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Everyone in storm path ok?

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It was wild and crazy here last night, but no lasting damage in our area. Several hours of good hard rain and we were thrilled! The drought is just terrible and this was very welcome. It was still raining when I went to my friend's farm this morning to do chores for her. The sheep and llamas were getting completely drenched but they wouldn't come into the barn. The horses frolicked in it when we turned them loose from the stable, but at the first thunder-clap they bolted for the arena barn and chose to stay inside. It rained steadily for another couple of hours before clearing off.


I do think that on the west side of Michigan, there were some sporadic power-outages.



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South Central PA here. I was about to head out the door to my karate class, but decided home is the best place right now. The clouds look ugly. So far I see a lot of wind and a bit of rain, but there are still plenty of ugly clouds around...

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We were at the park before the clouds came in and the local police were driving around warning people! I took that seriously and we went right home. It's still raining with a little thunder, lightening and power flickers, but nothing really.


I have never been in any truly serious storms and i would probably take this back if i am, but i love storms. I love the thunder and lightening and the sound of rain. This is so far still mild over here.

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Oops, spoke too soon. I looked out our front windows and we have a big branch down over our driveway. The good news is that no one needs to go in or out so it can wait until tomorrow to deal with it. I hope dh doesn't have to use a chain saw, that makes me very nervous.

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It was wild and crazy here last night, but no lasting damage in our area. Several hours of good hard rain and we were thrilled! The drought is just terrible and this was very welcome. It was still raining when I went to my friend's farm this morning to do chores for her. The sheep and llamas were getting completely drenched but they wouldn't come into the barn. The horses frolicked in it when we turned them loose from the stable, but at the first thunder-clap they bolted for the arena barn and chose to stay inside. It rained steadily for another couple of hours before clearing off.


I do think that on the west side of Michigan, there were some sporadic power-outages.




My husband and 11 yo are tent camping up at Cole Canoe base with their Boy Scout troop!!! Dh said last night was wild. Ds couldn't sleep and actually napped today. Luckily their tents have stayed dry.


I hope everyone stays safe!!!

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Oops, spoke too soon. I looked out our front windows and we have a big branch down over our driveway. The good news is that no one needs to go in or out so it can wait until tomorrow to deal with it. I hope dh doesn't have to use a chain saw, that makes me very nervous.


I hope removal goes smooth and that its just in the driveway!


We're in the middle of the mountain with a street above us and one below so we don't usually get too much damage.

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Northern NJ here. It started to get dark about 15 minutes ago, really dark. The sky is full of charcoal grey clouds.


I'll post when the rain comes, if we still have power.


My radio station is talking about tornados in northern Westchester County (NY) and parts of CT.

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My shade canopy blew into the pool and snapped in two places. Don't think we'll be able to use it anymore. I didn't know this was coming or I'd have anchored it down.


The German girl who is staying with us for 5 weeks was supposed to fly to my city from Philly and the flight got cancelled. They are rerouting her to another airport later this evening, so now I have to go pick her up at midnight. Swell!

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It is almost here. It got dark quickly with some wind and light rain to start.


The kids, who were out running around playing with friends in the neighborhood, just called to ask for a ride home. They normally bike and walk home so this was very unusual.


Hopefully the storm will ease up some. It looks scary on radar.

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Northern New Jersey. It's very dark with clouds but so far we've only had about a half hour of somewhat heavy rain with loud thunder and some lightening. If that's all we're getting, it was pretty lame. We lost our satellite dish signal but still have power.


I just double checked and evidently the severe thunderstorm watch is in effect until 11pm, so it may not be over yet.

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I think it might be quieting down. It was really bad here until a few minutes ago. I was driving as it started and things were hitting the van hard. At first I thought it might be hail, but then thought it was branches. A little scary. After that, I took the route home that had smaller, younger trees just in case.


I'm hearing sirens now.

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South central PA here. The storm wasn't too bad; it blew over quickly and wasn't as violent as the one we had last week. However, it knocked our power out for about an hour and a half. Thankfully we had finished dinner and were getting ready for bed anyway, and with the daylight (and then a little flashlight time) and an open window for a nice breeze, it was tolerable, and I spent an extra long time reading to the children. The power came back on just as I was finishing up anyway, and the children are grateful to have their AC units on in their bedrooms.


(I hear thunder again. Hope that doesn't mean power going out again.)


My 3yo was precious. When the power went out, he looked a little worried, but not too scared, and he asked that we pray for Jesus to make the power come back on, so we did. He was so happy that it was back that he immediately bowed his little head and told Jesus thank you multiple times for fixing it. :)

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We had high winds, and one could tell the INSTANT the cold front moved in. The electricity flickered a few times, so I sent Loverboy to check the weather report. (The rest of us were in the middle of bathtime).


The computer was rebooting......


The tv was down, because we have a TIVO that needed to reboot, too.......


Loverboy found his weather radio, and the report was "seek shelter; if you live in a trailer, move to the storm shelter."


.....and we live in a trailer.


So in the worst of the storm, we packed up the kids, put tennis shoes on everyone, grabbed our disaster bag and a couple of flashlights, and ran through the thunder, lightening, and high winds for the storm shelter around the corner.


Within an hour, we walked home to wet streets and dry skies.


We're too grateful for the rain to complain too much.

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Seems it has passed, or we are in a lull. Glad we can finally let the dogs outside and plug the computer back in (2 friends recently had their computers fried by lightning--even with a surge protector).

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We essentially missed it though we heard it all around and spent some time outside admiring the clouds. The mountains to the west of us break things up, then they reform just to the east of us, so we miss most severe storms. I'm not complaining - other than I wish we had more rain from it - but we're not (yet) in any sort of drought, so compared the much of the US, yeah, I can't complain even about missing most of the rain.


The clouds were very impressive and thunder rumbled a good part of the afternoon and evening. Middle son and I sat out on our picnic table watching it and playing Gobblet... a really nice evening.

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I hope removal goes smooth and that its just in the driveway!


We're in the middle of the mountain with a street above us and one below so we don't usually get too much damage.



Thanks! Dh was able to move the branch off to the side of the driveway but it's still connected to the tree. I think he'll have to use a chainsaw to take it apart. I'm not going to watch.

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