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Is summer going to fast for anyone else?

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The Fourth is nearly here. It seems like summer should just be starting, but it is going so quickly! We have been busy and have had lots of fun. We have taken a week or two here and there off from schooling, but have accomplished what I planned. It just all seems to be passing by so quickly.


Today and tomorrow there are fun events for families at the Taste of Chicago that I plan to bring the children to. I have no plans yet for the Fourth. I think part of me is in denial that it is nearly here. I enjoy the carefree feeling of summer, and wish it could last longer.


Maybe I need to find ways to make the rest of the year more peaceful and carefree too.

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The Fourth is nearly here. It seems like summer should just be starting, but it is going so quickly! We have been busy and have had lots of fun. We have taken a week or two here and there off from schooling, but have accomplished what I planned. It just all seems to be passing by so quickly.


Today and tomorrow there are fun events for families at the Taste of Chicago that I plan to bring the children to. I have no plans yet for the Fourth. I think part of me is in denial that it is nearly here. I enjoy the carefree feeling of summer, and wish it could last longer.


Maybe I need to find ways to make the rest of the year more peaceful and carefree too.


Most definitely!

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Yep, I am feeling it fly by. Part of that is being really gung ho about schooling in the summer, so it feels like it's not really happening. But, I was supposed to find hiking and camping sites for us to visit as a family, and haven't really started with that, as the summer flies by.

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Taste of Chicago is so much fun! I used to do that and Summerfest in Milwaukee. Having a teeny bit of homesickness :)


Yes, we're in denial. Summer semester begins next week. Amazing how quickly June vanished. Next month is going to be crazy:


Exchange student attends camp in MN, then returns to Germany mid-month.

DD has summer camp in a week.

Family friends visit next week (with their new baby!!).

Soccer try-outs completed.

We have 2 weeks of school scheduled.

then...summer vacation! Think we'll head to mountains to cool down from Texas heat.

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The Fourth is nearly here. It seems like summer should just be starting, but it is going so quickly! We have been busy and have had lots of fun. We have taken a week or two here and there off from schooling, but have accomplished what I planned. It just all seems to be passing by so quickly.


Today and tomorrow there are fun events for families at the Taste of Chicago that I plan to bring the children to. I have no plans yet for the Fourth. I think part of me is in denial that it is nearly here. I enjoy the carefree feeling of summer, and wish it could last longer.


Maybe I need to find ways to make the rest of the year more peaceful and carefree too.


Mine is just starting today!! We left for 2 week vacation right after school was officially over, and so today is the first day of summer for us! Please don't say it is almost over. ;)

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We're schooling and working full time and haven't done anything summer-y since, well, last summer. All the talk here of people enjoying days by the pool and such have left me envious. I'm hoping we can do some fun outings in the days ahead. And we may be taking a longer trip toward fall, but that's still up in the air.

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I don't even really count June as summer... we're still doing school, I'm still busy at work...


July really starts summer for me. I just can't wait until the 23rd, when we head back east for vacation. A couple of weeks of pool lounging (sorry, Colleen) and I'll be feeling fine!

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It is racing by. I have been busy with work, dh traveling, and dd's softball schedule. But ds is working at summer camp for 5 more weeks and I miss him. When he comes home he will leave for college in 1 week.

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I was just musing about that today! This is our first year of taking off for June and July! I set aside June to do some work around the house and got so much done! July is set aside for school planning, and I've also managed to get some of that done!


But it's all going so fast. We start back to school 5 weeks from tomorrow, er, today!

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This is the first year we've taken the summer off (completely), and boy, I could get used to this! ;)


This is true for us as well. Normally I would be in full panic mode because we would be starting school Monday, but our virtual academy doesn't start until Aug. 13 so we still have WEEKS left!:)


This has been our busiest -- and laziest -- and happiest summer in a long, long time. I have one at church camp this week and one who went the first of June. One is going on a junior high campout in Tennessee next week. One learned to ride a two-wheeler and got a new, big bike. All participated in Youth Police Academy last week.


We actually are planning to spend a day with each child individually, take them to lunch and discuss goals and plans for the new year, get a new haircut/style, buy new sneakers and school supplies and socks/underwear or whatever. We've never had time to do that before school started in the past.


Did I mention we still have WEEKS before we start back? :hurray:

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Here, Here! The summer is flying by. I have planning I MUST do for the coming year, I'm supposed to do field trips once more and they MUST get done before school starts or I will barely get them done. Also, I've got areas of my house I really wanted to declutter some more. AHHHHHHHH!! And I wanted to start back early in August so that I can take more time off when I need to put my garden produce up.

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It seems like summer break just started and now it is almost halfway over. We have been very busy this summer and haven't had the typical lazy days that we usually have. We have only been able to go swimming once and my oldest dd and I don't get to sleep in at all. She is on the pom squad and has practice 8:30-11:00 and the practices are now 4 days a week. The whole month of June she also had driver's ed from 11-1. My other two kids had sports camp for the past few weeks so that was thrown into the mix too. Most days we have been out of the house by 8:15 and don't get home until amost 2:00. My ds also had baseball games 3 days a week so we were eating supper by 4:30 and were out of the house again by 5:00 or so, although I really miss those baseball games. I really wanted to save gas this summer but for the last two weeks I've been putting on 70 miles a day running back and forth. We had overnight guests for the past few days so that was crazy too. We have another busy week and then are going away for a long weekend the following week.


I'm really hoping that after that we can have some "popsicle days". That's what we call those days where the kids constantly come running inside for popsicles or cool drinks and spent all day outside. I really miss those days when my kids were younger and they would play in the splash pool or sandbox or play with bubbles and chalk. My kids still like playing outside but it's just not the same now that they are 10, 13 and almost 16.

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My girls are taking their good 'ol time finishing up their work from this past school year! I want a summer vacation!! But unless they finish soon, it will be time to start the new year. :tongue_smilie:Mommy needs a break. I haven't had time to plan or to deep clean the house. Plus, we really haven't had any time to take the little ones on any trips; zoo, farm, etc. And we were going to surprise the big ones with a trip to Cedar Point.


I really can't believe it's July already. Seems like the older I get, the faster it flies by! :auto:


Oh, and Phred, I know that there is no logical basis to back that up! :lol:

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