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First day of Couch to 5k

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I have 50 lbs to lose. Today was my first day of Couch to 5k and I wanted to start running/jogging because my husband enjoys his runs in the mornings and thought it would be more motivation to run with him..


OMGosh, someone PLEASE tell me it gets easier?! I about died in the middle of the road it seemed. Not to mention we started down hill and had to return up hill AND we passed the trash truck twice.. the stench from the trash had me gagging......It was seriously all I could do to walk home. I think I only did 3/4 of the designated 60/90 routine for today :/

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It DOES get easier. Sometimes it will be hard, but you have to push push push yourself. You have to tell yourself "Keep going!!!" over and over in your head. You have to B-U-I-L-D stamina. It is a process. You will be so proud of yourself. Don't give up. Work harder than ever before. You CAN do this!

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It does get easier! I found all of c25k very challenging, but I just kept doing it, and persevered, and after a few runs, the progress you see in what you can do one week to the next is really motivating. Just wait 48 hours, and try again! When you complete the workout, then move to the next one, and so on. Some folks repeat each week twice to build more slowly.


22 mos ago I began c25k, huffing and puffing and swearing at the squirrels. Every workout was a massive challenge. Last month I ran my first marathon, last week I ran 40 miles, and today I ran 5 miles as a quick easy run while ds was in guitar lesson. I am not a natural runner, just very determined. You can do this. Really, you can. It is the best thing I've done for myself and my family in probably ever. I got all the kids and dh running too, as well as a few friends. Dh ran the marathon last month, too . . . Running with dh is so wonderful.


Congrats. Just keep going. It will be hard. That is totally ok. Just do it. No excuses.


Run, girl, RUN!

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maybe.....I found couch to 5K to be too ambitious for me. I was (probably still am :)) not in good enough shape for that particular program. But, I did use and had success with John Bingham's Penguin program.


Be aware of your body. You don't want an injury that will set you back.

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You can do it! Just take as many weeks at each level as you need. When people start cardio exercise, it takes a while for the body to adjust and increase its efficiency. My doctor said to expect the first 3-4 weeks of an exercise program to be hard and then your body will adjust and it will all get much easier.

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yes, it will get easier and more enjoyable!


A great book for encouragement and motivation is

Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running: The Best Advice to Get Started, Stay Motivated, Lose Weight, Run Injury-Free, Be Safe, and Train for Any Distance by Dagny Scott Barios




It helped me when I started running a couple years ago. I started off running one minute/walking 2. It about killed me! After a couple wks. though it did get easier. I have kept a running journal (routes, how I did, how I felt after) since I started. I like to see how far I have come since then. I LOVE running now.

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If the 60/90 doesn't work for you, there are two other options:


Couch to 5K Conservative Program


or, you can do what I do. I can walk the 5K with no problems. So, I try to do a little better on my time each time by running when I can. Right now I run on the downhills (the ROLLING hills of central NC will kill you!)


My goal 5K is the first weekend in November, so I have some time. Good luck!

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It does get easier. I forced myself into running back in 1994. It was not fun. I remember feeling discouraged and hopeless. I was out of breath and my legs felt like they were just not made for such a sport. I eventually got to where I could easily run 3 miles (which is almost a 5K). I have never really tried to run much more than 5 miles at a time and 3 is my average distance. Set small goals and increase the goals as you gain endurance. If the couch to 5K does not work for you then go at your own pace. Take a watch a run for a set amount of time then walk for a set amount of time. Gradually increase the running and decrease the walking. You will get there. As far as the hills and the stinky trash truck are concerned, the only advice I have is a treadmill :tongue_smilie:


Way to go, by the way!

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If the 60/90 doesn't work for you, there are two other options:


Couch to 5K Conservative Program


or, you can do what I do. I can walk the 5K with no problems. So, I try to do a little better on my time each time by running when I can. Right now I run on the downhills (the ROLLING hills of central NC will kill you!)


My goal 5K is the first weekend in November, so I have some time. Good luck!


Ugh...the rolling hills. Yes, they just kill me. I live close to you (a few towns over) and I can not get used to the steady inclines that seem to last forever. Declines hurt my knees, so it is kind of a no win. I have resorted to the treadmill. I miss the days of outdoor running.


Good luck in November.

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We live close to two running stores. The both have "learn to run" classes that build you up to a certain level - and one of those places is free.


So do you have a nearby "running room" or "runners choice".


Being with a group is nice since you can usually find somehow close to your ability to run with.

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I'm pretty sure that makes you a rock star! Yes, it gets easier, but not if you don't DO it, and that's what you did!!! You are fantastic and you actually had a fantastic first day!


:iagree::iagree: I do not need to lose any weight but it would be very, very hard for me to do what you did today. I've been saying I want to do a C25K for about a year. You've moved on it before me. You're awesome! :)

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Not to take away from you 5K, but I did something a little different and it worked for me.


I committed to walking 1 hour a 6 days a week. (Sundays rest)

for 1 month.


The 2nd month- I added in a run around the track (in addition to walking to the track) still totalling an hour.


The 3rd month-I was naturally able to do 3x around the track running along with my 1 hour walk.


The 4th month now-I'm doing 4 x around the track w/walking still. Still walking the rest at a faster pace.


So, each month I added in 1 additional track run. It's really working.


I printed off a calender sheet and put it on my fridge and check it off each time I come in from my walk. and write notes on how I did that day.

Also, you can eventually add in hand weights when it starts to feel easier and you need a challenge.


If c-5K proves too hard, you might try it. I also started out with c-5K and found it difficult at first and tried this method. hang in there. IT Will work!

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I downloaded a free C25K app on my iphone. It allows you to play your own music and voice comes over the music and tells you when to walk and when to run. It was great. It keeps a calendar of each week and day and checks them off as you do it.


This thread is really motivating me. I have had IT band trouble in the past with walking and I hope I can avoid it this time going slow.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I downloaded a free C25K app on my iphone. It allows you to play your own music and voice comes over the music and tells you when to walk and when to run. It was great. It keeps a calendar of each week and day and checks them off as you do it.


This thread is really motivating me. I have had IT band trouble in the past with walking and I hope I can avoid it this time going slow.


God Bless,

Elise in NC


this is the kind of thing that makes me wish we owned an iphone :( I have my hubs run with me just to tell me when to stop and go because I am so "all in" that I can't keep track of time. I do good to breathe ha ha.

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this is the kind of thing that makes me wish we owned an iphone :( I have my hubs run with me just to tell me when to stop and go because I am so "all in" that I can't keep track of time. I do good to breathe ha ha.


do you have an ipod touch at all? it works on that too. I have had and really need to try doing it again. About a year ago I made it to week 4, but then "life happened" and I never got back into it.

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DD and I started C25K a few months ago. We made it through the first third - by the second third I handed her the phone (with the app on it) and told her if I passed out to call 911. She thought I was kidding, but I really thought I might die.


Fastforward a few weeks - we had new neighbors moving in a few houses down. Sweet little dd went and introduced herself to their dd and the parents. They are a super athletic family and somehow running came into the conversation. DD explained if they "ever saw me running it was time to call 911'! When I went to introduce myself the mom relayed this conversation - I almost died. Now the whole circle knows - If I'm running, call 911.

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:grouphug: yes, it gets easier. for sure. the fist time i went running a few years back, i couldn't even go a 1/4 mile, i was gasping for breath so badly that my throat hurt, my sides were aching with cramps, and my legs were itching like crazy! lol. i have since run several half marathons and am striving for a full one. hang in there. it will get better!

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Finished the entire time Day 2 without falling over in the road! Even had enough breath to stretch afterwards, ha ha



Yeah. You are doing great! I'm getting ready to head out and do the last day of Week 6, which is to run for 25 minutes. It will the longest I've ever run at a time. A little nervous but also excited. Don't feel bad if you repeat a few days because you're still out there running and doing it - I find the C25k program to be a bit aggresive so I took it slow.

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Yeah. You are doing great! I'm getting ready to head out and do the last day of Week 6, which is to run for 25 minutes. It will the longest I've ever run at a time. A little nervous but also excited. Don't feel bad if you repeat a few days because you're still out there running and doing it - I find the C25k program to be a bit aggresive so I took it slow.


awesome. I am nervous about when it gets aggressive but it does seem to start out slow the first three weeks atleast, ha ha! Good luck with your run!

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Thanks to everyone who posted above...I started the Couch to 5K today!! The selling point for me was the app that was mentioned above. It was GREAT!! I could have my podcast or music playing and then at the right moment there would be a voice telling me to run or to start walking!! This is finally something I might be able to stick with.

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this is the kind of thing that makes me wish we owned an iphone :( I have my hubs run with me just to tell me when to stop and go because I am so "all in" that I can't keep track of time. I do good to breathe ha ha.


My friend talked me into doing this and I was all in. However, it seemed like she was having an easier time training, and I was pretty certain it was b/c she had a smartphone with the app. I found, on Amazon, an MP3 from Personal Running Trainer that I bought to play on my cheapo ($25) MP3 player. It's not technically the Couch 2 5K program, but it's similar. They have 4 Weeks to a Mile, 8 Weeks to a 5K, 8 Weeks to a 10K, and 10 Weeks to a Half Marathon.

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Thanks to everyone who posted above...I started the Couch to 5K today!! The selling point for me was the app that was mentioned above. It was GREAT!! I could have my podcast or music playing and then at the right moment there would be a voice telling me to run or to start walking!! This is finally something I might be able to stick with.


:thumbup1: Hope you enjoy it as much as I have. So far, DH is running with me and I really enjoy his company. If I didn't have him, I would need the app :)


I have done really well with my first week. I finished the third run yesterday and completed it all and made good time :) Did my ab video this morning! I have been doing something everyday, even if it wasn't a c25k scheduled day. Only day I skipped was Sunday. Trying to stick with my plan on myfitnesspal with calories, etc. and c25k...

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:thumbup1: Hope you enjoy it as much as I have. So far, DH is running with me and I really enjoy his company. If I didn't have him, I would need the app :)


I have done really well with my first week. I finished the third run yesterday and completed it all and made good time :) Did my ab video this morning! I have been doing something everyday, even if it wasn't a c25k scheduled day. Only day I skipped was Sunday. Trying to stick with my plan on myfitnesspal with calories, etc. and c25k...


Congratulations!!! My dh is doing the c25k as well, and I started my dc on it, too. It's a wonderful program. Keep on running, and keep updating. :001_smile:

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