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Facebook invite to baby shower of mom I don't know well

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Last year we were invited to a wedding of a young woman who used to be in our homeschooling group, well over ten years ago, maybe closer to fifteen, when our kids were all young. We never see these people anymore and did not go to the wedding.


Now her brother's wife (we know the brother and his wife...have known the wife's family for many years and are still friends with them and see them all the time) is hosting a baby shower for her sil, and my daughters and I have been invited via Facebook. I did not even know this young lady was having a baby.


I don't understand Facebook invitations for something like this. I'm not highly offended; I just don't get it. I don't understand why we were invited either, but oh well.


Am I just being old-fashioned and behind the times? Is it that hard to send out invitations? I admit I'm not an etiquette expert.

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I think it is simply a sign of the times. I ignore or reply that I won't be attending events several times a week. I get invitations from people we do business with, people who want to do business with us, people I have never heard of, people my husband knows but I do not, people who are running for one office or another in my town, people who sell multilevel marketing items, etc. I think the trick is to decide not to take it personally that you are receiving such and IMPERSONAL invitation and understand that the sender won't take it personally that you are ignoring it.:D

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It might be that it is set to automatically invite all friends on their page. They may or may not have known that?:confused:


I would just decline. I think it might be pretty common on FB.


No, it wasn't all of her FB friends. She has quite a few friends, and about 30 people were invited to the baby shower.

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I think they are fine for casual get togethers. But for something more formal, such as a wedding or baby shower, it's a little tacky. I would think it would be fine for a 'save the date' type announcement, then paper invites later.


Yes, tacky. That's what I was thinking, too, but then wondered if it were my advancing golden years. :tongue_smilie:

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I had this experience lately. A paper invite came closer to the date in one case and in the other the folks were younger(early twenty's and a weeding no less) and they really did do most things via FB and email. I would just hit not going.

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Well, maybe I'm tacky, but my baby "sprinkle" invite went out via email/facebook. It wasn't just a facebook event though, my friend used punchbowl.com...one of those online invitation websites. So it has full color, cute stuff, etc. I liked the idea because 1. I don't have everyone's most recent physical address but do have their email addresses, 2. it allows people to RSVP very easily, 3. it allows them to click on a map and get directions right from the invitation (none of these people have been to the place before, and some are coming from out of town), and 4. it makes it easy to send out updates or changes if need be.


I had used this site for my daughter's 2nd birthday and it worked fabulously. The easier it is for people to RSVP the easier it is to plan.

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Well, I think I will at least push the "decline" button to let them know, but I was wondering what people thought about Facebook invitations like this.


This is what i was going to suggest. Some charities I work with send out function invitations by Evite or facebook. To answer your question, yes, you may be somewhat behind times if you expect U.S. mailed invitations for showers. ALL the shower invitations I've received for last few years have been through Evite. We do still receive U.S. mailed graduation announcements and invitations to weddings.

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The last two times I've received paper invitations, a one of my kids lost it or peed on it. I'd much rather receive Facebook invites to events, because they don't get lost! Honestly, one of the reasons we don't have parties is because I don't want to send paper invites. 95% of my communications are text or Facebook (I even schedule doctor appointments online!) so why would I spend the time and money on paper when all the RSVP's and questions about gifts will come through my email or Facebook account?

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I'm still getting paper invites for weddings, but e-vites for everything else. As long as it's worded nicely, and the gift registry isn't attached, I don't think the form the invitation takes is impolite or tacky. It's more practical, efficient, and generates less waste. It also makes it easier to contact the hostess to RSVP or ask for registry information. I appreciate the convenience and the fact that I don't have to keep track of another piece of paper.

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