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What are your 4th grade plans....

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For 4th grade we are using:


History/Geography: Sonlight Core E (part 2 of Intro to U.S. Hist), MCP Maps, Chart and Graphs

Science: Real Science 4 Kids (chemistry and physics), TOPS Electricity and Magnatism, Apologia Land Animals

Latin: Latin For Children B

Writing: IEW SWI A

Handwriting: A Reason For Handwriting D

Grammar/Vocabulary: Easy Grammar 5, Wordly Wise 3000 4

Spelling: Spelling Power

Reading: Sonlight Readers for Core E

Bible: God's Great Covenant

Music: CLE Music books 2 and 3 (started late on them) plus possibly trombone lessons

Art: Life Pac Learn to Draw books 1 and 2

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm actually creeping out of forum hiatus because I'm planning 4th for dd.


Math: Life of Fred, we'lbe picking up with Farmers, and hopefully finish elementary and start in the spring on Fractions.

Writing: Classical Writing Aesop:A. We got off to a slow start with it last year, so I hope to finish and maybe get to B in the spring, but probably just A.

Spelling: Workout (started last spring) B and C

Reading: accelerated reading for tracking free reading (thru enrichment program)

Geography: finish 50 states study, then do an in-depth unit on our home state.

Latin: Lively Latin

Science: a workbook that develops understanding of the scientific method, plus enrichment classes

Art: sewing and other handicrafts, plus enrichment classes

Penmanship: continue cursive, maybe learn some calligraphy

Heathen Studies: finish illustrating First Book of the Gods, virtue study

Music, PE: enrichment program band and PE.

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History/Geography: Sonlight Core B&C (shared with younger sister)

Science: Sonlight Science C and Magic School Bus

Spanish: Salsa Spanish (We're just starting so I wanted something free and easy)

Writing: ?? I don't know yet.

Handwriting: Handwriting without tears

Grammar/Vocabulary: Grammar Ace/Wordly Wise 3000 4

Spelling: AAS

Reading: Sonlight 4-5 Readers

Math: Teaching Textbooks 4

Music: Private piano lessons and Youth Worship Team at church

Art:ARTistic Pursuits 4-6

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We start on calendar years, so for Jan 2013, I'm hoping dd will be doing the following:


History/ Lit/ Writing Practice: CHOLL, Middle Ages, logic stage

Grammar/ Vocab: MCT Town Level

Writing: Flip the Deck

Spelling: SWO E, HTTS

Math: MM3B, Beast Academy 3B, living math books

Latin: Lively Latin 1

Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser 3 then 4

Science: ??? We tend to combo science and history with her brother. Not sure what this will mean for next January. I'd like to start Mr. Q Life Science in the fall, so we might be half way through by January. I have BFSU, but I might opt to continue with Intellego for now.

Logic: ???

PE: ballet and either judo or fencing

And tons of read alouds. :)

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Bible: Probably listening to Golden Children's Bible with younger siblings, maybe Kay Arthur studies for kids

History/Geography: Ancient History - using CC's timeline cards and Usborne as a spine.

Science: Using CC Science Memory Work as our spine, and RS4K Biology and possibly RS4K geology in the spring.

Math: CLE 300

Writing: IEW Ancients Based Writing with CC

Handwriting: HWOT Cursive

Grammar: Essentials (CC)

Spelling: Spelling Workout

Reading: Ancients list - mostly from TOG

Music: piano lessons, theory, etc. (plus CC)

Art: Artelier Art if we get to it (plus CC)

Extras: piano lessons and chess

P.E.: Still working on


I don't know if OP is still looking for 4th grade grammar, but if we weren't doing Essentials, I would use FLL 4 in a heart beat. For writing I would probably do IEW's All Things Fun and Fascinating or Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales.

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Here are our 4th grade plans so far.....we always add a little to it throughout the year!


Math: Saxon 5/4 with saxon teacher

Grammar: Growing With Grammar 4

Writing: Essentials in Writing 4/WWE3/EM Daily Parag. Editing

Cursive: Handwriting Without Tears 4

Spelling: All About Spelling 3-4/K12 Spelling List w/ Spelling City

Vocabulary: Spectrum 4 (She wanted this workbook)

Literature: SL Core D books, Little House Series, and 3-4 lit. guides

Science: McGraw Hill Text Grade 4 as a guide 2days wk. with lots of library books, notebooking/labs, discovery education videos

History/S.S.: Sonlight Core D 3days a week, Our State Study 1x week, and Studies Weekly....notebooking all of it

Geography: Map, Globes, Graphs Book D

Using our Timeline Wall

Health/PE: Health Studies Weekly, 2 seasons of soccer, PE at home

Rosetta Stone Spanish & Salsa Spanish

Logic Countdown

Art in the Basement w/Dad

Tuesday Tea & Poetry

Typing Instructor & some computer projects

Piano lessons w/sister, Guitar w/Mom


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Math: Math Mammoth 4A & 4B

Singapore Challenging Word Problems 3

Science: Real Science 4 Kids Biology, Physics, Astronomy

History: K12 Human Odyssey

Language Arts: Sentence Island, Grammar, Practice and Paragraph Town

Caesar's English 1

IEW Ancient History Based Writing

+ Dance, sports, violin and piano.

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I may have already posted to this thread but I'm sure it's all changed.


Math: Teaching Textbooks - May use Beast Academy as well I need to evaluate her for that.

Spelling: Reviewing the Spelling Connections lists and will start Spelling Wisdom

Grammar: Grammarland and Kiss

Lit/Vocab/Handwriting (copywork): Using a selection of books chosen by the two of us

Writing: Write with the Best

Science: Water Wonders (Free curr from state - it's awesome), Aquarium Classes, Jr. Scientist Class (they love science) and Nature Study

Art: The Greatest Artists possibly mixed with techniques

Music: Classics for Kids

Geography/History: Roadtrip and various books as well as a Daily Geography curr.

Poetry: Weekly maybe as a Tea Time (great idea!)

Bible: Virtue Study

Handicrafts: Sewing, Hydroponic gardening, Fishing, Cooking, Wood working (going to work a lot of this in to our daily life)

Outside Classes: Jr Scientists (as mentioned above), Computer Programming

PE: Possibly Tae Kwon Do and of course playing outside and swimming in our pool

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Ds10 just finished up 4th. We had a great year and I wouldn't change anything that we did. We got great results and ds had a great time.*


Math: Math Mammoth

LA: MCT Town, Check the Deck Writing then WWW5 (made it to wk10)

Science: Singapore MPH 5/6 (did 5...finishing up 6 this year)

History: Intellego Unit Studies, Usborne Linked World History (spine)

Foreign Languages: GSWS and GSWL



(He also read a lot of books and participated in community service and sports)


*Can I also add that he CONSUMED (with impressive retention!!) the following iPad Apps: Stack the States, Stack the Countries, Presidents vs. Aliens, Dragonbox (alebra-ish app game)



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Bible: Reading through the Gospels and Little Pilgrims Progress

Math: SM 3B, 4A (xtramath for drills)

LA: McGuffey's 3rd Reader, DGP 3/4, Dictation, WWEish writing projects

Literature: various titles recommended by VP, HOD, etc.

Memorization: various Scripture passages and poetry

Science: BFSU and interest-led

History: CHOW and A Little History of the World (audio)

Art: Mike Venezia's titles (study), Home Art Studio (instruction)

Keyboarding: TypingWeb

PE: Tae Kwon Do, summer soccer, farm animals and tree chopping :tongue_smilie:


This is our first year thinking outside of the "boxed curriculum" box. We have Preparing Hearts (HOD) and will use the History schedule, but not sure what else.

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Here's what I have planned at this point in time, though I'm sure I'll continue to obsess, tweak, change, modify, revise, revisit, doubt, delete some, add others in..... :tongue_smilie:



The Holy Bible

History and LA-Hod CtC, extension package

Reading-Progeny Press study guides

Science-Apologia Zoo 3 is almost done, then on to Botany

Math-TT 7

Spelling-AAS 5

Handwriting-HWT cursive

Art-Draw Squad

Spanish-Teach them Spanish, 3 and 4

Music-Piano lessons


30 min. independent reading daily

Book List:

The Viking Quest Series

3 or 4 of the Black Stallion series

Sing Down the Moon

Trouble on Cabin Creek

Where the Red Fern Grows

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Black Beauty

and of course whatever else we throw in along the way

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Our fourth grade plans:


-SOTW/MOH combo for history

-Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space

-Learning Language Arts through Literature, the orange book (this covers vocab, reading, grammar, spelling, composition, etc)

-Math-U-See delta

-A Complete Guide to Drawing and Illustration

-a free keyboarding program I found online (don't remember the name now)

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My 4th grader will be doing:


religion: Faith & Life Lessons (online)

math: Teaching Textbooks 4

reading: Sonlight reader package 3 & 4

spelling: All About Spelling

HW: A Reason For Handwriting

LA: Voyages In English 4

US History: Maestro series "The American Story"

World History: Connecting With History Volume II

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Vocab: One Word A Day

Music: Classical Kids CDs

Science: Selections from Sonlight & book sales

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DD9 will be doing:


Math: CLE 400/500, Life of Fred (cycling through Elementary again), Scholastic downloads for fun (Menu Math-type things), RightStart card games, Math Rider


Language Arts: Intermediate Language Lessons, English From the Roots Up, Writing Tales, narration, Easy Grammar, copywork, All About Spelling, poetry


Science: Apologia Zoology 2 and 3, Creek Edge Press Life Science task cards (intrest-led), Nature study


Geography/Cultural Studies: My own blend pulled from Expedition Earth, Exploring Countries and Cultures, and Journey into Africa (with younger siblings), individual country reports, and narration from living books read about each country


Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Scripture memory work


Art & Music: Artist study, Mark Kistler drawing, Composer study, piano, Hymn study


Latin: Prima Latina, Song School Latin (with younger siblings)

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Bumping up, as I'm about to fall asleep. Tomorrow I plan on answering with our 4th Year plan.


Ha, tomorrow never came.


Here are our fourth grade plans for next fall:


English/Grammar: Galore Park English (independent work)

Intermediate Language Lessons, a.k.a. ILL (main text, first half)

The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation (reference, for use in copywork and dictation)


Math: Math Mammoth 3B and 4A


Spelling: Natural Speller lists using Spelling City and copywork, CM spelling through studied dictation


Literature read-alouds: Classics and good books, using narration and Critical Conditioning


Reading: Living books, using narration


Natural Science: BFSU 2 (Elementary Science Education), living books to narrate from, and Nature Study once a week


Geography: Beginning cartography using Science Smart. Other resources include Peoples of the World, Children's Atlas, globe, and Usborne Science Encyclopedia. Also maps used in history. Three living books on the areas we're studying (in this case Early Modern Europe).


Spanish: The Easy Spanish Junior (K-3) and Muzzy with little sister, Rosetta Stone LatAm Spanish independently, Spanish for Children with me


Poetry: Through ILL. Copy, recite, vocabulary, plot, meaning, author bio. Read from Family Poems daily.


Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3 (with little sister)


Composer Study: Haydn, Vivaldi, and Chopin, using living books and music collections for each


ETA: Okay, how did I forget History? :lol:


History: History Odyssey Volume 1: Early Modern


Writing: Sentence Composing for Elementary (Killgallon)


Logic: Mindbenders, and still trying to determine which Tin Man Press book

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English: MCT Island, WWE 3, Classical House of Learning Literature

Math: Math Mammoth

Latin: Lively Latin

Geography: World Geography

Science: Nature Study

History: Egyptians and whatever else strikes her fancy

Art: various projects, some art history and art appreciation

Music: Violin

PE: Swimming, Tennis

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I am still making some decisions but have some things chosen. I have to make sure of my budget DH has given me. So far my ds will be using the following for 4th grade:


Religion- Telling God's Story

Science- Abeka + what I use to go deeper

History- SOTW1 with Activity book (this may change or add to)

Math- Horizons 4

English- R&S4

Writing- WWW4

Spelling-Spelling Workout E

Handwriting- Cursive con't not sure of book yet


Literature- read alouds probably MP + others

Logic- Tin Man Press books

Typing-program we started last year, can't remember the name

Art- Discovering Great Artist


I have been struggling with our LA and I think I am ok now.;)

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Still working on a few things, but the general plan is:


Math: Math Mammoth 4B, 5A, add LOF Fractions at some point.


English: Hake Grammar and Writing 4 (or 5, haven't seen 4 yet), Igniting Your Writing, Imitation in Writing - Aesop's Fables & Fairy Tales, Sadlier-Oxford Vocab Workshop Orange (4)


Working on a book list. Will do a couple traditional book reports and one Memoria Press guide, and will join in with some Shakespeare and poetry fun with siblings.


History: SOTW 2, Famous Men of the Middle Ages


Science: Mr. Q Earth Science, Ck12 Earth Science for Middle School

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The only things I know for sure are:



Latin: GSWL

Math: Gamma/Delta

Grammar: FLL 3

Writing: WWE 3

(only because I purchased both this spring and I don't want them to go to waste. we're working through them now.)

Spelling: SWO D

Handwriting: New American Cursive 3

Science: ES Physics (2 days per week)


We're still trying to figure out history/geography, reading lists, art, and music.

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Well, I've changed most of mine around, LOL!!


Math: We're going to be using Math Mammoth as our base. I really like the idea of Singapore, but MM just seems more streamlined, especially since I think he'll go through it fairly quickly. So we're doing MM 4A, 4B, & 5A... we'll just see how far we get. For supplements, LOF G-I, plus Fractions and Decimals & Percents. I have CWP 3 as well as Zaccaro PGCM and Challenge Math.


LA: All of MCT Town, plus WWE and a few ideas from Bravewriter. I'm simplifying a bit here. We might throw in some random worksheets on diagramming, usage and mechanics, etc, plus we'll have literature assignments.


Science: I have both 3rd and 4th grade Abeka Health to go through... we fell down on that last year! I was going to do Mr. Q and still might, but DS really wanted the 4th grade Abeka science text... he just likes reading about multiple topics. He also reads a lot of Basher books!! We're mostly going to just read and discuss science this year, maybe have him do a writing assignment here and there.


History: American History designed by me, based in Core Knowledge selections, Guerber's Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic, the Maestro American Story series, and good historical fiction, with some other resources thrown in.


We're going to start French, probably with Mango, and go from there.... I've told him he can explore other languages and he may end up choosing something different in the end. He's taking an outside art class the entire fall semester, he'll do programming and typing a couple times a week, and PE will consist of swimming lessons, golf lessons/league, and basketball league, all off and on throughout the year. We'll also do Bible reading, and responsibility and character lessons.

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We've done some revising.


Math: Fred, enrichment program

Latin: Lively Latin

Writing: CW Aesop A

Grammar: Simply Grammar

Spelling: Spelling Workout B

Geography: 50 state study followed by home state study

Art: sewing, enrichment program

Heathen Studies: Finish Book of the Gods, virtue study

Literature: Shakespeare

Science: workbook, enrichment program

Music, PE, history: Enrichment program

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Language Arts

Grammar- Harvey’s Elementary Grammar with Mott’s Workbooks

Spelling- Webster’s 1824 Speller from Don Potter’s site

Composition- Spectrum Writing

Figurative Language- Figuratively Speaking

Literature- various, mostly tied to geography studies



Drill- Kumon

Exploration- AOPS Intro to Counting and Probability

Textbook- Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2



some standards based study and memory work

Sciencesaurus Grade 4-5

Science Daybook 5

Memoria Press Science Grade 4 Insects


Social Studies

World Geography- WP CATW w/ our own literature selections



Your First 100 Words in Persian

Leila's Persian Alphabet Adventure


Religious Studies and Mythology

(wks 1-9) Selections from The Children’s Bible in 365 Stories by Mary Batchelor

(wks 10-12) Selections from d’Aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths

(wks 13-17) Selections from d’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths

(wks 18-20) Selections from Tales from Africa

(wks 21-27) Clouds of Glory: Legends and Stories about Bible Times

(wks 28-36) Ramayana: Divine Loophole

(wks 28-36) Selections from The Little Book of Hindu Deities


Poet/ Composer/ Artist Studies

(1st quarter) Jane Yolen's Color Me a Rhyme, Count Me a Rhyme, Shape Me a Rhyme/ Ambleside's 2014-2015 TERM 1: Children's Classics/ Blue Rider artists w/ a focus on Franz Marc

(2nd quarter) Valerie Worth's All the Small Poems/ Handel/ Rembrandt

(3rd quarter) Wayne Visser's I Am An African (I am not sure about this poet, but, if he won't work for us, I will use Rumi.)/ Brahms/ Henri Rousseau

(4thquarter) Issa- Cool Melons- Turn to Frogs! and Basho- Grass Sandals/ Stravinsky/ Chagall


Ds will be continuing violin and he has his first mandolin lesson next week. We are considering the National Mythology Exam, Math Olympiad, and 4-H Shooting Sports.


Next year I will only have the the little man at home and I am finding it difficult to plan. It is just difficult to imagine the time stretched before us with just the two of us together every day!




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