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Christian Bale is a classy guy

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I thought it was especially nice that he didn't seem to be surrounded by a huge entourage, and that he decided to do it on his own, without pre-arranging for a lot of hype or publicity.


It certainly wasn't at all necessary for him to do this, so I am very impressed with his actions. I was never much of a Christian Bale fan in the past (I thought he was OK, but didn't make a point of seeing his movies or anything,) but I'll definitely be more likely to pay more attention to his films in the future.

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I saw pictures of him with some of the victims on our online Denver news. It was definitely classy and considerate of him to put himself out there like that. I am sure it was a special moment in a dark time for those suffering.



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That was kind of him.


Off subject, but the article called this the worst mass shooting in US history. What about Virginia Tech? 32 people were killed. Do you think it's because more people were shot, rather than most killed?


I think it was the volume of people shot, yes.

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That's his wife.


Yes and they have a dd about age 7, I think. He keeps his family out of the spotlight as much as possible, but he probably needed her support there as well. He carried flowers to the memorial, like the plastic wrapped ones you'd find in the supermarket. I found that endearing. As large as life as he seems on screen, off screen he comes across as the kind of family man you'd want to hang out with on the weekends.

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