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I Just Don't Know

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I honestly don't know if it's me that's becoming crankier and more judgemental, or if the world really is going that crazy.


I'm open to votes.


We were at Costco today. Having lunch after. There were 2 kids w/their parents. Girl, about 7, and a toddler girl.


7 yo was running around the tables, barefoot. I don't mean, not wearing socks, I mean totally barefoot. And, she was wearing shorts and a top that honestly, when I thought about it, might well belong to her toddler sister. the shorts weren't covering everything they *should* and nor was the top.


I'll be honest, and say my first impulse was to go buy her an outfit. Then I realized, there's probably no plausible explaination that would have her wearing her sister's clothes...not being financially tight, no weird accident that would have all her clothes vanish and leave her w/only her sister's, only that it was done by choice. I wasn't *thinking* snark, I was genuinely reacting to a kiddo wearing clothes that obviously didn't fit.


As a parent, I truly don't understand letting a kid out of the house that...well...undressed. Even if we were on a trip, and turned out we forgot to pack for one kid completely, I'd run in, buy an outfit, get kidlet dressed in the car...not have her run around the food court area, eat lunch, w/her bottom hanging out of her shorts, and top not covering much below her neck.



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I totally agree with you on the little girls not wearing enough clothes. Why on earth their parents think that it's ok to let them wander around half naked I just cannot fathom.


That said my kiddies are always barefoot. It's common in NZ, and now I just can't persuade my guys that shoes are good anymore. It doesn't seem worth the fight.

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I honestly don't know if it's me that's becoming crankier and more judgemental, or if the world really is going that crazy.


I'm open to votes.


We were at Costco today. Having lunch after. There were 2 kids w/their parents. Girl, about 7, and a toddler girl.


7 yo was running around the tables, barefoot. I don't mean, not wearing socks, I mean totally barefoot. And, she was wearing shorts and a top that honestly, when I thought about it, might well belong to her toddler sister. the shorts weren't covering everything they *should* and nor was the top.


I'll be honest, and say my first impulse was to go buy her an outfit. Then I realized, there's probably no plausible explaination that would have her wearing her sister's clothes...not being financially tight, no weird accident that would have all her clothes vanish and leave her w/only her sister's, only that it was done by choice. I wasn't *thinking* snark, I was genuinely reacting to a kiddo wearing clothes that obviously didn't fit.


As a parent, I truly don't understand letting a kid out of the house that...well...undressed. Even if we were on a trip, and turned out we forgot to pack for one kid completely, I'd run in, buy an outfit, get kidlet dressed in the car...not have her run around the food court area, eat lunch, w/her bottom hanging out of her shorts, and top not covering much below her neck.




You are not crazy Imp, you are a perfectly sane, caring mother. :grouphug:


About 90% of the clothes here in OZ are completely unacceptable for the age they are meant for. My DD is in size 7 now, which means size 7-14 (so tween/early teen) clothes. I am SO glad I can sew clothing for my children because there is NO way my DD is wearing clothes that look like they were designed for adults :)


I totally get what you were saying.

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.... Then I realized, there's probably no plausible explaination that would have her wearing her sister's clothes...not being financially tight, no weird accident that would have all her clothes vanish and leave her w/only her sister's, only that it was done by choice. ...

There could be a plausable explaination. Maybe something like this is what happened: Older sister found some of her old favorite clothes in a pile of hand-me-downs that they recently took out of storage for baby sister and put them on. Busy parents told child to get in the car--expecting older child to have on the decent looking clothes and shoes she been seen wearing not five minutes before they left, then parent was distracted by a dirty diaper or something toddler related. They may have driven a long way to go to Costco for a desperately needed monthly stock up, and with the price of gas and everything, turning around to go back home once they discovered the barefoot child wearing the inappropriate outfit wasn't a viable option.

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There could be a plausable explaination. Maybe something like this is what happened: Older sister found some of her old favorite clothes in a pile of hand-me-downs that they recently took out of storage for baby sister and put them on. Busy parents told child to get in the car--expecting older child to have on the decent looking clothes and shoes she been seen wearing not five minutes before they left, then parent was distracted by a dirty diaper or something toddler related. They may have driven a long way to go to Costco for a desperately needed monthly stock up, and with the price of gas and everything, turning around to go back home once they discovered the barefoot child wearing the inappropriate outfit wasn't a viable option.


Or she could have sensory issues.


Life is weird.

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I'm with you.


My dds bathed every night, and washed their hair every night. When we left the house they were dressed decently, their hair was brushed and neat, and they wore shoes. Always. We did that even when money was extremely tight, because soap and water and brushes are cheap.

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finding shorts which actually ARE shorts and COVER our girls is a challenge these days. I hate those shorts that look like underwear and won't allow them on my girls.


I don't know what to say. I don't recall seeing a toddler dressed like that. :glare:

If the toddler had been wearing them, they would have fit her, kwim? It was putting toddler clothes on a 7yo that made it so her butt was hanging out the bottom, and the top didn't cover her top.


Again, I'm *guessing* that they belonged to her younger sister, I have no way of knowing. I'm guessing, purely based on it looked like her clothes would have fit the younger child properly. It may have been intentionally bought for her, I dunno...it was just the one idea I had that made sense, that she'd somehow been wearing the toddler's clothes.

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My kids have always left the house dressed in their own clothes. However, when ds1 was 4 he was adamant about wearing shorts, t-shirt and cowboy boots to church one Sunday. I wouldn't have had a problem with it except it was in the 30s outside. I took his coat. I hoped the negative attention would sink in with him. No, every person he came in contact with thought he was the absolute cutest child they had ever seen and he must be so proud for dressing himself lol You just never know the story of what is really going on.

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My Dd trekked around Ikea barefoot yesterday for the last half of our visit. She carried her shoes. I told her they were too small and had them in the donation box. She got them out, wore them, and got sore feet. Lesson learned, I hope, but it was really no big deal to me that she didn't have shoes on. I used to go barefoot as much as possible as a kid.


I agree with you on the hootchie clothes, though. Luckily both of my kids are even more modest than I would require. Dd won't even wear a skirt without leggings underneath.

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My kids have always left the house dressed in their own clothes. However, when ds1 was 4 he was adamant about wearing shorts, t-shirt and cowboy boots to church one Sunday. I wouldn't have had a problem with it except it was in the 30s outside. I took his coat. I hoped the negative attention would sink in with him. No, every person he came in contact with thought he was the absolute cutest child they had ever seen and he must be so proud for dressing himself lol You just never know the story of what is really going on.


But at least he was wearing things that fit.

I let my kids dress themselves starting around age 2/2.5. We went places with Astro dressed as Iron Man and Pink currently wears her boots without socks everywhere we go. But they're wearing their clothing, and it's appropriate. It's like, Pink gets to pick what she wants to wear - and she chooses dresses most of the time, occasionally skirts - but she doesn't get to choose whether or not she wears her little knit shorts under them. She has to. That isn't a huge deal, and nothing like what we're talking about here, but for us, we do shorts under dresses so that when she's playing and she throws her legs up in the air for whatever reason, no one is seeing little 3 year old booty. :D Similarly, I don't really think kids should have free reign to wear whatever they feel like if it isn't something that comes anywhere near fitting.

I would be mortified if I saw what Imp saw, honestly. :leaving:

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