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Please keep my daughter in your thoughts...

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My oldest daughter takes risperdol. Over the past few months we have gradually upped the dosage. Our last dosage seemed to bring on some new (bad) behaviors but they settled down. Our psychiatrist upped it again last week and it's brought out more issues. She is currently running a fever and is wetting the bed several times during the night and day. She feels hot and is sweating.


Our psychiatrist has cut her doses in half and is concerned she may be having a reaction. We're not giving any more medication today. He said if her fever went higher, the sweating became worse or she started flailing or stiffening, that we needed to take her to the nearest (large) city's psychiatric center/ER.


She cannot talk so we are watching her closely.


She is doing fine right now. We are giving baths every few hours and the other girls are feeding her ice cream in bed. She's happy and content, but I just worry about her. :)


I would appreciate any thoughts and/or prayers for her to continue to do well and NOT get worse.

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Is this the ONLY thing she is on? I worked for the company that makes risperdal for 10 years, I know the drug well...and hate to see it abused...not saying it is, but there are key things to consider when upping the dose, especially if there are any other prescriptions being taken. I am very happy to hear the doctor halved the dose, but anytime there is that big an adjustment in dose, the patient needs to be monitored closely...keep her hydrated and pay close attention to her symtpoms (NMS and Tardive Dyskinesia are rare but can happen)...sending prayers!

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:grouphug: Of course I will.


Here are the symptoms you are to be on the look out for:




Thank you for the link. :) When I asked what specifically we were talking about, they seemed reluctant to tell me. The nurse just said that I should take dd immediately if she became worse and they would know what the problem would be and to contact their office.


She developed seratonin syndrome two years ago while taking risperdol and prozac (we stopped the prozac and lowered the risperdol). It was a different psychiatrist but they also didn't want to mention the name until dd was out of danger.


She seems to be better today. Her fever is still a bit up (99.1), but that's much better than the 99.8 (they had told me to take her in if it went over 100, so I was chewing my nails). She's not as hot as she was. I can always tell if she has a fever because her back gets hot. It's having periods of being cool and periods of being hot this morning, but again, that's better than the past several days.


Emotionally, she is happy and content, just not very active. Thanks again.

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Is this the ONLY thing she is on? I worked for the company that makes risperdal for 10 years, I know the drug well...and hate to see it abused...not saying it is, but there are key things to consider when upping the dose, especially if there are any other prescriptions being taken. I am very happy to hear the doctor halved the dose, but anytime there is that big an adjustment in dose, the patient needs to be monitored closely...keep her hydrated and pay close attention to her symtpoms (NMS and Tardive Dyskinesia are rare but can happen)...sending prayers!


I'm not 'abusing' risperdol in any way. :) I am very concerned about reactions, especially since she cannot talk. We see our psychiatrist regularly (even though it's not covered by insurance) and he has steadily upped the dosage over the past few months. He specializes in working with kids with autism who are severely affected and non-verbal. I feel comfortable with his advice. Risperdol is a great drug for my daughter (though I have several friends whose kids could not take it).


The last time my daughter had a reaction, they drastically and dramatically cut her dose at the time. My understanding is that this is done, knowing that problems may occur by such a rapid decrease, but they are less harmful than the problems that may be caused if she continues.


And no, she's on no other drugs at the moment. She is using two different types of ointment (one for her eyes and one for eczema). She also takes an over the counter multi-vitamin and an over the counter Vitamin D supplement. I make sure that all of our doctors know everything she takes. (And they double-checked yesterday when I called).

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