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My kindle hates me

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My first kindle lasted just under 2 years before dying. No way to fix it and I never took out the extended warranty.


I buy a second one (with extended warranty), its about 6 months old and the same problem again.


I think I'm jinxed. :confused:


They are sending me out a new one while I mail back the old one. Not happy at all. I wished I had bought an iPad instead.


Anyone else have kindle issues or am I just special?

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What exactly happened to yours? Did they just die?


Mine has some issues. When I have it set to sort by categories (or whatever it's called) it will show my categories, but not the uncategorized books under them. Which is kind of a pain. Sometimes it will fix itself for a day, but then it freaks out again.

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Mine is right at 2 years old. It has been diagnosed officially as dead. It is frozen. completely and totally frozen. They have ever so generously offered to allow me to purchase a new one for only $89...I would prefer more. I haven't done it yet. I'm not a happy camper and am considering just not. Real books don't freeze. It will prove to be an expensive purchase if they only last 2 years.

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I've had mine going on 2 1/2 years now - I think it was the second generation. Its frozen on me one time and I had to do a hard reboot. That fixed it and no problems since - except that I need to winnow out some books. I'm more than halfway to full.

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Mine is right at 2 years old. It has been diagnosed officially as dead. It is frozen. completely and totally frozen. They have ever so generously offered to allow me to purchase a new one for only $89...I would prefer more. I haven't done it yet. I'm not a happy camper and am considering just not. Real books don't freeze. It will prove to be an expensive purchase if they only last 2 years.


If I look at just the free books I've gotten, my kindle has paid for itself multiple times over. I have approx 250 free books - even if I was able to get them used for $1 it's paid for itself more than twice.


Of course, my book buying binges when I'm reading a series throw that number off a little bit. Dh itemized our spending on our checking acct. with amazon in a catagory of its own. It was shocking how much I managed to spend that month. Haven't done it again though.

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If I look at just the free books I've gotten, my kindle has paid for itself multiple times over. I have approx 250 free books - even if I was able to get them used for $1 it's paid for itself more than twice.


Of course, my book buying binges when I'm reading a series throw that number off a little bit. Dh itemized our spending on our checking acct. with amazon in a catagory of its own. It was shocking how much I managed to spend that month. Haven't done it again though.




and yes i was surprised how much i was spending too. i have cut back. I need to read the books I have on there before buying more.

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What exactly happened to yours? Did they just die?


Mine has some issues. When I have it set to sort by categories (or whatever it's called) it will show my categories, but not the uncategorized books under them. Which is kind of a pain. Sometimes it will fix itself for a day, but then it freaks out again.


The screen is totally frozen. It looks almost like shattered glass (but its not shattered). Rebooting didn't work at all.


The customer service guy didn't even have me attempt to do any fix to it. He automatically said he would send me a new one. Apparently this must be a common (semi-common) problem with them.


If the new one dies I am finished with kindles for good.

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Mine did that... right after I dropped it. Luckily it was barely within my 2 year extended warranty period. Are you sure someone at the house wasn't messing with it or accidentally sat/stepped on it? Do you carry it in your purse where it could get squished without realizing it?

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My dh has an original kindle keyboard with international 3G that I bought from a member on these boards I think it was 3 maybe 4 years ago now and we've never had any issues. My oldest 2 kids and I have what is now the kindle keyboard that we got about 2 years ago and other than the initial issues with the non-lighted amazon covers shorting them out (which amazon replaced with lighted ones and a $50 credit per kindle as well as a refund of the original cover costs) we've had no problems at all.


Sorry to hear you've had so much trouble with yours.

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Mine is right at 2 years old. It has been diagnosed officially as dead. It is frozen. completely and totally frozen. They have ever so generously offered to allow me to purchase a new one for only $89...I would prefer more. I haven't done it yet. I'm not a happy camper and am considering just not. Real books don't freeze. It will prove to be an expensive purchase if they only last 2 years.


I bought a $79 Kindle and I figure if it lasts a year that I've got my money's worth. Of course I'd prefer it last longer. But even my laptops only last 3 years.

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The screen is totally frozen. It looks almost like shattered glass (but its not shattered). Rebooting didn't work at all.


The customer service guy didn't even have me attempt to do any fix to it. He automatically said he would send me a new one. Apparently this must be a common (semi-common) problem with them.


If the new one dies I am finished with kindles for good.


My dd's Kindle Keyboard just did this last week. The customer service person was the same, except hers is ~18 months old and out of warranty. They offered to sell her another one for $65, but on close questioning that would be a refurb.


I'm so sick about this. This daughter saved her gift money and chore money for a really long time to buy it and she was very careful and tender in her use of it. She was just sitting there reading when it happened.

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If I look at just the free books I've gotten, my kindle has paid for itself multiple times over. I have approx 250 free books - even if I was able to get them used for $1 it's paid for itself more than twice.


Of course, my book buying binges when I'm reading a series throw that number off a little bit. Dh itemized our spending on our checking acct. with amazon in a catagory of its own. It was shocking how much I managed to spend that month. Haven't done it again though.


:iagree: I love my Kindle.


That being said my original one was okay, but did have some freezing issues. It did finally die due to it just freezing and nothing working. My replacement worked fine until my 3 year old stepped on it (oops) all in less then 15 months (oopsie). On the other hand I have yet to have an issue with the $65 replacement one and it has been a few months now, no freezing issues or any other issues with it.

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Are you by chance using the unlighted cover sold by Amazon? The one that plugs into the side of the Kindle with metal hooks, similar to the lighted one but no light. It was discontinued because it was shorting out the Kindles. Frustratingly, none of the service reps had a clue. I had a Kindle replaced before I figured out what the problem was. My dad had the same issue and went through two.

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My kindle with keyboard was going nuts-- resenting itself constantly. I could never read it. I would turn it on, read a few pages, then boom reset for 40 minutes. I was also charging almost daily. I had almost 2000 books sorted by category. Very compulsive--i know. But it was over a years work. Lots of classics.


Dh found out what was happening and reset it to factory settings. I was in such a panic! It deletes everything. It is a hard reset. All of my books are there but archieved. I can still access them. I no longer have my lovely sort. My kindle is fast again. Rarely needs charging. It is great.

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I discovered I was using the wrong adapter for my kindle when I ran into a problem. I was using my phone charger (which fit and charged it) for the Kindle and it wasn't working quite as spiffy as when I used the authentic Kindle cord.


Might be something to look into.

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I had my Kindle for 13 months when it froze. My daughter was sitting on the couch next to me reading on it when it froze. I called and talked to customer service and they told me they'd give me a "deal" and replace it for $69. I can buy a new Kindle for $79. My husband called and spoke with someone else the next day and the rep he spoke with replaced it free of charge. I won't be buying another Kindle if this one messes up too.

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Funny you should mention this today. I bought a refurbished Kindle Fire at the end of March. I'd been noticing the charger was warmer than I thought it should be but yesterday it was definitely too warm and last night I started having problems with it. I called this morning and they talked me through resetting it which cleared the loading problem but when I checked it on the charger it was heating up again. I'm going to at least need the charger replaced.

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Oh, AND when I googled the problem, there are wafts of people whose screens freeze in just the same way. Seems to break down into two groups of people:


Under warranty: Amazon reps don't even try to fix it, since they know if you do a hard reboot and it doesn't work, there's no fixing it. They just send you a replacement and return postage for your broken one. Customer happy.


Out of warranty: See above, but instead of replacing it, they make the $65/$68 offer for a "new" one. If you think to question closely, you'll realize that although they carefully word it, this will be a $65 refurb. Customer not so happy.

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Oh, AND when I googled the problem, there are wafts of people whose screens freeze in just the same way. Seems to break down into two groups of people:


Under warranty: Amazon reps don't even try to fix it, since they know if you do a hard reboot and it doesn't work, there's no fixing it. They just send you a replacement and return postage for your broken one. Customer happy.


Out of warranty: See above, but instead of replacing it, they make the $65/$68 offer for a "new" one. If you think to question closely, you'll realize that although they carefully word it, this will be a $65 refurb. Customer not so happy.


Is the new one the same model you had before or the cheapest?


I would not mind a refrub and am not sure why people are unhappy with that?

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Is the new one the same model you had before or the cheapest?


I would not mind a refrub and am not sure why people are unhappy with that?

I've read that a refurb might actually be better than new since it's bugs have been worked out.


I've had my Kindle keyboard for about a year and a half. It does occasionally reboot itself, but less now than it used to. I was also having a problem with my collections disappearing, but that hasn't happened for months now. Perhaps it was fixed during an upgrade. I also have the non-lighted cover with metal hooks and have not had a problem with it thus far.


Does anyone know if there's a way to just buy a refurbished Kindle outright for that low price? We would like one or two more for the girl's schooling.

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