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Afternoon Fatigue

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Are you in your 40s by any chance?


There is quite a bit about this on the net. Some think it is adrenal fatigue. Some think it is glucose instability. Some think it is a sign of depression. Some think it is a thyroid malfunction


Personally, I think it is called being a mom and midlife.


But, I would encourage you to get a blood panel done and make sure it is not any of the things listed above. If all is well, take great vitamins, eat a great lunch, cut out white sugar, white flour, caffiene, snack about 2 hours after lunch, workout regularly, etc, etc, etc. And take comfort taht you are not alone

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I've always been this way, but I am also a pre-diabetic and middle-aged. I also tend to wake up with the sun in the summer, so sometimes I'm just plain tired.


I try to avoid carb-heavy lunches, and then around 3pm or so, close my eyes for 15-20 minutes to recharge.

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Well, I'll be 35 and due to a medication I have lab work done once a month. I know that so far my labs are good. I'm beginning to thinks it the med, but I have done fine with it for 6 months now.


I have a lot I could be doing but I just want to crash. I haven't felt like this in a long time and it is annoying.


I would take a nap but I don't exactly wake up from naps bright eyed and ready to go. It is stinky I tell ya!

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I get sleepy after lunch. Mornings are very busy with breakfast, school, errands and I try to exercise in the AM as well. I read to dds for awhile after lunch and then we all rest or read for an hour and a half. This recharges me to get through the rest of the day. Then between 3 and 4 I also try to eat a little snack with some protein in it.

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I do this too. You're right, it IS annoying! I feel tired a lot, even when I exercise. My labs are fine! I'd take a nap, but two things happen when I have the audacity to get enough rest: I get a bad headache and I can't get to sleep that night for hours! Even if the nap is only 20-30 minutes!


I try the brisk walk and water, which seems to be the only thing that works, for awhile anyway. I'd LOVE not to feel this way too!

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I think this is why so many cultures around the world have a "siesta" time... it could be any one of a number of things, but the sun does drain you.


Sometimes I really miss having everyone close up shop and go home for a big lunch and a nap before re-opening everything around 4 p.m.


What's that old saying, "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noon day sun?"


It's because it's hot! And in England, it isn't nearly as bad, so they have never had to have this kind of a schedule!

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Does anyone else feel like they are absolutely drained in the afternoons? I have zero energy by the time 3:00 gets here.


I'm right there with you! Sometimes a nap will help me as long as it's only 30 minutes. If I sleep longer than that, I'm done with. However, it is difficult to get my ASD/ADHD son to nap with me. He will lie down, but won't nap. I have to keep one eye open! :glare: I'm 41, but do take high doses of a preventative med for migraines that I think contributes to my fatigue.


I was like this in my 20's too though. So who knows? A nice strong espresso is always good!;)

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I'm right there with you! Sometimes a nap will help me as long as it's only 30 minutes. If I sleep longer than that, I'm done with. However, it is difficult to get my ASD/ADHD son to nap with me. He will lie down, but won't nap. I have to keep one eye open! :glare: I'm 41, but do take high doses of a preventative med for migraines that I think contributes to my fatigue.


I was like this in my 20's too though. So who knows? A nice strong espresso is always good!;)


I will usually have a cup of coffee in the afternoon. It helps somewhat, but there is no way I could lay down and close my eyes. That makes it worse.

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with the exception of cooking dinner, which takes my last bit of energy. Really, it starts around 1pm. During the school year, we do math first, then composition because ds needs guidance and I tend to fall asleep at our desk while doing afternoon work.

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I cut back on coffee and that helped, so does eating less carbs.



I see that you are not a napper, so I won't offer that suggestion again. Can you go for a walk, maybe you just need some good 'ole circulation. I'm sorry, that really must be frustrating.

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I was having the same problem. I am seeing a naturopath and did a hair analysis and an adrenal spit test. Came back that I am hypoglycemia, sluggish thyroid, adrenal fatigue, and a copper toxicity. I'm taking some supplements for these things and my energy levels have increased. Every time I went to the doctor, I would tell them my symptoms and they would do a thyroid test, but it always came back fine. I don't know why it didn't show in the blood tests, but it did in both of the other tests.

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I have this problem as well . I have hypothyroidism and probably am pre-diabetic . How about a double whammy there ? I would get things checked out physically . If nothing is going on like the ladies said , avoid high carb foods , and try a walk .

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I can not be anywhere near a seated position in the 3:00 ish hour.

I get blasts of exhaustion, waves almost. I do not nap, I am NOT a napper and I never will be. I am in my 40's now and oh well, part and parcel I guess. So, I make sure I am doing something upright. Laundry hanging, dishes, vacuuming, anything that get the blood flowing and I make sure I eat a small snack, yogurt of fruit to keep my blood sugar stable. I get my second wind and am good to go but Lord help me if I am reading or sitting or knitting, NO GOOD!

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You may also be experiencing low potassium. While in my 30's w/3 small dc I would just be falling asleep on my feet, even after coffee. I would drink cider vinegar w/honey or eat a banana and I felt so much better! BTW, 3pm has always been a "down" time for me. I remember in college falling asleep during "General Hospital."

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I'm so glad you wrote about this! Now I don't feel like it's just me. The other day, I was so tired I kept thinking "what is wrong with me, I should get checked out". But I have regular labs done also, and everything's fine. Personally, I think it's having someone ask "why" 50 times per day!:lol:

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