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What do you think of the term "babydaddy"

I think the term "babydaddy" is...  

  1. 1. I think the term "babydaddy" is...

    • Crude
    • Cute
    • Neither crude nor cute, but I don't like it, and wouldn't use it
    • Neither crude nor cute, but I don't mind it and will use it occasionally
    • Neither crude nor cute. I don't mind it, but I don't use it either.
    • Ubiquitous 'other'

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My patients use it all the time to refer to the father of their baby. Usually like, "Oh, no, that's not his (pointing to one child) babydaddy, that's her (pointing to other child) babydaddy." Most often because they are unwed and have multiple kids by multiple "dads". I use "dads" because real fathers parent, "babydaddy" generally refers to the drive-by sperm donor sort.

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THIS is why I probably should renew my cable subscription! Eschew popular culture long enough and simple conversation becomes incomprehensible.......


I have a friend who doesn't get any of the Seinfeld references. I have the honor of explaining them to her. :D

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I said the term is crude, but I still use it 'cause it applies!


My DS's BD (I take that to mean Biodad, but it could just as easily mean Baby Daddy ;) ) is the 'type' of person typically referred to as a baby daddy. Distant, not-involved. Sperm donor.


That being said, DS's BD is a very understanding baby daddy. Wish he'd pay some more CS.... :glare:

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Really? :glare:


I see things so differently. Why can't a person be taken seriously just b/c their human? Someone who speaks bad grammar hasn't been taught proper grammar, is that a crime? Or if they've been taught in theory it doesn't translate if the proper grammar isn't reinforced at home or in appropriate social circles. Sometimes individuals speak properly in circles where that is expected like on the job but have to go home and fit in with relatives who fall in another circle. In this case they ARE "choosing to speak outside the bounds of proper grammar" but in a lot of cases it isn't a choice.


Ask me how I know!


Okay...I need to go to a homeschooling thread ...b/c I am getting charged.:tongue_smilie:

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It's ghetto. And it is used by ghetto people who have multiple children with multiple sperm donors. Some of the children have no idea which sperm donor sired them because their incubator doesn't know which sperm donor did the deed.


Can you tell that I hate this particular term?

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I have a babydaddy, lol. I dont like the term for every day use, but when im talking about DSs dad, I wouldnt say hes anywhere near Father Of The Year by ANY stretch. Hes not involved, hes literally a sperm donor. Im sorry its true. :glare:


ETA: since i saw the above comment- I have 3 children. N is by his father, a guy i dated in HS and then lived with until he turned abusive. C and L are by my husband and we were married before C was born (i was pregnant at my wedding with her) and we did date before in highschool.... so I KNOW who my particular childrens father is(are).

Edited by Jpoy85
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I have a babydaddy, lol. I dont like the term for every day use, but when im talking about DSs dad, I wouldnt say hes anywhere near Father Of The Year by ANY stretch. Hes not involved, hes literally a sperm donor. Im sorry its true. :glare:


ETA: since i saw the above comment- I have 3 children. N is by his father, a guy i dated in HS and then lived with until he turned abusive. C and L are by my husband and we were married before C was born (i was pregnant at my wedding with her) and we did date before in highschool.... so I KNOW who my particular childrens father is(are).

The people I know that have used the term also know who the father/sperm donor is and they don't just sleep around with the whole neighborhood nor are they "ghetto". They simply didn't choose well at that time in their lives or the person later had issues. They love their children and are pretty decent human beings.

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I actually prefer the term "sperm donor" to "baby daddy".

Now to me, if not used for a situation where a man actually went and donated sperm at a bank for IV, then I consider "sperm donor" to be more vulgar than "babydaddy". It also does not encompass the issues of the relationship, but sounds more like he was hired to do a job. But, yes, I can see why one would prefer sperm donor over babydaddy. It might just be based upon what you see, what you've had to deal with, etc.

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THIS is why I probably should renew my cable subscription! Eschew popular culture long enough and simple conversation becomes incomprehensible.......



:iagree:I still miss certain cultural references from my decade or so of not watching television.

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THIS is why I probably should renew my cable subscription! Eschew popular culture long enough and simple conversation becomes incomprehensible.......


:iagree:I still miss certain cultural references from my decade or so of not watching television.


My teen would tell you to "Look at your life. Look at your choices."

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And if 5-0 gets caught slippin' while under cover they risk being a 1-87.


Snoop Dogg has taught me a lot.


You mean Snoop Lion? He changed his moniker after staying in Jamaica a month and realizing he was a reincarnate of Bob Marley. Proving you, in fact, CAN, OD on weed. :lol:


I dislike the term, BTW. It's a reflection of where we are as a society. That said, we all have closets and skeletons that go in them. Crosses to bear and whatnot.

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