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Morning Routine - WWYD?


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In the past, I have tried (and failed!) to do all of *my* chores and wants before the kids wake up - i.e. devotions, exercise, etc. Cleaning just basically hasn't gotten done. I always fail b/c I hate getting up in the morning and I oversleep and am simply just not in the mood in the morning.


So, this year, I was going to try and give myself a bit of a break. (Which everyone always tells me to do anyway. :tongue_smilie:) I was going to use the quiet hour (6-7am) in the morning for only coffee and devotions. Really have relaxing mornings. Once the kids are up, we have an hour and a half (7-8:30) to prepare before I want to start school. My kids are getting old enough that I think I can put a bowl of breakfast on the table right at 7am and then set them loose with breakfast and their morning chores. So, in the hour and a half (let's call it an hour) I am thinking I want to either a) exercise or b) do a daily cleaning. I don't have time to do both. If I exercise, I will have my daily morning exercise, but the cleaning will most likely wait until Saturday and then if I flake on Saturday it doesn't get done. (Hmmm...sounds familiar...) If I do chores, then my exercise will get squished in at another time of day, or not at all. (FWIW, exercise is a high priority to me, but not necessarily something I love to do, and as the day gets later, the likelihood of me actually doing it diminishes.)


So, wwyd? Would you (do you?) exercise in the morning or clean? Do some people do both? I'm curious at what times people both exercise and do cleaning in their day. My kids have quite a bit of chores, but this is beyond what they are required to do.


Sorry this got long winded, lol!

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my kids work better at chores if i'm doing chores at the same time. so i reboot laundry and dishes while they do their morning chores. if there is time left, i tidy or clean something, or check if they need my help with something. then, we all go outside and they have outdoor time. i walk the dog, they feed chickens, etc and then play. that is the morning exercise. i try to do an hour about 4pm each day of exercise while they have free time, but that hasn't worked so well since they started dancing more.




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I assume you have other daily commitments besides homeschooling, because school time, at the ages of your two, certainly need not take the rest of your day. Is there not another creative way you can look at your schedule. Perhaps an hour of quiet/creative alone time to play/read/nap/relax after lunch for the children when you can exercise.


I found my day always went SO much better if we cleaned the house first.


I think you should have that 'me' time in the morning for coffee and devotions, especially if you are not a morning person. It'll help you ease into the day and be ready for the kids when they get up.


When my kids were that age, I structured my day similarly. I had my 'devotion/quiet hour' and time for a shower, then the kids had their breakfast/play/ease into the day, too until 8.15 or so. Then they would pick up their room ready for a 'room inspection' at 8.30. In this 1.5hrs I would begin on the cleaning, but not at a frantic pace. Put a load of washing on, sweep/vacuum the floors, unpack the dishwasher, re-pack it, tidy kitchen, tidy school area and get it ready for the day.


Chores were from 8.30-9am. Their chores would only take 20 mins or so, but 30 mins gave some leeway. In this time I would be winding down from housework & easing in to school mode!


At 9am we would start school with a little snack/drink that would signal start of school. We would work through without a break till 12, then there was always quiet hour after lunch. I would use this time to relax myself, but you could use it for exercise.


Afternoons were always low key - playing (inside or out), drawing, painting, reading, music practice for the kids, a few more chores, and starting on dinner for me.


Could you perhaps schedule a family exercise time where you include your kids in walking/biking in the mid/late afternoon, and then you all get some outside time (very important, I think), and some exercise, even if it's not strenuous exercise?


Before daddy came home we would have a 15 minute 'helping' time, where we would set the timer, and run around picking up & tidying up so the house felt nice & tidy for the evening, too.



Hope this helps somewhat..

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I have quiet "me" time before kids get up (dressed, ready for day, sit and be still time). We do chores all together in the morning. Exercising takes place at lunchtime when we walk all together (in nice weather) or in the evening when dh can take over and I don't need to worry about interruptions. I really enjoy exercising in the evening as it gives me some alone time and a much needed break.

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Since I don't exercise, I don't have a solution for that. :D


But as far as housework, I do that on Friday--all the laundry, all the dusting, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, everything. During the week, chores are just upkeep--keeping the kitchen clean, making beds, keeping personal items and school stuff picked up daily. That leaves weekends free of actual cleaning, we all have clean underwear for church, and I don't have to rush into laundry on Monday. :)

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I have quiet "me" time before kids get up (dressed, ready for day, sit and be still time). We do chores all together in the morning. Exercising takes place at lunchtime when we walk all together (in nice weather) or in the evening when dh can take over and I don't need to worry about interruptions. I really enjoy exercising in the evening as it gives me some alone time and a much needed break.


This really was how I wanted to do it. I am just worried it won't get done at night....

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This really was how I wanted to do it. I am just worried it won't get done at night....
I had to train not only myself but my family as well in order to get my exercise time in. After dinner I help tidy the kitchen (15-20 minutes) then tell everyone I'm done and force myself to leave the room. Everyone knows that unless it is blood/flood/fire they are not to come to me with questions or issues - that's what dh is there for. ;) I get one hour to exercise and shower without interruption...it's great!
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I had to train not only myself but my family as well in order to get my exercise time in. After dinner I help tidy the kitchen (15-20 minutes) then tell everyone I'm done and force myself to leave the room. Everyone knows that unless it is blood/flood/fire they are not to come to me with questions or issues - that's what dh is there for. ;) I get one hour to exercise and shower without interruption...it's great!


I am going to do this tonight - wish me luck! I already warned dh when he left for work this morning. :)

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When my kids were young, I did most of my cleaning in the evenings or on weekends. They went to bed by 9pm and I didn't go to bed until 11pm. It was easy to clean up the main living area and prepare for my next school day. I did heavy cleaning on the weekend. I am not a morning person either, and if forced to wake up as early as you, I would be irritable all day long. Egads! :tongue_smilie:


Oh, and I've never exercised regularly so I haven't had to worry about fitting that into my schedule. I try now, but my kids are teens which is a world of difference. But still, I would never exercise before lunch. I'd feel zonked the rest of the day. It doesn't energize me the way it does for some people.

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I assume you have other daily commitments besides homeschooling, because school time, at the ages of your two, certainly need not take the rest of your day. Is there not another creative way you can look at your schedule. Perhaps an hour of quiet/creative alone time to play/read/nap/relax after lunch for the children when you can exercise.


I found my day always went SO much better if we cleaned the house first.


I think you should have that 'me' time in the morning for coffee and devotions, especially if you are not a morning person. It'll help you ease into the day and be ready for the kids when they get up.


When my kids were that age, I structured my day similarly. I had my 'devotion/quiet hour' and time for a shower, then the kids had their breakfast/play/ease into the day, too until 8.15 or so. Then they would pick up their room ready for a 'room inspection' at 8.30. In this 1.5hrs I would begin on the cleaning, but not at a frantic pace. Put a load of washing on, sweep/vacuum the floors, unpack the dishwasher, re-pack it, tidy kitchen, tidy school area and get it ready for the day.


Chores were from 8.30-9am. Their chores would only take 20 mins or so, but 30 mins gave some leeway. In this time I would be winding down from housework & easing in to school mode!


At 9am we would start school with a little snack/drink that would signal start of school. We would work through without a break till 12, then there was always quiet hour after lunch. I would use this time to relax myself, but you could use it for exercise.


Afternoons were always low key - playing (inside or out), drawing, painting, reading, music practice for the kids, a few more chores, and starting on dinner for me.


Could you perhaps schedule a family exercise time where you include your kids in walking/biking in the mid/late afternoon, and then you all get some outside time (very important, I think), and some exercise, even if it's not strenuous exercise?


Before daddy came home we would have a 15 minute 'helping' time, where we would set the timer, and run around picking up & tidying up so the house felt nice & tidy for the evening, too.



Hope this helps somewhat..

That is similar to our mornings as I'm too lazy to write out details. I love my morning time.


Things go much better in the am as well when I make sure we do clean up in the evenings, that is done as a family though. I do not stay up past the kids. My time in the am is enough for us to keep up on cleaning tasks with little bits of upkeep done in the am, lunch and evening.


We do family activity and exercise, we like to hike, bike, etc together.

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you say you don't like to get up 8early8 but you're up at 6am? For me, early is before 9am.


Goodness, those were my thoughts, too. You are so far ahead of me!


We also do evening clean up, lay out breakfast dishes and clothes, and generally get ready for the next day at night. But, I'm not a morning person, and we do this by necessity.


I also exercise in the evenings, either when DH arrives upstairs from his office, or after evening clean up. By that time of day, I desperately want at least 20 minutes of my own thoughts, and that's how I get it.

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