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If time and money were no option....


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If time and money were no option, what materials would you use for your children? Your goal would be to instill a love of learning and a depth of knowledge in key fields (math, science, language), rather than a superficial knowledge in a broad range of fields or test-readiness.



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I love questions like these! :tongue_smilie:


Math: Singapore with the Intensive Practice and CWP and/or Beast Academy and other books from The Art of Problem Solving

Grammar/Vocab/Poetry/some Composition: MCT for the elementary years. I have no idea what for middle and high school. I'm not there yet. Maybe MCT.

Composition: Writing with Ease, Writing with Skill, Writing with Style (once it's written)

I like to do my own thing for literature.

Spelling: All About Spelling

Science: Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (all levels) with a microscope and telescope and all the bells and whistles. Also some units from Ellen McHenry and Supercharged Science (You said money and time were no object...)

I have yet to find my dream curriculum for history. Maybe SOTW for elementary and The Human Odyssey for middle school.


I'm not sure if by "language" you meant English or Latin or another foreign language. I assume you meant English.

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I love Aurelia's list! :thumbup1:


I will also add personal tutors for Chinese and Spanish (who are great teachers, enthusiastic, etc.)


Moving Beyond the Page complete packages


College of William and Mary gifted curriculum


apprenticeships with local artists, crafters, scientists, etc.


travel around the world together (hey, money is no object, right?!)


bigger house with art studio all set up, writing station, chalkboard wall, tinker room with lots of tools and materials, swimming pool out back for P.E.


Also we would live next door to the library and in a neighborhood full of nice homeschoolers. The street is roped off from traffic so everyone can play freely.


Okay, I think I'm getting carried away... :tongue_smilie:

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MCT - everything!


Cornell University's ornithology program


Private French tutor


Science kits and specimens (rocks, minerals, etc) from Acorn Naturalists


apprenticeships with local artists, crafters, scientists, etc.


travel around the world together (hey, money is no object, right?!)


bigger house with art studio all set up, writing station, chalkboard wall, tinker room with lots of tools and materials, swimming pool out back for P.E.


Also we would live next door to the library and in a neighborhood full of nice homeschoolers. The street is roped off from traffic so everyone can play freely.

:lol: and :iagree:
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I love Aurelia's list! :thumbup1:


I will also add personal tutors for Chinese and Spanish (who are great teachers, enthusiastic, etc.)


Moving Beyond the Page complete packages


College of William and Mary gifted curriculum


apprenticeships with local artists, crafters, scientists, etc.


travel around the world together (hey, money is no object, right?!)


bigger house with art studio all set up, writing station, chalkboard wall, tinker room with lots of tools and materials, swimming pool out back for P.E.


Also we would live next door to the library and in a neighborhood full of nice homeschoolers. The street is roped off from traffic so everyone can play freely.


Okay, I think I'm getting carried away... :tongue_smilie:


Oooh, now you're talking!


Yes, private language tutors, a huge house with a roomy school room and enough room for a decked out science lab and a piano, and travel around the world. Private art and music lessons.


As far as curriculum goes, I'm pretty happy with what I'm using. I've chosen it because I like it and my girls like it and learn well with it, not for what it costs. I would buy even more book basket books though.

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I would buy every curriculum I could -just so I could see them! That is my biggest problem. Things sound good but may not be that way once I actually get them! Online samples are great, but it would be so much better seeing the whole thing.

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apprenticeships with local artists, crafters, scientists, etc.


travel around the world together (hey, money is no object, right?!)


bigger house with art studio all set up, writing station, chalkboard wall, tinker room with lots of tools and materials, swimming pool out back for P.E.


Also we would live next door to the library and in a neighborhood full of nice homeschoolers. The street is roped off from traffic so everyone can play freely.


Okay, I think I'm getting carried away... :tongue_smilie:


Yes! Yes! Yes! I would design my own house and have it built on very specific land of some kind (beach or country I'm not sure. Maybe on a beach in the country somwhere?? Does this exist LOL) that I choose. The house would have a huge library for all my books.


Books, Books, Books!


Travel, Travel, Travel! Anywhere we wanted so we could see whatever we want to see.


A housekeeper :D So I could spend more time teaching and playing with the kids.


Lots of different curriculum! I have so many I love! It would be a dream to not have to budget and save and use our tax return for curriculum. It would also be nice to NOT have to settle for something else besides what I want just because of money.


One can dream right? :drool:

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Everything from http://www.mindware.com! Private classes and tutors for foreign language. Field trips close to home and across the globe. All hands-on science and math kits. Private lessons or classes for music and art. Memberships to local museums, science centers, theaters, zoos, and anything else in driving distance. Oh, and Singapore Math :)

Edited by Wehomeschool
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Science kits- TONS of them! A different one every couple of weeks!

A piano and a tutor who would come to my house to instruct my dc in playing it.

A home art studio with great lighting and easels set up around to paint on.

A mini farm behind my house (that I don't have to worry about) with different animals for my dc to milk, gather eggs, observe life cycles, etc.

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I love these lists!


I'd go with tutors to come speak Spanish and Gaelic with dd a couple times a week.


Travel to visit places we study in history and see things we talk about in science.


I'd have dd do some classes through Johns Hopkins CTY. She qualifies but there's no way we can afford the classes they offer even though some looks really cool.


I wouldn't be worried about dd auditioning for a major conservatory's Pre-College program and putting it off for a couple years until I know what we are doing with, at least my oldest, in terms of college.


Oh! I would hire a chauffeur to drive us to all the kids' activities so I could sit and read in the car or knit or something else like that.

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Travel!! I would take my kids to more places to make it all real for them.

I would probably buy every math curriculum out there so I could really get a look at them. Math seems to be the only subject that I can't nail down for the kids so far. I would buy a new piano. Other than that, I really don't have much more I could ask for.

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Honestly if money were no option I would put them in a private school close to use. It is one of the best and at $18K per year it had better be. It would be a lot of foot work on my end in afterschooling I am sure because it is very rigorous.

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Love some of these ideas. First on the list would be a bigger house. One with a separate school room with science stations, art stations, easily cleanable floor, posters, chalkboards, whiteboards and books everywhere. Then a separate playroom so all the toys stay contained. And a room just for my books with a nice comfy chair.


Private tutors for languages and music. Those are my two weakest areas.


Lots and lots of science kits. I love science so probably wouldn't be able to resist buying just about every kit available.


Memberships to museums, zoos and frequent trips to NYC and Philly.


Travel to other parts of the country/world at least once a year.


Of course, I would also buy any curriculum that I wanted to try out or thought might help in any way.

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Music and Mandarin tutors


Foreign travel for history field trips


Other than that, I wouldnt change much, but I would buy expensive curricula I knew I wasn't going to fully use, but thought I might get *something* out of, like MCT.

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If time and money were no option, what materials would you use for your children? Your goal would be to instill a love of learning and a depth of knowledge in key fields (math, science, language), rather than a superficial knowledge in a broad range of fields or test-readiness.





At current age range?


A year abroad in Europe, pencils, and journals. Obviously, some great books. :D



If not that and TIME was no object?


We'd read. Just read, all day long while visiting places along the PNW coast 1-2 times a month.



I don't crave more money for school, but how I wish I had more time.

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A full-time housekeeper.

A professionally planned and maintained garden/orchard/mini-farm.

A huge library/schoolroom.

Memberships to every educational center in a 100-mile radius.

An indoor gymnasium/rec center.


Sigh. A girl can dream...

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