't want to miss a deadline for the application, financial aid, or for scholarships.




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Working on course decriptions as we speak...


We had such great plans for the summer... colleges to visit, Spanish to wrap up so the SATII in October would be a breeze (the only humanities "proof" she will have), the application essays and scholarship applications to write....


and then....


She scored an amazing research internship (ok, the lab works on nuclear fusion research, her project has something to do with liquid crystal optics degradation in the second most powerful laser system in the US ... but don't quote me!). It has been an absolutely fantastic, mind expanding, challenging experience ...


...that has left us months behind in the whole college search thing. AND no time to intensively study Spanish (eek! if that's the thing that keeps her out of school I'm going to cry. A lot!). And her senior math and science classes actually start the last week of the internship... and they are not slouchy senioritis classes. AND she has to prepare a(n "official") scientific paper about her research after the actual internship wraps up... like right at the same time that we are doing applications.... Arrrggghhhh.


Really, I'm not complaining! I am so grateful for the experience she is having. The "lost" time is just adding to my freak out and lack of confidence in myself to stay on top of everything.


I think I'm going to take up meditation.

Edited by Jen in NY
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The ball is rolling a little bit here. DD has started Common App. and essay, and letters of recommendation are forthcoming. I am almost done with the course descriptions. The homeschool profile and counselor letter are a lot more work, but I have a good idea of what I want to say for each one. One school has already asked for the syllabi for any outsourced classes, and fortunately (thanks to advice from WTM moms) we saved all of this information so it's just a matter of making copies. I feel we are in a good place right now, but I can see things slipping through the cracks if we are not careful. I will definitely use Kareni's spreadsheet idea...thank you!!

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I'm not in it this year. But, when dd went through this three years ago, I nearly lost my mind.


The single thing I took away from that experience was THE SHORT LIST MUST ACTUALLY BE SHORT! :glare: She applied to TWELVE colleges and uni's.


Don't let it happen to you.


Six is the most I'm allowing the boys and we'll work on early admissions to their top three choices each so I can spread out the work getting half of it done August - Nov.1, and then breathe through the holidays, then lose my mind again in January getting the last of them in.


I am thankful that our math and science pursuits have remained largely unaltered from dd's years so I can reuse those course descriptions and many tomes in the textbook list. However, history has changed quite a bit, they are not studying the same foreign language she did and NOT ONE OF THE THREE boys is studying the same language as any of his brothers :banghead:, plus their electives and extracurriculars are different so I'm trying not to let this thread exhaust me in advance! :eek:


I told dh that having the three boys so close together would end up being the death of me. I thought that would be achieved when they were little. I was completely wrong. I think I'll be pretty close to used up by the time I put three through college admissions in four years.


From 2014 - 2018, I may be the resident nutbunny on this board! :lol:



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My dd has not accomplished near as much as I would have liked this past month. She is working on the essays for the common ap this week. Yesterday she printed out the essay questions in the supplements tothe schools she wants to apply to. It is going to be a long few months at this rate. I'm trying to not nag her, but her procrastination drives me crazy.


I, on the other hand, almost have our course descriptions completed. Next, I am moving on to my common ap responsibilities.


I know we are in good shape, but I was really hoping for her to get more done before her classes started. I have so much going on this fall.

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We've got our list set, and did a handful of visits last year. There are a couple of schools that we won't bother visiting unless they offer great merit aid.


She's chosen 6 schools, with one definite first choice where she's in the top 10% of applicants. We're just hoping they come through with merit aid. 2 of the other schools are financial safeties.


We're ready to go with applications. We're just waiting on an official letter for an accolade she earned from the community college so we can list it on her apps, then she'll get her applications submitted.

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My dd has not accomplished near as much as I would have liked this past month. She is working on the essays for the common ap this week. Yesterday she printed out the essay questions in the supplements tothe schools she wants to apply to. It is going to be a long few months at this rate. I'm trying to not nag her, but her procrastination drives me crazy.



Summer is proving to be a tough time for ds to stay on the ball re his common app essay. His top choice locally opens registration on Sept 1. He plans to hit send that day. Not sure he'll be ready. I am not sure how much to hound him. Thankfully dh is overseeing ds's college hunt/app process. They seem to communicate better about the whole process.

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GRR.. Well, I'm redoing the Baylor transcript. It must have 6 semesters of classes, so my subject transcript won't work. It has to be signed.. It also must have class rank on it. Sigh.. I showed it to so many people and they thought it looked so official... GRRRR Problem is that his freshman year will only show 5 classes since all of you had me take the Spanish SOS out of the original transcript since he is doing 4 semesters dual credit... Oh well.. I can't change it. Just a pain.


Sigh indeed. It's frustrating to have to rework things. I don't really believe that having only five classes freshman year will be a problem; however, I do have one thought. If he is someone who is physically active (basket ball, soccer, swimming, jogging?), could you give him a half credit for PE for that year?


If you (or anyone else) would like to see my daughter's transcript (it's in Excel format and arranged by year and subject), simply send me a personal message with your email address.




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Good wishes to those of you with children going through the college application process.


I found it helpful to make spreadsheets. I had headings such as:


Supp. Deadline

App. fee

Specific procedures for Homeschoolers

Interview req'd

Schlrshp competition dates

HS representative

Financial aid deadlines

Coll form



Fed Tax Returns/W-2 Forms



On a later spreadsheet, I had these headings:


Mid-Year Report


Schlrshp competition

Financial aid deadlines

Coll form





My daughter applied to ten colleges, and we didn't want to miss a deadline for the application, financial aid, or for scholarships.





I used a notebook so that I could make notes to myself on any conversations with Admissions Counselors, travel arrangements, etc.


Let me add that university applications and those to honors programs at the same school can have different due dates. Read the websites carefully.


Jane (who still shudders when she sees the word "Profile")

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Okay....we are missing the boat- I did not know there was all this other stuff- I think we need a lifeline :lol: I don't know what half this stuff means.....and I thought we were in good shape with the transcript.

A resume? Is this for a part-time job they hold- I am hopelessly lost.


At times like this- with my dd being a first-generation college student- I get scared we won't get there and that is just sad and she has worked so hard.





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Don't despair... there are so many wise people on this board that have already tread the path we are on right now!


I am wading my way through the Common Application website... it is daunting, but little by little I am learning my way. Have you guys made an account at Common App yet? That might be one way to start.

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Dd's first two visits are tomorrow---two LACs in Pennsylvania, Lafayette and Muhlenberg. She's doing an info session and tour at Lafayette in the morning, then we'll grab some lunch and drive over to Muhlenberg for a special info session/tour focused on the arts.


I hope to get answers from the schools on how they treat special dietary needs, as Dd has multiple food allergies.


Oodles of driving and we'll hit beach traffic on the way home :rolleyes: But so far, the process is going more smoothly than it did with her older brother!

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I do apologize for how ignorant I am to all of this, but as I tossed and turned all night I was thinking- the resume must be where you list all their extra-curriculars and volunteers, awards, societies and such- I guess that would make sense.


Kareni- you were so kind to send a transcript-are you or anyone else willing to share a resume or sample of how the whole packet is actually supposed to look when you send it off.


We are leaving next week for a two week trip and then school starts- so

I guess I should have daughter start looking at the common-app- do you all have your kids do this or do you? Relatives in academia tell me the child should fill out all applications except the fafsa- is that how all of you are handling it.


Again- sorry for my ignorance to it all-



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As far as I can tell there is a student section for the student to complete and a guidance counselor section for the parent to complete. There's also a "Homeschool supplement" for the parent to complete.


Also, letters of Recommendation need to be uploaded into the common app, and then you decide which recommendation to forward to each school (I don't think you get to read them, though).


Also..... I think most schools accept the common app (some schools have additional supplements), but some schools don't, so you should check and make sure the schools your dd has an interest in are on the list.




We'll get there!!!


Other, more experienced people, please chime in and correct my mistakes!

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Chiming in late! :001_smile:


ds17 (public-schooled since 10th grade, will be in 12th grade this coming year) has already applied -- and been admitted -- to his first-choice college (an out-of-state public uni), to start Fall 2013. And he's 95% sure he wants to go there, so I *think* all we have left is the housing form and honors college application.


OTOH, kids change a lot / mature / change priorities / realize they might not want to be so far from their family & friends / etc. over the 10 months of senior year ... So we'll encourage him to apply to a few backup schools. If he decides next April that he'd rather stay in CA after all, but hasn't applied anywhere in-state -- well, it would be too late.


ds15 will be another story ... still homeschooled, and wants to attend a more-selective college. For him I'll need to make the transcript, course descriptions, counselor's letter, etc. But I have a year to get ready :)

Edited by Laura in CA
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Kareni- you were so kind to send a transcript-are you or anyone else willing to share a resume or sample of how the whole packet is actually supposed to look when you send it off.



My daughter applied to colleges on line; those applications all included an area for extra curricular activities, work and volunteer experiences, and awards. Consequently, she did not prepare a resume for college applications. (She has prepared a resume for a summer job application.)


I sent all of my portion of her paperwork via US mail. Here is a copy of a cover letter which indicates what exactly I sent.


"Application materials for Student's name


Applying Regular Decision for admission to XX College as a first-year student and requesting consideration for scholarships


Materials enclosed:


Secondary School Report

Official Homeschool High School Transcript

Counselor Letter

Homeschool Profile

Course Descriptions

Reading List

Textbook List

Letter of recommendation from AA (student's employer for several years)

Portfolio of supporting materials with explanatory cover sheet


Materials being sent separately:


Common Application and Common Application Supplement were submitted on-line

Transcript from BB Community College

SAT scores from the College Board

Letters of recommendation from:

CC (Instructor), submitting on-line

DD (Instructor), submitting through the mail"


This letter was sent to a college which requested a portfolio of my daughter's work. Most of the ten colleges to which she applied did not request or require a portfolio -- only two or three did.




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I just wanted to say good luck to everybody. I was a mess last year at this time. The only thing that saved me was that one of my kids did an early app (due in June) so I had everybody's transcript done before the fall). I felt like standing over two of my kids with a whip to get those essays written (my dd was the worst - until I actually put a timer on her and said - you have 15 min, write - whereupon she produced something fairly amazing - we discovered that for her, 15 min was a better deadline than the month of Aug. Ah, motivation.


I took the ppwk one section at a time, and each part was the hardest until it was done.


In the beginning, I agonized that no one would get in anywhere, which seems silly now. My boys each applied to 7 schools and were admitted to all 7 (and the benefit of applying early was that they knew they were in SOMEWHERE before Christmas) and dd applied to 4 and got into 3 (and waitlisted at one elite school that only took 15 kids into the program she wanted). So we called it a success.


If anyone wants samples of ANYTHING I sent to schools, please pm me with your email addy. Several people from this board sent me theirs, for which I am eternally grateful.

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DONE. Deposit in. Laptop and software etc purchased. DONE.


I'm still high on the DONE- ness.


Wow. I have not known colleges to send out acceptances a year in advance. You might scare some of the parents on this thread.


To those with seniors: I was in your shoes three years ago. After many sleepless nights, things resolved themselves nicely. My son found an LAC that fits his personality and interests.


He has just returned from a summer abroad digging (archaeology major). Amazing how these teens who barely remember to comb their hair or write a date on a paper become young people negotiating major world cities on their own.


Good luck to parents of seniors! Cry on the shoulders of those who have been their whenever necessary!

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Wow. I have not known colleges to send out acceptances a year in advance. You might scare some of the parents on this thread.


A lot of engineering schools seem to do rolling admissions now, including my dd's first choice. A few of our schools opened their application period in July/August, but we held off, because we're waiting on a couple of things from the cc.


Otherwise, we'd be done too, probably! Soon!!

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A lot of engineering schools seem to do rolling admissions now, including my dd's first choice. A few of our schools opened their application period in July/August, but we held off, because we're waiting on a couple of things from the cc.


Otherwise, we'd be done too, probably! Soon!!


So students commit before receiving financial aid letters? I know that some of the public unis do rolling admissions but round one of the apps is due in the fall--not summer.


I just wonder how students compare packages so early on.

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lol No! Sorry. I thought you meant seniors this year. Done Seniors. Not rising Srs. School doesn't start here until Sept. lol


My excitement about being done is just so great.


Wow. I have not known colleges to send out acceptances a year in advance. You might scare some of the parents on this thread.


To those with seniors: I was in your shoes three years ago. After many sleepless nights, things resolved themselves nicely. My son found an LAC that fits his personality and interests.


He has just returned from a summer abroad digging (archaeology major). Amazing how these teens who barely remember to comb their hair or write a date on a paper become young people negotiating major world cities on their own.


Good luck to parents of seniors! Cry on the shoulders of those who have been their whenever necessary!

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lol No! Sorry. I thought you meant seniors this year. Done Seniors. Not rising Srs. School doesn't start here until Sept. lol


My excitement about being done is just so great.


Whew! Parents who are new to the process may have freaked about your comment on the deposit given that the FAFSA is not yet available. Just want to help maintain a sense of calm here.

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He has just returned from a summer abroad digging (archaeology major). Amazing how these teens who barely remember to comb their hair or write a date on a paper become young people negotiating major world cities on their own.


Yay for Jane's son! That is REALLY reassuring to hear as I get ready to put my daughter on a flight to Italy in a few days for her fall semester abroad...they DO grow up and do amazingly well.


Good luck to parents of seniors! Cry on the shoulders of those who have been their whenever necessary!


Yes, good luck to all the WTM kids and parents going through college applications this year. We're all here cheering you on from the sidelines.:)

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Yay for Jane's son! That is REALLY reassuring to hear as I get ready to put my daughter on a flight to Italy in a few days for her fall semester abroad...they DO grow up and do amazingly well.


Bon voyage to your daughter, Kathy. Don't you wish you could be the proverbial fly on the wall when the students are seeing the sights?


It was terrific for my son not only to be doing what he wants to do with his life (dig), but also rub (dirty) elbows with students from around the world. Or, in his case, play Ultimate Frisbee in the Roman Amphitheatre with colleagues when the work day was done.


Yes, good luck to all the WTM kids and parents going through college applications this year. We're all here cheering you on from the sidelines.:)


The support from this board meant the world to me when my son was going through the application process. Indeed, good luck to the WTMers in the months ahead!

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Bon voyage to your daughter, Kathy. Don't you wish you could be the proverbial fly on the wall when the students are seeing the sights?


Thanks, Jane! I sure do wish that I could be in on all of the sights, too. DD says she's going to write about her experiences & take tons of photos. I hope that she also makes time to Skype with mom & dad occasionally.;)


It was terrific for my son not only to be doing what he wants to do with his life (dig), but also rub (dirty) elbows with students from around the world. Or, in his case, play Ultimate Frisbee in the Roman Amphitheatre with colleagues when the work day was done.


Wow, Ultimate in the Amphitheatre - that's cool!


The support from this board meant the world to me when my son was going through the application process. Indeed, good luck to the WTMers in the months ahead!


Yes, I don't know how I would have made it through that year w/o the terrific support system here on the WTM boards.:)

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So students commit before receiving financial aid letters? I know that some of the public unis do rolling admissions but round one of the apps is due in the fall--not summer.


Probably not. But they could, if they felt strongly enough about a particular school regardless of finances. For our public universities, one opened the application period for fall 2013 in July. The rest are August and September.


We're pretty much only focusing on schools that are financially safe. I don't expect anything earth shaking when financial aid letters arrive.

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