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Feel like praying for a cat tonight?

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Hey y'all. I know the hive is full of animal lovers, so I'm coming her for prayers for our cat, Abby. We adopted Abby almost 2 years ago, and the shelter estimated that she was probably a year or 2 old at that time. She is a beautiful calico who is the absolute sweetest cat I've ever known. Apparently Abby had spent the first part of her life outside because no matter what we've tried, she HATES being forced to stay inside. She comes in to sleep sometimes and eat and then it's back outside. She is spayed, btw. Over the last two years, she's ended up in a couple of scuffles with the neighbor's cat, but she never had a real injury until now. Please no flames about her being in and out. It is what it is.


Last Sunday, the 20th, we noticed that a lot of the fur on her neck was missing and she had two puncture marks on her neck. I cleaned it up, and we watched it for a few days. On Wednesday afternoon of last week, I noticed that it was draining a little so I called the vet. It was too late to take her in that day, but they made an appointment for us first thing Thursday morning. I took her in, and the vet said it looked like she had an abscess way under the skin from the bite and that it had burst and was draining. So the vet cleaned it out, put topical medication on, and gave her an antibiotic shot that lasts 7-10 days (according to the vet). Every day up until yesterday, it looked better and better.


So this brings us to last night...please beware the next part is not for those with weak stomachs.








Last evening, Abby came up on the porch, and I noticed she had some bleeding on her neck. We were able to get a good look, and it looks like something has gotten a hook in one of those puncture marks and ripped a jagged opening about an inch long; I don't know if she got into another fight or if she got it caught on something. It is just through the skin, not through the muscle. I can see the muscle underneath (she has no fat there at all). The wound is clean, not bleeding, and it doesn't seem to bother her. She is eating, drinking, and playing as usual. She purred the whole time I cleaned it, put medication on it, and applied a dressing. Sweet girl! She slept inside last night, and this morning was meowing like crazy to go out. We have a really large and clean outdoor (rarely used) chicken pen so we put her in there with food and water for the day. This evening, we removed the dressing, and it already looks better, so I feel like we are doing the right thing considering she just had that antibiotic shot last week. I don't believe the vet would do anything else.


Side note: My mother is giving me a very hard time and making me feel like I'm neglecting her. If she stops eating or drinking or at the first sign of delayed healing or infection I would definitely take her in to the vet immediately! I have never been one to not get treatment for my animals. My mother...ugh.


Could you all please pray that Abby will heal up quickly? I know she's miserable having to stay confined, but otoh, maybe this will convince her that being inside isn't so bad. Of course, she hates other cats, and we have 3 more inside, so chances are slim she'll want to stay in, lol.



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I'm up for kitty prayers!


One of our strays came in with a wound that sounds a bit like Abby's. It was half dollar sized place where the skin was gone, but the icky thing was that the surrounding skin was all pulled away from the underlying muscle.

Like you could pull it up or back and look down into a skinned kitty.


We called the vet to find out how much antibiotics to give him and then gave him a shot ourselves. The wound stayed really clean and healed quickly. Not even a scar now. I'm afraid this makes him officially one of our cats. 8)


Our vet has given those long lasting antibiotic shots to our difficult cats before. Worked well. Just keep an eye on Abs and watch for infection, though I doubt she'll develop one with that shot.


Tell your mom if she wants to do more she can foot the bill for an office visit and the same advice I just gave.

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I'll pray for a quick healing. Can I ask you to do the same for our Lydia? She's 13 or 14 (a rescue we've had for about 11 years) and has thyroid issues, and a small UTI. She's on antibiotics and I think they are giving her diarr. I am hoping it's not the thyroid meds we just put her on. She has lost half her body weight over the last couple of years, and we (guilty gulp here) finally took her in to find she has hyperthyroidism--like, super-bad. Anyway, we are on the right track now, and prayers would help.

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I'll pray for a quick healing. Can I ask you to do the same for our Lydia? She's 13 or 14 (a rescue we've had for about 11 years) and has thyroid issues, and a small UTI. She's on antibiotics and I think they are giving her diarr. I am hoping it's not the thyroid meds we just put her on. She has lost half her body weight over the last couple of years, and we (guilty gulp here) finally took her in to find she has hyperthyroidism--like, super-bad. Anyway, we are on the right track now, and prayers would help.


Awww, poor Lydia...praying for her too!

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The only thing a vet could do is stitch it up if it needs it. But yes, the antibiotics last two weeks, by injection. She may need a follow up then. And no flames from me about the cat going out. I am firmly a believer in cats being indoors only, but I also once had an adopted stray that never adjusted to being indoors. He was miserable to the point of making himself physically ill, so I had to let him out. I hated it, but the alternative was to put him down. So I get it. Can you look into building an outdoor, fully fenced/enclosed area for your kitty? I've seen some nice ones, the best ones connect with a window of your house, so you can just open the window to let him/her out, and she stays safe.

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Thanks again. Abby is doing fine this morning. I do think this will heal up just fine on its own.


Katie, I'm sure the vet couldn't stitch it up. It's too jagged, and it's been too long since it happened.


Chris, keep us updated on Lydia please!

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Nakia, just wanted to let you know that I understand having a cat that HAS to go outside. One of our cats, Sagwa, hates our other cats, she has injured one that ended up needing emergency surgery and another that got a swollen and infected tail from her attack. When she is in the house, we have to keep her seperate from the other cats. And also, she cries, almost screams to go outside and she keeps it up constantly so we let her go outside most of the time. She does come in on her own every evening and she is very loving to the humans in the house. She has come in ever once in a while with a little cut or scratch, no far nothing serious and she is 10 years old . So I have no flames for you about having a kitty that must go outside and I hope your kitty gets well soon.


p.s. our vet told us that calico cats are the best hunters and very territorial.

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