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Anyone doing the Paleo Diet now?

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Just curious if you have tried this way of eating? What is your reason, and how have your results been? Have you introduced this way of eating to the rest of your family?


I am basically eating "Paleo"...although it is technically called the Pages diet. No grains, gluten, dairy or gluten of ANY kinds...lots of good fats, meats, veggies. I'm also off fruit for the time being.


I am doing this to correct blood sugar imbalance. Seems that I have a sugar-handling problem, as do many Americans who live in the world of abundant white sugar and carbs.


I've been experiencing extreme low energy, extreme hormonal shifts (nasty pms) and other issues that point to blood sugar.


I'm on day 3...and definitely feel different. For the first time in YEARS, I awoke this morning without the need for immediate coffee in order to function.


My motivation is to be able to keep up with my kids through homeschooling and beyond. I'm 38 and my youngest is 4 months....so I have a ways to go!

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We've been eating paleo/primal since the spring and feel great. I love eating and cooking this way and am used to spending more time in the kitchen now than I ever have before.


Both DH and I have increased energy, the kids are more open to eating vegetables, and it's really improved our eating patterns. I love that we're eating so much more fresh vegetables (we do eat fruit - no blood sugar issues here).

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Just curious if you have tried this way of eating? What is your reason, and how have your results been? Have you introduced this way of eating to the rest of your family?


I am basically eating "Paleo"...although it is technically called the Pages diet. No grains, gluten, dairy or gluten of ANY kinds...lots of good fats, meats, veggies. I'm also off fruit for the time being.


I am doing this to correct blood sugar imbalance. Seems that I have a sugar-handling problem, as do many Americans who live in the world of abundant white sugar and carbs.


I've been experiencing extreme low energy, extreme hormonal shifts (nasty pms) and other issues that point to blood sugar.


I'm on day 3...and definitely feel different. For the first time in YEARS, I awoke this morning without the need for immediate coffee in order to function.


My motivation is to be able to keep up with my kids through homeschooling and beyond. I'm 38 and my youngest is 4 months....so I have a ways to go!


I entered this lifestyle November 2009 and have never looked back. Some of my favorite websites are:








Eating this way has eliminated my health issues (namely arthritis, sugar cravings, and migraines) and given me boundless energy.



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My dh and I have eased into this way of eating since July 1. Our primary reason has been to lose weight. We have each lost about 5 lbs. so far. We have reduced to eliminated bread, pasta, cereal, potatoes, dairy, and bakery treats. We have upped our consumption of veggies, fruit and meats. We haven't fully embraced the exercise part of the plan, but we know that exercise is an important part of it. So far I like that I'm not as hungry and have lost cravings for sugar and bread. When I did "cheat" I noticed I craved them more instead of being satisfied with my treat. I do feel more tired than usual. My kids are teens who do not have a weight problem so we have not enforced this way of eating for them. They eat what we eat, but we do allow more treats for them.

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I've been eating (not always strictly) this way since January. I need to get better, but I fall off the wagon occasionally. I can tell the next day when I overdid it with sugar or grains the day before. I wake up feeling like carp.


I've lost 13lbs without working out. I had already dropped soda before I started eating this way so this weight loss is from dropping the grains/processed foods. More importantly the weight I have lost has all come from my middle. I've lost almost 5 inches from my fat roll measurement! (I measure my normal waist measurement and also lower on my lovely fat roll from the kids)

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My friend and her entire family have been doing for about a year what you have started. They are feeling and doing fabulous.


My friend - She was about 100 lbs overweight and had boils that just started popping up out of nowhere. VERY painful. She tried many cleanses, colloidal silver, every essential oil, whole-food, different smooties, vitamins, supplements, etc and NOTHING helped her. These were dibilitating. After being on the diet for about 3 months, the boils went away and have not returned. She has also lost over 80 lbs.


Her husband has lost 40 lbs.


Her daughter has ADD and was generally "puffy". That's the best way to describe it. She was mildly overweight but just really "puffy". Her behavior is night and day different (REALLY!) and I would now classify her as "thin".


Each claim they have never felt better. :)

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I want to...I really want to! My understanding though is dairy and legumes are basically out and that is something we cannot part with. If that is not the case will someone please tell me?


I did a modified version just last week and did start to feel really good. Then I went on a mini trip for my ds's birthday. This included eating out. I did not feel good afterwards at all. :(

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We have been eating primarily paleo for almost two years. My husband, son and myself had significant improvement and weight loss within the first several months. My daughter didn't have any weight to lose, but she did have improvements in her skin.


My son had the most significant results. He lost 70 lbs in about 6 months. His terrible acne cleared up. It will flare up if he eats grains or too much sugar even now. He continues to stay thin, even though he will eat off paleo.


My husband lost 40 lbs in the first 6 months and has been slowly slimming down even more. He is 46. His overall health and bloodwork has greatly improved. He has to do bloodwork each year for insurance and the difference between December 2010 and December 2011 is extrodinary.


I lost 45 lbs in the first 6 months. My IBS was virtually gone after 30 days. My energy level and state of mind was greatly improved. Before eating paleo I felt much older that 44. My skin and hair even gave me a much older look. Now at 46, I feel better that I have in over 20 years.


Paleo has become a way of life for us. We buy grass fed, grass finished beef from a farm in Texas. Eat organic veggies when we can. But we actually don't eat a lot of veggies. Since eating this way, we just aren't as hungry as we use to be. We do eat some dairy in the form of good quality, minimal ingredient ice cream and some raw milk cheese. My son will eat some bread products, but the rest of the family doesn't.


In the long term, I don't see us going back to the Standard American Diet ever again.

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Well, I've always been fit, eaten really well, whole foods, baked our own bread, even making my own ice-cream to cut processed additives completely out of our diet. All my life I've been like that.


About 35 I started to get some creeping weight. I hovered around 135-which isn't a lot, so I adapted. But what else started happening, was that my lifelong hypoglycemia which at that point only surfaced when I was starving, started occurring more and more.


I started to take Vit b for the hypoglycemia, which took care of it, and went back to eating like I normally did. We ate vegetarian a lot, whole grains, fruits and tons of veggies. I kept gaining weight. The 'healthier' I got, the more I gained (I cut out all sugar and the scale didn't budge). My mother told me it was perimenopause. ;) I started crashing between meals at about age 37, so I tried eating all of the time. Not bad foods, but a handful of something every two hours. A small amount of salad, beans, a half a chicken breast, a piece of toast. And I cut back on fat. BUT I still kept gaining weight. Last summer I was swimming laps, lifting weights and still couldn't get below 140 no matter what I did. I was now crashing in-between meals and started doubling up my Vitamin b. That helped a bit. I then tried again, this time trying to eat nothing, toast, salad, really getting my calories down, and I had to stop working out because I couldn't even make it through a workout. I couldn't swim but a few weak laps. I couldn't take a hike without having to bring food so I didn't crash. I couldn't walk to my library without having to come home and shove food in my mouth so the shaking would stop. And once you get that far, it's like your body just short circuits for the rest of the day. It's not like you eat and then feel better. The shaking may stop, but the mental fog lingers.


Then, these past few months I started crashing all of a sudden. Out of no where, in the store, driving. It got too dangerous and I knew the next thing I had to do was call the Dr. (My hypo had already been confirmed and they warned me it was a diabetes precursor). So this past month, when my Dd17 went into the hospital for an operation and I had to stay over, I decided to go no carb. At this point I had crept up to 143, and I had nothing to lose. I thought that if I passed out there, I'd be OK. :001_smile:


Well, it worked so well I haven't gone back. I've lost 13 pounds, (I lost more but played around with carbs like watermelon, lighter fat yogurt, and peaches and I put the weight right back on, and got shaky again) and I can go all day without eating-which means I can go ANYWHERE, and not worry about having to eat, bringing food, if I'll pass out. I can swim for hours in the pool and not have to stop to eat. The bonus is I'm finally off that weight plateau that I had hit, but the best part is that I'm in control of my life again. I'm kissing 41 and doing better than ever. AND, I get no mental fog where I'm grasping for words or the 3 o'clock slump where I need a nap!

Edited by justamouse
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Just curious if you have tried this way of eating? What is your reason, and how have your results been? Have you introduced this way of eating to the rest of your family?


I am basically eating "Paleo"...although it is technically called the Pages diet. No grains, gluten, dairy or gluten of ANY kinds...lots of good fats, meats, veggies. I'm also off fruit for the time being.


I am doing this to correct blood sugar imbalance. Seems that I have a sugar-handling problem, as do many Americans who live in the world of abundant white sugar and carbs.


I've been experiencing extreme low energy, extreme hormonal shifts (nasty pms) and other issues that point to blood sugar.


I'm on day 3...and definitely feel different. For the first time in YEARS, I awoke this morning without the need for immediate coffee in order to function.


My motivation is to be able to keep up with my kids through homeschooling and beyond. I'm 38 and my youngest is 4 months....so I have a ways to go!

Yes! I have also been waking up without an alarm or the need for coffee. Today I went out and did the animal chores, weeded, & watered my garden -- all before 7 a.m.!!!! No nap today and I'm still going. :D


I did it for the blood sugar help too. Curiously I also find that I'm my arthritis is much better too.


I'm not being as strict. I still have dairy & berries. No other carbs. I also lost 20 pounds.

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Im allergic to dairy & eggs, rice, & my body doesn't react well to wheat either. So this works for me. I make meals paleo, but sometimes I fix rice or white potato for the guys. I still buy or make bread for them because they like it, but I don't let them pig out kinda thing.

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Im allergic to dairy & eggs, rice, & my body doesn't react well to wheat either. So this works for me. I make meals paleo, but sometimes I fix rice or white potato for the guys. I still buy or make bread for them because they like it, but I don't let them pig out kinda thing.


This is basically us. I eat paleo, my menfolk (especially the wee ones) eat paleo plus their starch.

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:bigear: anyone else? anyone over 40 had success (cause the things we try when we are young do not always work when we are older :tongue_smilie:)


Me! I'm 48 and have been paleo for over a year. My energy level went UP, my butt and stomach went DOWN, and my shakiness if I don't eat is GONE. What's not to like!


On the down side, I really, really, really like high-quality bread. Can live the rest of my life without pasta, rice, or potatoes, but boy I like bread. I eat it occasionally, but then I start craving it again and occasionally turns into daily. It's best if I avoid it completely because it makes me so tired.


My kids are quasi-primal, but when we get home after summer is over my 14yodd wants to go fully primal and see how she feels. I know she'll feel great. :)

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I always ask this, but have yet to receive a satisfactory answer: Why don't people on the Paleo Diet eat insects and grubs?

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My family started paleo in Jan 2011. I won't say it's been a total panacea for everything, but it's worked well enough for us to stick to this long :)


I want to...I really want to! My understanding though is dairy and legumes are basically out and that is something we cannot part with. If that is not the case will someone please tell me?


Do what feels right for you. A lot of people consider properly prepared (soaked, maybe sprouted, fully cooked) legumes a gray area.


Many people include dairy, especially high quality (full fat, preferably from pastured cows/goats/whateve , often cultured). That's generally considered "primal" rather than paleo.


I included lentils for a while because I had to eliminate eggs (in addition to dairy and a few other things) due to the baby's sensitivities. Then she got sensitive to those, too. Anyways, I found, after cutting them out, that I really did feel physically better when I avoided them, though I'll still eat legumes on rare occasions.


:bigear: anyone else? anyone over 40 had success (cause the things we try when we are young do not always work when we are older :tongue_smilie:)


Not over 40 myself, but I've seen plenty who are who seem very happy with it.


I always ask this, but have yet to receive a satisfactory answer: Why don't people on the Paleo Diet eat insects and grubs?


Because most of us are unable to overcome a lifelong of being taught that bugs are disgusting, even taboo


Seriously, what answer do you want? I don't think that anyone is saying bugs aren't paleo or going through bug-eating denial - it's just so far outside most people's comfort zones that they don't even think of it. (Though I'm pretty sure I've seen threads about the subject on paleohacks).


As for rabbit, as mentioned by another poster, we're about to start raising meat rabbits.


I'm afraid whales would be a bit difficult around here. While there is prehistorical precedence for that, the environment was rather different at that time.

Edited by ocelotmom
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I want to...I really want to! My understanding though is dairy and legumes are basically out and that is something we cannot part with. If that is not the case will someone please tell me?


I did a modified version just last week and did start to feel really good. Then I went on a mini trip for my ds's birthday. This included eating out. I did not feel good afterwards at all. :(


Look into Primal instead of Paleo. It does allow dairy. I don't think either allow legumes, but I do know some folks do fine keeping legumes in on these diets. I think the most important part is to cut sugar and grains.

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I always ask this, but have yet to receive a satisfactory answer: Why don't people on the Paleo Diet eat insects and grubs?


Because I think they're gross. That's really all. I don't think it's against the paleo "rules" to eat those things, but, um, I don't like them. Part of the point is that I can eat good food and still be healthy, and those are not good food (to me)

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I always ask this, but have yet to receive a satisfactory answer: Why don't people on the Paleo Diet eat insects and grubs?


If I knew how to prepare them and where to get good quality ones, I would not be opposed. ;)


Or rabbit, squirrel, and possum? Or whale blubber?


I do eat rabbit and I have eaten quite a bit of whale, but it isn't exactly easily available here in Texas.


Squirrel and opposum...well there are certain risk factors there that I would only take in a desperate situation.

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Look into Primal instead of Paleo. It does allow dairy. I don't think either allow legumes, but I do know some folks do fine keeping legumes in on these diets. I think the most important part is to cut sugar and grains.

I will have to do that! We have our own dairy goats so dairy is not something I am willing to part with.


The issue with grains and legumes is that my faith fast for 1/3 of the year, so I need to find a balance. Maybe that truly is primal in that it allows for certain seasons where grains are growing? ;)

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What are your favorite paleo "go-to" meals? What does a typical day look like?


For breakfast my dh and the kids will eat eggs and sausage or my dh will make a frittata with left-over veggies from the night before. I'm not a big breakfast eater, so if I don't want eggs I have a green smoothie.


For lunch it's usually left-overs, tuna or chicken salad (served on a bed of greens), or something simple out of one of my paleo/primal cookbooks (plenty of those on Amazon, and plenty of free recipes on various paleo/primal websites).


Dinners are usually meat (we buy grassfed beef, grassfed lamb, pastured chickens and goats from a local rancher) or wild-caught fish, a veggie such as cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc. Sometimes we have sweet potatoes (baked, with butter, salt, pepper). We also usually have a salad with a simple homemade dressing of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


I'm more of a Mark Sisson primal eater, so I live by the 80/20 rule. Wine with dinner counts as part of my 20. So does a square or two of very dark chocolate. :D


My dh does almost all of our cooking, but he travels frequently and then I either roast a whole chicken for dinner (making stock/soup the next day for lunch with the carcass), or a put pork or beef in the crockpot. I HATE cooking, so I have to do it as easily as possible.



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Or rabbit, squirrel, and possum? Or whale blubber?
I know people who raise rabbits for food, but they do so primarily for economic reasons. Guinea pigs would be a good choice too, but most North Americans probably wouldn't be able to get over thinking of them as pets.
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I know people who raise rabbits for food, but they do so primarily for economic reasons. Guinea pigs would be a good choice too, but most North Americans probably wouldn't be able to get over thinking of them as pets.


I'll never forget the scene in Roger and Me where he's talking to the rabbit farmer. That is all I have to say about that.


Buttered grits is fare for breakfast

And if you like and your aim is good, maybe a squirrel


Someone is thinking like you, Moira:


I have been thinking of adding bugs to a smoothie with raw eggs, cream and berries, just to have a slow start. I guess earthworms would be safe to start with? Unfortunatelly I don´t live where I can have chickens at the moment, so the question is how to know which bugs are safe to eat.

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I will have to do that! We have our own dairy goats so dairy is not something I am willing to part with.


We don't buy milk (DH does buy cheese, though). We do have dairy goats. We don't keep them in milk all the time, but make a lot of yogurt and cheese when it happens to work out.


If I knew how to prepare them and where to get good quality ones, I would not be opposed. ;)


I've had a fried mealworm, and I think perhaps I tried a cricket once? DH ate insects as part of his military survival training.


I admit, I'm suddenly thinking about how bug farming could be incorporated into paleo survivalist prepping plans. Throw a container of mealworms in the freezer, to be re-animated when the electricty goes out and you have to empty the freezer anyways! Or have a double purpose worm composting barrel!

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I will have to do that! We have our own dairy goats so dairy is not something I am willing to part with.


The issue with grains and legumes is that my faith fast for 1/3 of the year, so I need to find a balance. Maybe that truly is primal in that it allows for certain seasons where grains are growing? ;)


Well, the common Primal argument is that grains were "starvation food" at best for our ancestors. They are what our ancestors would eat if they had nothing else available. However, our ancestors almost certainly went through periods of such starvation, so you could probably argue that. :)


I'd go over to Mark's Daily Apple. He has a lot of good info. He's a supporter of intermittent fasting, as well. His fasts are short and not faith-based, but you may be able to find a way to fit the diet to your needs.

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I always ask this, but have yet to receive a satisfactory answer: Why don't people on the Paleo Diet eat insects and grubs?


The other answer to this, beyond "bugs are gross", is that it isn't really about eating in a way that exactly replicates our ancestors. If it was, we wouldn't be eating domesticated animals or produce, which don't necessarily bear a ton of resemblance to their wild counterparts, pastured or not.


I feel better, mentally and physically. I don't get sick (I've been sick once in the past 18 months, directly linked to eating off-diet. I work in healthcare and am exposed constantly). My weight is better. My skin is better. My belly is flatter, after 3 kids, than it has been since I was a kid. Something about it is working, whether it has anything to do with ancestoral diet or not, and that's why we stick with it. Not because we idolize cavemen.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been eating Paleo for exactly a year now. I will never go back to eating "normal".


I started it because of extreme Fibromyalgia pain and all of the other issues associated with Fibro. After 5 years of trying to treat it naturally, my pain was getting worse. I was on some sort of narcotic pain killer for about 3 years. I had been nut free all of my life, Gluten free for almost 3 years, Dairy and soy free for 2 years, egg free for 1 year and yet my pain was getting worse. In order to eat fully Paleo the only things I still had to eliminate were rice, potato, corn, and beans. Once I started the diet my Fibro pain reduced significantly. Day 2 of the diet was the last time I took narcotics :). Now the only time my pain flares up is when I cheat on the diet, I dont get enough sleep, or the weather significantly changes.


I went from having 3 or 4 good days a month to having only 3 or 4 bad days a month. In the first 3 months I lost 15 lbs. After that it has been a steady 2-3 lbs a month. So far it totals 25lbs. I am actually skinnier now than I was when I first got married almost 12 years ago. I have more energy to do things with my 7 and 5 yo kids. I finally feel like I have my life back. I can now make plans for the future and not worry about having to cancel at the last minute.

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We started eating primal early in 2011 and DH and I felt better than we have in all the years of our marriage. Due to financial problems, we slacked off and are just now starting to get back into primal food mode. I'm actually looking forward to it.

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Day 2 of the diet was the last time I took narcotics :). Now the only time my pain flares up is when I cheat on the diet, I dont get enough sleep, or the weather significantly changes.


I went from having 3 or 4 good days a month to having only 3 or 4 bad days a month.



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