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WWYD? Dog sitting for grown dd

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Our oldest dd just emailed me that she has received a fellowship to attend a biological center in our state to do research for 2 weeks this summer and her dh is coming, too (cause he likes a free vacation). She said that they were hoping we could keep their 2 dogs during that time. :001_huh: We have no fence...they would be in the house all the time...we have a cat...we would be tied to the house all that time, too...I am old and set in my ways and I would rather run screaming naked through the Mall of America than have to dog sit...but I don't want to make her feel like we aren't welcoming and kind hearted, either. What to do...what to do. :confused:

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My folks did this for me several times and I was so very appreciative. Two weeks isn't that long. Now, two months would be a concern. If you are worried about the house perhaps they could be crated when you leave the house? I'd do it in a heartbeat myself.

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You could keep the dogs, but send them to dog daycare every day to get tired out from playing with other dogs. That could get pretty expensive, though. Here it would cost $30/day for 2 dogs, M-F. Alternatively, the dogs could go to daycare less frequently, especially if they are very active and get on your nerves.


Are the dogs crate-trained? Obedience trained? Well-behaved on a leash? Young or older? Active or sedentary? Do they eat furniture, rugs, carpet and drywall?


That you do not have a fenced-in yard is a big problem because the dogs will have to be walked no matter what. Do you have willing family members who will do that chore?


Do the dogs like to play? If so, someone will have to step up to the plate to do that every day or they will get into mischief. OTOH, maybe only terriers do that. :)


Does your cat have a place to go to get away from the dogs (a room, a tall cat tree)?

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Good thoughts. Dd18 will be on her Costa Rica trip at the same time. Oldest dd lives in AR and we just saw them both at Christmas...with 1 dog. Now they have 2. Their visit wasn't always a bed of roses, kwim! Let's just say that her dh doesn't come across as a humble guy...but that is another story! I know she is going to call this evening and we are going to have to sound all excited. :tongue_smilie: I certainly want to see her, but I guess I feel like they would just be coming to drop off the dogs. :glare:

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2 dogs is a lot of work. I had mine and watched a friends for a week. They were both good dogs and I would help those friends out again in a heartbeat, but 2 dogs is a lot. If you aren't into it I wouldn't. Maybe you could offer to keep one and that would cut down on boarding costs.

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Can the 14 and 12 year olds each be in charge of a dog?


IDK---I think it totally depends on the dogs. Age, obedience, exercise needs. If they have a new dog since Christmas, does that mean it's a puppy?


We have a boxer and a Maltese. The Maltese is cranky with kids, but would be easy for an adult to keep with no fence. Short trips outside are sufficient and then he stays on your lap. He stays in a crate when we are gone and his crate is easy to travel with. The boxer is nicer with kids, but needs romping room. Lack of a fence means several long exercise sessions each day. She also stays in a crate, but it is huge and not easy to travel with.


If you can keep one of the dogs, volunteer that.

Edited by snickelfritz
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as your children get older, they need you less and there is less you can do for them - especially after they marry.


I would encourage you to take this on as a burden of love - think about all the things you do for your younger children, and how you can't have back the years when your oldest was home, but you can still, once in a while, do the things for her that few others will love her enough to do. Like take two dogs for two weeks .... ugh.

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Since it is a "need" not a "want" (the dh doesn't have to go, he could stay with the dogs) I would probably offer to watch the dogs for 1 week but not 2. I just finished dog sitting one dog for three days and I was ready for her to leave. She was good but still a lot of extra work.


They could bring the dogs to you for a week then you could drop them off at a kennel for the second week with dd and her dh footing the bill (it is a responsibility of dog ownership).

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I would take them. But then again I'm a dog lover and they would be my grand-puppies. I can see why she's asking you to watch the instead of boarding. I'm going on a trip in May and to board my 2 dogs and a cat will cost me $66 a day and that's with my military discount.

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Hey, I know what you mean. Really though this is a fantastic opportunity for her and it is neat that her dh can go too. I would try to see if I could make it work. If you just can't do it is there a friend that could help out?


I currently have dd20's dog and cat while she is in school. It is not the same since they have always been here, but I really am not excited about having an active dog around to entertain. :001_smile:


While she was in Europe for five months I also babysat her pet rat. sooo cute. I actually got attached to the rat. :lol:

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I would tell her that I can not take care of the dogs. Period.

I consider this quite an imposition since it is not en emergency and do not think she can realistically expect you to board two dogs in a house that is not set up for it.

I might offer help paying for a dog sitter if they are struggling financially.

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I thank you all for your honest replies. It is interesting that the *yes* and *no* responses are almost evenly split...and that is the way I feel...torn. I've been thinking about sending her an email with something in it...haven't figured that out yet! I want to be the good mom, the supportive mom, and yet my Dh and girls are all so upset at the thought...we're not even sure if they are well trained. At Christmas I was doing a lot of dog duty with the dachshund, so cute but high maintanence, too. They brought a crate but never put him in it because it made him sad. :confused:Fancy harness, not good at his leash, and now we have the husky neighbor dog living in our yard because he loves us. I don't know what breed their new dog is. It is getting so complicated, but I don't want to let dd down. Sigh. :tongue_smilie:

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When my kids whine about my dad's odd book finds for them, I often tell them to thank him and we can do whatever we want with the mismatches (usually too young), but that we love grandpa and he does give us nice presents, too.


In your case, I'd think long and hard about whether your dd's less than humble husband will ever let you take the grandchildren if you wouldn't take the dogs now.


I'd also figure out what you are going to do with the dogs. Depending on your home you may just wish to close them into one part of this. I know this won't be easy but it can work, I actually lived almost 3 years with my large dog in the downstairs and my cat in the up stairs because my cat was old and hated, on principle, all dogs. See if you can do a similar thing. If they are both miniatures they don't need a huge amount of space. I also like the idea of doggy day care.


Gosh, I would also look at these sorts of dog exercise areas: http://www.petsmart.com/family/index.jsp?f=Taxonomy%2FPET%2F2767073&categoryId=3263937&lmdn=Gates+%26+Doors&f=Taxonomy%2FPET%2F3263937&fbc=1&fbn=Taxonomy%7CExercise+Pens&fbx=0


You'll need to find out the size of the other dog.

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