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Bizarre Phone Call

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I just had a call from a guy with a heavy Indian accent wanting to talk to my husband (he said my dh's first name) and saying he had to talk to him about Windows on his computer. My husband DID just have a guy work on his computer, but I had no idea if the guy was from another country.


Dh just went out running, so I told the guy he was out for a bit. THEN the guy said, "OK, and tell him to stop calling my girlfriend every day because he is bothering her." I said, "WHAT???" He repeated what he said about not calling his girlfriend, and I said, "Who is this???" CLICK.


We don't have caller ID anymore; we pared our land line down to the barest minimum. I have no idea who this person is but if I could figure out his phone number I'd report him for an annoying call.


Just weird.

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They'll tell you that they detected a virus on your computer and will try to sell you something to remove it to get your cc number.


You may have gotten a prank caller who wa imitating the scam or maybe just some call center worker in India who was sick of his job and was trying to have a laugh before he quit. Who knows?

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When I received the first call like this, I actually said to the guy that it sounds like a scam. I could nearly hear him choking on the other end of the line. The second time they called I pretended that I couldn't understand English. They haven't called a 3rd time, yet.

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I got similar calls a few months ago. The guy with the Indian accent was calling me in the middle of the night over and over, he'd hang up on me and then call me right back. He did this for three or four nights in a row. He blocked his number every time he called.


He screamed at me, "Your daughter kicked my dog. She will not kick my dog, I will kick your a$$. I am calling police, I will come over to your house and kick your dog." Then he'd hang up only to call me again and tell me that my daughter kicked his dog and that he was calling the police. He was pissed off and dropping F bombs.


We live out in the country and have one neighbor, they don't have accents and my kids don't kick dogs. I'm not sure what he was trying to get out of the calls. He didn't know my name.

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You know, I could try calling the police or the phone company, but honestly, if it really IS someone in India, what would they do? They're not going to track down an international prank caller.


What was weird was him asking for my dh by his first name, though I guess it's not that unusual since we are listed in the phone book. Hopefully we won't get any middle of the night calls.

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I got similar calls a few months ago. The guy with the Indian accent was calling me in the middle of the night over and over, he'd hang up on me and then call me right back. He did this for three or four nights in a row. He blocked his number every time he called.


He screamed at me, "Your daughter kicked my dog. She will not kick my dog, I will kick your a$$. I am calling police, I will come over to your house and kick your dog." Then he'd hang up only to call me again and tell me that my daughter kicked his dog and that he was calling the police. He was pissed off and dropping F bombs.


We live out in the country and have one neighbor, they don't have accents and my kids don't kick dogs. I'm not sure what he was trying to get out of the calls. He didn't know my name.



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Someone called a coworker's extension, which rolled over to my phone since she was gone. I picked it up and the woman asked for CW by name. I said she wasn't in. Woman hung up. Called again and said in a snotty voice, "Can I speak to (CW)?" I said, "No, you may not. She is not in." Woman hung up. This has happened almost every night for a couple of weeks. I don't know if it's a collection agency or a telemarketer or what. It's annoying.

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I got similar calls a few months ago. The guy with the Indian accent was calling me in the middle of the night over and over, he'd hang up on me and then call me right back. He did this for three or four nights in a row. He blocked his number every time he called.


He screamed at me, "Your daughter kicked my dog. She will not kick my dog, I will kick your a$$. I am calling police, I will come over to your house and kick your dog." Then he'd hang up only to call me again and tell me that my daughter kicked his dog and that he was calling the police. He was pissed off and dropping F bombs.


We live out in the country and have one neighbor, they don't have accents and my kids don't kick dogs. I'm not sure what he was trying to get out of the calls. He didn't know my name.


This is from a Jerky Boys album. Prank callers. You can google it and listen to the original (warning: language!) on youtube.

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I just got one of these calls today! So freaky! The guy called my cell phone which I do not give out the number to hardly anyone and have never connected it to my computer. Anyway, this guy with an Indian accent told me he was calling me in reguards to the error messages that my computer was sending to Microsoft. I said, "what error messages?" Any way he wanted me to go into my computer and refigure something, which immediately made me stop and think, What? So I told him that my dh usually worked with our computer and could he call back in an hour when my dh would be home. Then I hung up. Dh came home for lunch and called our computer repair guy and confirmed that it was a scam. The guy called back and my dh husband immediatly said, "You're a scammer. Don't call back!" Of course I got another call from the guy later but didn't answer it.

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You know, I could try calling the police or the phone company, but honestly, if it really IS someone in India, what would they do? They're not going to track down an international prank caller.


What was weird was him asking for my dh by his first name, though I guess it's not that unusual since we are listed in the phone book. Hopefully we won't get any middle of the night calls.


I agree with the bold. We used to get prank calls, and the phone company gave me the code, * and something else (can't remember) to dial immediately after you got the call. The phone company would then charge me money to try to trace the call, but they could not guarantee any results.


Grr, those types of calls are so annoying!

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My DH is in IT...this is a SCAM. Check out the security bulletins/articles he received regarding this very thing:


1) http://www.microsoft.com/security/online-privacy/avoid-phone-scams.aspx



CyberheistNews Vol 2, 35

Editor's Corner

STUSJOUWERMAN.pngScam Of The Week: Tech Support?!

Telemarketing scams come in waves. In the past it was time-share condos, but now we hear horror stories about boiler rooms pushing tech support. People get harassed with phone calls at the most inconvenient hours, posing as Microsoft employees and trying to scam you into some kind of PC security service, because your machine is infected with malware.


So, please let your friends know that phone scammers with foreign accents try to social engineer people to pay with credit cards and paypal for services that they don't need!


Forward this to employees, as their home systems might get compromised this way as well, which opens the door to security breaches in your office. When Microsoft publishes a page called 'Avoid tech support phone scams', urges you to not trust unsolicited calls, and do not provide any personal information, you know that there is a fire somewhere:


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"I'm sorry, I don' thave a computer. You have the wrong number."


Then, next time he calls, blow a whistle into the phone. He'll call back to yell at you. Blow the whistle again. Then put the whistle away. He may call back one more time, but just let him rant. He can no longer hear anyways, so don't waste your breath responding...



;) Scammers don't deserve truthful answers or polite demeanor.

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This is from a Jerky Boys album. Prank callers. You can google it and listen to the original (warning: language!) on youtube.


Thanks for that info! I found the video and my call was almost identical (f bombs) except for the being stinky part. My caller accused me of being racist when I said I couldn't understand him. :001_huh:

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Thanks for that info! I found the video and my call was almost identical (f bombs) except for the being stinky part. My caller accused me of being racist when I said I couldn't understand him. :001_huh:

Maybe talk in a thick Southern accent, so thick he can't possibly understand you, and then accuse him of being racist?

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