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What do you do to be happy?

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I am not naturally a happy person. Over the past few years I have really struggled with finding or being happy. Part of it has been due to illness, but I think part of it is attitude. I got stuck in a really bad place full of bad attitude.


So what do you do to be happy? Do you repeat affirmations to yourself in the mirror each morning? Do you pray? Do you meditate? Do you have a hobby? What is it that you specifically do to be happy? Some people are more naturally happy, but I think (hope) everyone has to work at it to some extent.


I need to change my stinkin' thinkin' and find happy again, so just looking for real life ideas especially from those who really have to work at it.

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Replace negative self talk with positive self talk.


Try to think about others more. Focus less on yourself. Don't lose yourself in others, but don't hyperfocus on yourself.




Eat healthy


Get the right amount of sleep.


Pause for a moment and enjoy - the view, the kids, the DH, a flower whatever you can.


Practice smiling


Tell someone something nice.


Use a gratitude journal.

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Lots of sunshine (no, seriously, all the vitamin d I can get)


Making a list of things I'm thankful for


Reading or watching the funniest things I can get my hands on


Running (best thing I ever took up, as far as general happiness)




:grouphug: My official recommendation for anyone who is feeling like junk, is to order a pizza and watch one episode of "Wipeout" :D. That usually helps me!

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Lots of sunshine ...Running (best thing I ever took up, as far as general happiness)

I recently took up biking and find myself smiling while doing it and during rest of the day. It could be the sunshine or the time alone or the right exercise for me (I normally hate exercise!) or a combination of them all or something else. Whatever it is, I find I'm feeling happier since starting it.

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I'm much happier now I'm out of the suburbs, but that's not an option for everyone. First thing in the morning I walk up the hill in my backyard to say good morning to the sun, land and roos if they are about. Not sure they are listening, but it gets the metabolism going. :p


I do some craft work so I can feel I'm improving at something and so I have something to finish occasionally, which is very important in this small children phase of life when it feels all I ever do is change nappies and wash dishes! Now I have garden space, I'll be able to stop stifling the spiritual development I've been needing to do for several years. I've just started assembling my first altar. I read a fair bit to keep new ideas coming my way. I donate a little bit to charity and some through a crowd funding site.


I avoid people who suck as much as possible. ;) And may indulge in Tim Tams occasionally. Actually, nice food makes me happy. I went road tripping last week and came home with six jars of mustard from a spiffy shop located in the middle of nowhere. I haven't even opened them yet and I'm still excited about them, lol.


If I am feeling crappy to the point where even a plane ticket to Europe wouldn't cheer me up, I go get my tarot cards read. That doesn't happen often, thankfully, but it always helps me reorient myself so it is worth it even if none of what they say comes true. :p I did have a palm reader tell me once that I'd have my own school. And here I am! :001_huh:




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I try to realize that this is the only life I'm getting, and if I want to be happy, it's really up to me and no one else. I make time to do things I enjoy, like scrapbooking, swimming, dancing, etc. Changing my diet to include much more healthy food has also improved my outlook on life. I try to stay away from drama and conflict as much as humanly possible. Helping other people and saying encouraging things to other people also is a great way to feel happy. The thing that makes me happiest in the world right now, though, is sitting on the couch with my two handsome boys on either side of me, reading chapter books aloud with them. Nothin' better.

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I try to realize that this is the only life I'm getting, and if I want to be happy, it's really up to me and no one else. I make time to do things I enjoy, like scrapbooking, swimming, dancing, etc. Changing my diet to include much more healthy food has also improved my outlook on life. I try to stay away from drama and conflict as much as humanly possible.


Staying away from drama---that's a good point. It was the determining factor in our family leaving co-ops and our local homeschool group and it definitely made us happier.

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Replace negative self talk with positive self talk.


Try to think about others more. Focus less on yourself. Don't lose yourself in others, but don't hyperfocus on yourself.




Eat healthy


Get the right amount of sleep.


Pause for a moment and enjoy - the view, the kids, the DH, a flower whatever you can.


Practice smiling


Tell someone something nice.


Use a gratitude journal.


These are the things I would list too....other than the journal, which is probably a good idea, but I am too lazy. When all else fails....chocolate and wine ....then start back at # 1


As the Grateful Dead said so eloquently..." nothing left to do but smile...smile...smile....What a long strange trip it's been."





It is a happy habit.

Edited by Mommyfaithe
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I'm not a happy person either.


I have found when I try to be nice to others it makes me happier because I usually have to think a lot more to be nice than to be my usual sarcastic judgy self I guess all that positive thinking rubs off or something, not really sure but it works for me. Also I generally smile and wave at people because they either smile/wave back or look confused and run into a pole. Either way it makes me smile a little wider.


I take time for me. Browse the net, play a video game, read, sew, etc.


Watch videos of animals or babies laughing. I do this especially when I feel like a thunderstorm, you know the whole I will rain on your parade, scare your dog, and knock your power out black cloud of DOOM.

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You might try reading The Happiness Project by Gretchin Rubin. It's about her year-long project to increase her happiness, and she includes lots of interesting research and tidbits throughout. It was conversational and easy to read, but she'd clearly done a lot of hard reading that she distilled throughout her narrative.


I also read One Thousand Gifts around the same time and thought Ann Voskamp had some good insights as well.

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I guess the best thing I do for my mood is to look forward to the return of Christ. I hold such hope in that... it's pulling out that pearl of great price and just oogling at it and remembering that all that I'm going through is working for good, working to produce in me the fruits of the spirit which don't come naturally. It brings me joy and it brings me peace to know that all my trials are in the hand of God, and to complain is then to criticise God.


I try not to let negative thoughts fester, because that's a habit that can really bring a person down, just as much as allowing yourself to be quick tempered. Trying to conciously replace negative thoughts with thankfulness is key for me.

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Well, first I made a conscious effort to stop watching the news. Seriously it just makes me crazy. I catch plenty without indulging in hours of it.


I read totally pointless but entertaining novels.






Make a point to get lots of touch, kid hugging, hold dh's hand, etc.





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I do yoga. It's calming and relaxing, which makes me naturally more receptive to being happy. After that, it's about finding the good. After I complain and get my frustration out of the way, I can look for the good of the situation - even if it's nothing more than having a sparkling clean floor (after mopping it 15 times when the toddler decided to decorate with cocoa powder).


If I can find the good I can appreciate it and find a bit of happiness.

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Hm.. well, I'll admit I'm not always content with life. I spend a lot of time thinking 'What If' which interferes with my ability to live happily in the present. But that isn't all the time. I would say that I'm happy overall. Mostly it's my family that brings me happiness. I look at my children and my heart swells with pride and joy. I look at my DH and I still get butterflies in my stomach.


Sometimes I have to physically search for happiness to bring me out of a bad mood. Honestly, I do something outside the house and it usually involves Starbucks and shopping, though I don't always buy anything. Then I look around me and see all that I do have. I'm grateful we have the lifestyle we have because things could be so much worse. My house may not be my perfect house, but it's a nice house. I can change the look when I want something fresh and new by moving furniture around and painting. That alone has pulled me out of a funk before.



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Do a random act of kindness


Eat protein instead of carbs


Let go of the illusion of control


Avoid drama. Embrace laughter. This goes for real life and not real life. I rarely shows where there is a lot of arguing or stress, like Criminal Minds or whatever. I used to enjoy the shows, but now it just zaps me emotionally. If I want something serious, I watch the news or listen to NPR. And sadly, I will take a break from a friend if they are going through lots of pointless drama. I used to not mind being a sounding board, but I'm a fixer by nature.


Do or do not over schedule. I go through an ebb and flow. Phases where I need to retreat and regroup. Phases where I feel up to doing it all.


Some years, I feel a string desire ir we have a need to leave the cave almost daily. :tongue_smilie:


About every 2 or 3 years tho, I drastically reduce outside activities for a year. I used to feel bad about it, but I don't any more. Everyone with "real" jobs get vacations every years even if they don't go anywhere. I don't. I'm on call 24/7/365. Even vacations usually aren't true vacations for me. So it just makes sense that there's going to be times when I need to reduce the pace if I want to finish the marathon of home schooling for the next 20 years.


get as much sleep as I can. It's never much for many reasons, so that makes it even more important to get what I can.


Cuddle a baby.


Play fetch with the dog.


Pet a cat in the lap while reading a big person fluff book.

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I meditate daily. Meditation changes your brain physically in several ways: creates more neurons, better connections, and *reroutes* brain circuits.


People who are happy have more activity in their left prefrontal cortex (left side behind the forehead) and better connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortexes. The better connections allow the prefrontal cortex to buffer the anxiety that the amygdala is processing.


Meditators still feel negative emotions, but they bounce back quickly. They're more resilient emotionally.


Either prayer or secular meditation will do the trick.


Nowadays you can find quite a few books about neuroscience and meditation. One that I like is The Emotional Life of Your Brain by Richard Davidson.

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This is a great thread:) I'm also not a naturally happy person.

Probably because I have particular expectations.

Things that lift me up are:


Going out with my family

My kids writing me letters or cards when I'm sad

Stand up comedy will usually help me over the hump if ive been upset

For days and I'm having a hard time snapping out of it

I try to always remind myself that my kids are growing up all the time...

And time will not stop for me and wait for me to be happy again so if want to cherish the best time of my life I better snap out of it and play alittle longer,

Snuggle alittle longer... And be in the moment. I know I will regret it big time if I don't when they are all grown up. Thinking about this saddens me but also gives me a wake up call.

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I need:


regular sunshine and/or time outdoors

time by myself, even 30 minutes will help

a good book or two (at least) each week

time alone with dh


I try to distance myself from the drama that happens with dh's family. I also try not to take personally everything that happens to/with my kids. Dd17 is very much an Eeyore and can drag down the entire family.

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Hmmm, I don't know. I don't even think about it. I guess I'm just one of those naturally happy people.


I know that I'm a very optimistic, the glass is half-full type of person.


I'm active in my faith and spend a lot of time in the service of others.


I practice gratitude every day. I'm truly grateful for my blessings, no matter how small, and i always make a habit of saying thank you and feeling thankful.


I try to make my home an attractive, clean and a happy place to be. I think clutter is a major downer and mess all around you can make you miserable and hold you back.


I spend time each day doing something productive and fun. I have lots of hobbies.


Exercise. It truly is a mood lifter, plus it helps keep you healthy.


Eating right. Same as the above.


I sing all the time. LOL All around the house. And I smile. A lot. Right now we're listening to Disney songs. "Laughing Place" from Splash Mountain. How can you not be happy listening to that?? :D

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