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What is something that *never* gets done?


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History here. Autumn isn't a history fan and I find it pushed to the side. We decided to just read from SOTW 2, since she doesn't enjoy crafts or the activities in the book, but it is still haphazardly done - sometimes the reading happens, sometimes it doesn't. We just prefer science and math.


Next year we're going textbook for history. Lol. All Ye Lands, to be specific. Assign it, do it, like it or not.


What is your *thing* that doesn't get done like it should?

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We do history. We do science experiments. We do history. Lit. narrations get done less than anything, but we do them orally.


The thing that never gets done is the mopping. I sweep and vacuum regularly, but getting out the mop does not happen often enough. (or ever :tongue_smilie:)

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Believe it or not math hasn't been getting done here with my tutoring students. I've been doing a bit better with my own self-education and have pretty much remediated my ability to divide again, after losing the ability after some severe seizures.


I started getting too fancy, and things stopped getting done. I wasn't listening to my own signature.

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Art and science experiments are the first things to get dropped when I am tired and/or overwhelmed. Other things that I think would be good, but that I didn't write on my schedule never get done at all. These include projects for Little Flowers, composer studies, and handcrafts.

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Guest l.sullivan
We do history. We do science experiments. We do history. Lit. narrations get done less than anything, but we do them orally.


The thing that never gets done is the mopping. I sweep and vacuum regularly, but getting out the mop does not happen often enough. (or ever :tongue_smilie:)


Exactly! I'm about to have to mop right now, except that my steam mop broke so that means cleaning with a bucket of soapy water on my hands and knees. This is when it stinks to have an entire house with wood floors! I let me kids help last time but after three of them had slipped on the wet floors I made them go away. :p

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What is your *thing* that doesn't get done like it should?


Music, which is really strange since I'm a musician (not a professional by any means. I just mean I play several instruments.) I don't know, I guess I think they will just pick it up by osmosis or something. :D


When I was a kid, I couldn't get enough of music. I loved learning about composers, musicals, music theory, etc. I constantly wanted to learn new instruments and play with new groups. My kids are 8 and almost 7 and have NO desire to learn anything musical. They couldn't care less about musicians or instruments. :confused: I haven't forced it because it is just so bizarre to me that they aren't begging for it LOL. Once, Em (littlest) decided she wanted to learn the guitar. She learned 2 chords and decided that she was done. She has now decided she might like to learn to play the our Morin khurr, which of course is the one of the two instruments we have that I can't play (and also happens to be waaay to big for her.) Ds has an incredible voice but is too shy to show it off due to other speech difficulties.


I don't know. Hopefully they know more than I realize, but I doubt it.

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Art and music history/appreciation hasn't gotten done much this year, but at least I have a plan for it next year, and it's in the schedule. Ditto with geography - just doing map work on the topic of history study is clearly not getting us where we need to be.


Art hands on? Never happens with me involved. Thank goodness Miss P is very crafty and loves to sew and draw and design and build stuff . . .


I really, really, wish I could get her to do piano, too, but when we tried it before the practicing became such a battle, we dropped it, and I have been unwilling to restart unless she will commit to practice regularly, which she is unwilling to do. I am unwilling to fight about it, so we are at an impasse.


But the number one thing that really, really, doesn't get done, that I really, really want to is PE!!! Or exercise of any type!!!! (so what else is new?)

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Music, which is really strange since I'm a musician (not a professional by any means. I just mean I play several instruments.) I don't know, I guess I think they will just pick it up by osmosis or something. :D


When I was a kid, I couldn't get enough of music. I loved learning about composers, musicals, music theory, etc. I constantly wanted to learn new instruments and play with new groups. My kids are 8 and almost 7 and have NO desire to learn anything musical. They couldn't care less about musicians or instruments. :confused: I haven't forced it because it is just so bizarre to me that they aren't begging for it LOL. Once, Em (littlest) decided she wanted to learn the guitar. She learned 2 chords and decided that she was done. She has now decided she might like to learn to play the our Morin khurr, which of course is the one of the two instruments we have that I can't play (and also happens to be waaay to big for her.) Ds has an incredible voice but is too shy to show it off due to other speech difficulties.


I don't know. Hopefully they know more than I realize, but I doubt it.


Ugh. Totally understand. I play the piano and sing. Here at home and each week at church. We had done lessons (outsourced) but we don't do lessons right now. I TRIED to give lessons myself and it doesn't get done. Actually, I had someone else teach the kids the past couple years and then decided we needed a break from music this past fall!! :lol: It's so hard to get other things done- and I felt so stressed trying to make them practice when they weren't enjoying it. I took lessons for at least 12 years! I DO want them to go back to piano but I'm so lost with when to do this, and if I made a mistake having them take a year off!! :tongue_smilie: I really felt in my heart to just STOP the lessons this year, and I suppose in the long run, it must have been for a good reason but I don't know exactly why yet.


My DH plays several instruments and at times the kids will pick up one of his harmonicas, the mandolin, or the ukelele and just play around. Osmosis, right? :D

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I remember a thread just like this from one year ago. By far the most common subjects that never got done were art, music, and science. After that thread, I made a decision that this year I was going to do art, music, and science on a consistent basis. I set my mind to get it done week by week. All in all, we have made a lot of progress this year (at least much better than last year), and I think it has greatly enriched our curriculum.

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Umm ... the cleaning, the cooking, the ironing :lol:


I like HS so I use it as an excuse not to clean -I'd rather teach something then do housework so I always manage to fit in all the subjects :lol:


Seriously though - it's easy to let art and music slide but I have a DD who is paasionate about Art and a 2yo DS who is passionate about music and I feel terribly guilty if I let those things slip because they love it so much so I try not to.


PE. is a big one. Just went out an bought a mini tramp to try and help on those days we can't get out :tongue_smilie:


Also just bought a book about gross motor skills that looks fun - of course I've had it for two weeks and just only managed to glance through it :lol: My DD is having issues with her gross motor skills so again the necessity of it will get me moving to do it.

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Music is not even on my radar--it doesn't get done so much that I don't even feel guilty about it.


Before this week, I also would have said "art," and that I didn't feel badly about that, either, but then my kids started requesting art. They do not whine and complain about school much, so when they request something, I try to accommodate when I can. So I bought several learn-to-draw books and a book on teaching art, Art is Fundamental. Then I stocked up on supplies and got to work. They love it. I've found that this time of year is a good time to start, as we are starting to finish other subjects and find ourselves with some time on our hands.


I've been shocked at how engaged my kids are in their art and drawing, and I am learning right along with them. Art is Fundamental was really a key find for me this year.



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Formal music. We do lots of exposure to music, and we do go to the symphony every few months, but I dropped the piano and recorder instruction early this school year and don't plan to resume it until the summer.


Art is very low-key since their outside art class ended. We have lots of materials, but I tend to let them do their own thing with those.


PE is finally getting done with structure -- we are spending one morning a week at the Y, and they spend half the time in the pool and the other half in the gym. I bring a book and read on those mornings, so it's a real win-win situation.

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Science experiments; my boys would love it if we would do more (or tbh, any). It just seems to take longer to set them up than to do it and then it's pretty much 50/50 if they work out or not.


We've done very little nature study this year but I'm hoping to fit that in now and continuing through summer since our formal science will be finished.

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