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Rainbow Resource catalog showed up today.

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I'm wondering why they sent me one. I didn't request it. What a waste of paper it is. I may have fun looking through it later, but I'm really more of an Internet shopper.


:iagree: What a waste of paper!


I haven't ordered from them in years.


Straight to the recycling bin it goes.

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Well, I am definitely feeling the YAY FOR THE CATALOG!!


I'm brewing a cup of coffee right now and getting ready to set my feet up and browse, browse, browse. It's like window shopping for clothes, even if you don't plan on buying anything, it's fun to look and see what it out there and popular :)

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I didn't request one, I don't even remember ordering from them last year, but I guess I must have? At first I thought we were getting a new phone book. Now...I don't even know where to start. I have a renewed appreciation for looking at things online.

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Well, I am definitely feeling the YAY FOR THE CATALOG!!


I'm brewing a cup of coffee right now and getting ready to set my feet up and browse, browse, browse. It's like window shopping for clothes, even if you don't plan on buying anything, it's fun to look and see what it out there and popular :)


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


I've been homeschooling for years and years, and I still look forward to the new catalogs from RR & SL & others. I especially love the RR catalog because it's so HUGE!

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I consider RR catalouge to be a reference book, that I get to recycle each year the new one shows up. :D


The RR catalog has come in handy over the years as I am searching for something that fits our needs, but I don't really know what it is yet, KWIM? I just go to the topic (vocabulary, math supplements, etc.) and start browsing!


I only order a few odds and ends from them each year, but they usually have the best prices, often even better than Amazon!


BTW, when you place an order online, there is a box to check whether or not you want to receive the paper catalog. Watch for that, and you can avoid receiving it next year if you'd really rather not have one.

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Well, I am definitely feeling the YAY FOR THE CATALOG!!


I'm brewing a cup of coffee right now and getting ready to set my feet up and browse, browse, browse. It's like window shopping for clothes, even if you don't plan on buying anything, it's fun to look and see what it out there and popular :)


[Fairfarmhand sprints to the mailbox to see if hers is here]




I LOVE looking through that thing.



:iagree::iagree:I got mine today too! I'm really excited. lol

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I'm wondering why they sent me one. I didn't request it. What a waste of paper it is. I may have fun looking through it later, but I'm really more of an Internet shopper.


They sent an email a few weeks ago saying you could opt out of the catalog and/or receive it on .pdf if you'd rather. It costs them a lot of money to send it too, so if you don't want it, let them know so they can keep making them for the rest of us!


As for me, I just ran out to the mailbox to look for it, but it hasn't come yet. :glare: I love that catalog. I usually spend several days reading and highlighting and getting more ideas for the coming year.

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Mine showed up today -- I am thrilled. i use the print catalogue differently from the website (browsing vs searching) & always find new & useful things in the print version.


I give my old RR catalogues to friends and watch their amazed expressions when they see the size of it.

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They sent an email a few weeks ago saying you could opt out of the catalog and/or receive it on .pdf if you'd rather. It costs them a lot of money to send it too, so if you don't want it, let them know so they can keep making them for the rest of us!


I don't think they sent me that e-mail and I've never checked the box to receive the catalog. I get other e-mails from RR. Maybe this e-mail came from a different e-mail address and was sent to my spam folder.

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I buy a big chunk of our materials from RR every year, but their catalog is too overwhelming for me so I stopped requesting it. I can, however, see how it might be helpful if you're browsing for something new. They can have so many subcategories on the website menus that I've sometimes missed things I had no idea they carried.


Now, the VP catalogs . . . I adore. :001_wub: That's the one I can curl up with while sipping tea. I even keep the old ones.

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Every year DH considers not bringing it in and just throwing it the recycle bin. He knows my face is going to be stuck in the book for the next couple of weeks!


I prefer to browse through a catalog then trying to navigate a website.

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Mine showed up yesterday and I am :party: I just LOVE looking through that sucka. Doesn't matter if I'm planning to buy anything, need anything or not. It's like a serious cook feels walking into a gourmet food store.

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I am jealous of those of you that received one without requesting one simply because they will not send a Catalogue to Canada unless you place and order in which case they will include it in the order for free but not for free since the shipping is so high and you pay duty. I love the catalogue, and flipping through a few pages while enjoying a nice cup of coffee is fabulous, but it is a pain to have to order something to get a catalogue to help me decide what to order :glare:

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I am jealous of those of you that received one without requesting one simply because they will not send a Catalogue to Canada unless you place and order in which case they will include it in the order for free but not for free since the shipping is so high and you pay duty. I love the catalogue, and flipping through a few pages while enjoying a nice cup of coffee is fabulous, but it is a pain to have to order something to get a catalogue to help me decide what to order :glare:




:iagree: but for Australia. I've been constantly browsing last years catalogue I received when I made an order. That thing is addictive and makes me want to buy so. much. stuff.


So very jealous of the hivers who get it in their letterbox :)

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So very jealous of the hivers who get it in their letterbox :)


Well mine hasn't made it in the letterbox for years--as it's size prohibits it from fitting! Instead it is dumped in the flowerbed under the box!


Mine still hasn't shown up! I would love to take a gander through it. I remember I use to be able to read it in the bathtub---now it is way too big!

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How fun! I really enjoyed reading through it last year and marking things up.


Sadly, I kind of promised dh I wouldn't buy any more curriculum for awhile... :tongue_smilie:


Maybe I will plan a January order (just put in an order through RR for the fall actually). Dd is going to need new math books around the middle of the school year anyway. :D

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I've had mine for 2 days now. I had to leave the science section because there was way too much stuff I wanted. I prefer the catalog to their website actually. For some reason I do not like navigating their website, it just doesn't work well for me when I am looking for a general something, I can only use it when I know exactly what I want.

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